@Catsmeow said in RL Anger:
You mean we aren't supposed to run to other people and have them fight 'our battles' [...]?
Humans are social creatures that create communities as long as that community protects "us". Humanity is wired to fear "them" for basic racial protection. Armed with this, religion, racism, nationalism, and as an extension jingoism make all the sense in the world. A community is much stronger than an individual, and much more likely to enforce their ("our") view.
So yes, we are absolutely supposed to run to other people and have them fight "our" battles, because we are stronger together against those who are wrong which is, of course, everyone else.
I am, of course, being a little sardonic. Though I see the power of communities for protection, moral guidance, and so forth, I also think that I'm sick of people not being able to be reasonable directly to one another, and after having the PC movement hammered into our brains and now that we are abandoning PC with the glee of stripping off our crazy-jackets and running naked into the world...
...er, I forgot where I was going with that. Oh, if we're going to abandon socially enforced niceties, then we are in the perfect place to engage in more personal interactions, a more one-on-one personal society.
Too much 'nog man. You know that's not how MU* communicate. 
Not enough 'nog; I am clearly still an optimist.