Can people actually tell at a glance how old anyone is? I mean, obviously I can tell the difference between a child and elderly person, but 25-45 looks remarkably the same to me. Maybe I just know a lot of pact-with-the-devil well aging people or something. And usually people ping me for my mid-30s not a 40something. I think most of the grocery stores around here card anyone "35 and under", which I find hilarious. I'd have to card every adult that wasn't obviously elderly. Also find it weird that people think 30 is old. Most buddhist groups I've been to, as well as political organizations--I mean you are still in the Young/Young Adult category until you are 35.
Of course I also failed my meat judging class in college too. (Basically, where you look at a living steer or hog ass and say what you think the quality of meat will be). So maybe I'm just body-blind of distinguishing markers across multiple mammalian species or something, and most people CAN tell the difference between someone who is 34 and 42.