@TNP I might try this, actually. It's worth a shot. Thank you, TNP.
RL Anger
@TNP I might try this, actually. It's worth a shot. Thank you, TNP.
@VulgarKitten said:
@Roz How about to a person who will get super defensive at any hint of criticism?
Hey, you asked for a polite way to say it. You didn't ask for a way to say it that without making super defensive people defensive. There's nothing to be done about that.
My bad, should have been more specific.
@VulgarKitten said:
@Roz How about to a person who will get super defensive at any hint of criticism?
"Hey, would you mind not chewing gum with your mouth open?"
"Hey, why don't you mind your own business?
"Because your chewing is so bloody noisy, it is getting into my business. So, I am minding it."
"Well, I'm not going to stop."
"Fine. I'd continue this conversation, but you're being a total bitch."
Yes. Yes, that's exactly how that conversation with my mom would go.
More like:
"Hey mom? You're chewing gum with your mouth open again. Could you please stop? It kind of bugs me."
silent, angry treatment that only moms know how to do, for weeks
@VulgarKitten said:
silent, angry treatment that only moms know how to do, for weeks
My mother learned long ago that her cuntitude stopped working on me when I hit fourteen.
I still live with mine while I'm finishing school. It becomes much harder to ignore when you're a dependent again.
I hate feeling like I was incredibly obnoxious during RP, but I'm afraid to ask. Why do I always feel awful after I do something like socialize? Eesh.
And sometimes my family drives me nuts.
My pet peeve: working class "heroes". They're not acquainted with struggling to keep afloat in competitive markets and because the jobs they themselves work don't require a tie, all others must be part of some magical land of elves and free stuff, because there's no connection between graduating with a degree and accomplishing some modicum of success. Instead, someone should have recognized their true brilliance and rewarded them with stuff, because they're really oppressed, for serious and everything.
I work in a very, very competitive industry and coped with a lot of bullshit, mostly from the entitled, but for fuck's sake, I never celebrated someone losing their investment, no matter how badly they'd treated other people. It's because I'm still human inside, I guess, which is why I'm still struggling, versus "winning" at everything. I would also kill to keep a good, comfortable office chair, because the one I've got keeps getting stolen by some asshat with envy problems, requiring me to to drag it back from their childish hands.
@Anonymous said:
@spasticgoat I hope you don't mean to imply that the beneficiaries of inheritance and nepotism actually earned their high station...
I didn't imply it. What I said is very clear. You can read anything into it that you want, but it won't make you right or sane. You are also free to be as upset as you wish.
I have a coworker who is liberal with my chair. They "borrow" it whenever someone visits their office and "forget" to return it. If I could lock my office door, I would. -
It's waaaay less ANGER and more just "what," but: I have no idea who I'm supposed to be trying to date right now in my life.
I'm a couple years shy of thirty, I have a kid, and I'm just now really taking off in a career I like. I've got a lot of independent education but no papers to show for it. I'm well-traveled but not yet very financially secure. It's like I'm a little too behind in some ways and a little too ahead in others, too serious for the early-twenties crowd and not serious enough for ladies my age or older (though for some reason I'm totally cougar bait apparently?). I'm completely baffled and frustrated by it. It almost feels like I've got to meet someone with a very similar skeewompus life experience to relate to, which is insanely difficult because I'm not even 100% sure how I got here.
Maybe it's just that I need to give myself a few years to level out, or just keep striking out until something finally fits, but it's disheartening. Life is so goddamn weird.
@VulgarKitten said:
I still live with mine while I'm finishing school. It becomes much harder to ignore when you're a dependent again.
Then stop asking rhetorical questions. You've made it perfectly clear there's no way to actually accomplish the ends you desire. Nobody has a solution to the fact that your mother will be a shit about it if you in any way express that something she's doing is bothering you.
The answer is you shut your goddamn mouth yourself and put up with her annoying behavior because it's less of a pain in the ass than opening your mouth and having to deal with her being a petty bitch.
Things that completely piss me off: Random fatigue. Just out of the blue "No, go get sleep." that prevents me from effectively getting stuff done and makes things I normally enjoy difficult and a chore.
The last office I worked in I had to bring pillows to add to my chair. The cushion was gone but that wasn't the problem. Even the women in the office had at least 6 inches and 100 pounds on me. The men easily had a foot and who knows how much more weight. I'm not even that short! But all the chairs wouldn't lift anymore and I couldn't use my desk like a desk. I felt like a kid at the grown up table.
It didn't last long though. I had two conversations with the CPA and he was shocked at a lot of things I said and the money was fishy. So yeah. But still, wtf weird chair situation.
@spasticgoat said:
My pet peeve: working class "heroes".
I'm confused by this term. What do you consider a "working class hero"?
@Ganymede A champion of the downtrodden without the slightest clue of what life is like when someone's collar is a different color. The presumption being, someone who makes more money than they do is living an easygoing life and that they obviously didn't do anything special to arrive at that point.
I've always thought of a working class hero as someone that was born into the working class, but succeeded in rising into the leisure class. I never thought it connoted having no knowledge or appreciation of other classes.
@Ganymede said:
I've always thought of a working class hero as someone that was born into the working class, but succeeded in rising into the leisure class. I never thought it connoted having no knowledge or appreciation of other classes.
While I always equated the term with someone who was born into the working class and remained in the working class, but led a productive, engaging, and healthy life, typically with values that relate to supporting their community and the rights of their class.