Apr 20, 2016, 8:35 AM

@Lithium said in RL Anger:

When I hear the comment "Women Can't Drive" I don't automatically assume that applies to me, some women can't drive, in fact I know a few who have given up their licenses, willingly, because they were /that/ bad at it. Do I roll my eyes at the generalization? Sure I do, but it doesn't evoke a real emotional response out of me.

If /you/ (Random Male Gamer) don't do those things, then why would you feel defensive about comments that are not directed /at/ you, but at a larger problem as a whole?

Quite a lot of women would be offended by a comment "Women Can't Drive" (justifiably, IMHO). So I can understand a male gamer would be offended by someone saying "Men Gamers Treat Women Badly."

But umm... I didn't see anybody making a broad-sweeping generalization like that? Maybe I missed it. Saying that the industry/hobby has a widespread problem isn't the same as saying everyone does it.

@Thenomain - It's pretty easy to take the "I haven't seen it/It's not me" argument as implicit dismissal. Using an analogy again to the Black Lives Matter movement... if you're listening to someone complaining about prejudice they've experienced, and your response is "Well, I'm not a racist. Not all white people are racists. I haven't seen discrimination." All of those things may be true, but that's kind of a unsympathetic, dismissive and hurtful thing to say, don't you think?