Apr 4, 2016, 3:02 AM

That article makes me very sad. It's reflective of my own experience in tabletop and at conventions (one of the reasons why once I got into MUSHing I didn't look back). I hope the author is my age, but I can believe the LEO's reactions as well, to be honest, though I kind of hoped that they'd gotten a little better too. I have seen the misogynistic hatred and rape threats directed at females with opinions on games or fandom first hand--when they were directed at one of my children. (She's no longer that interested in game design or writing, and part of me is full of rage over that, and another more guilty part is fucking relieved.)

I'm sure people reject that things are "that bad" and "oh it's just the bad apples". I've met a lot of great people male and female in the TT/Con world, but you know--the rotten apples are virulently rotten, and I don't think that they're taken as seriously as they should be (I'd like to hope this is changing). But in my experience this article isn't far off the mark.