I've always been a bit puzzled over the orgasms some people seem to get when it comes to bacon. I like bacon but I don't LUV!!!111 bacon. I've always thought it was over rated and the whole bacon fad leaves me scratching my head. Bacon flavored lube was the epitome of how crazy some people are.
RL Anger
I've always been a bit puzzled over the orgasms some people seem to get when it comes to bacon. I like bacon but I don't LUV!!!111 bacon. I've always thought it was over rated and the whole bacon fad leaves me scratching my head. Bacon flavored lube was the epitome of how crazy some people are.
Yeah, I don't have that insane love for bacon either.
Bacon scented soap. Just why?
@Ganymede My family uses it to add crunch and flavor to things like... clam chowder. BUT, only if we cannot get our hands on salt pork for rashers. Because rashers are superior.
I love bacon. I absolutely love it. Bacon is the reason I only lasted 5 years as a vegetarian. Followed closely by a good rare, Chicago-styled steak.
Anyway, that said, I don't put it in everything. If you chop it up and mix it with things, you lose the baconness of the bacon (BLTs, baked potatoes, and potato soup are exceptions to this rule). Otherwise, I generally prefer to eat my bacon separate and use other things to flavor my food.
Count me as one of the people who just doesn't get this bacon infestation on the Innarwebtubes.
Bacon is tasty. It can be prepared in many delicious ways (my favourite being steamed over taro root after being mixed with cracked rice and spices). It can be used to accent many foods nicely too.
But, you know, so can A MILLION OTHER FUCKING FOODS! A million other fucking foods that don't get this idiotic infestation treatment.
@Bobotron said:
I blame hipsters.@Thisnameistaken
http://www.buzzfeed.com/emofly/wait-meat-sushi-is-just-mini-meatloaf#.ppDK9p8mXI don't understand how that is sushi. It's a bacon cheeseburger.
@Thisnameistaken said:
I don't understand how that is sushi. It's a bacon cheeseburger.
@Thisnameistaken said:
@Bobotron said:
I blame hipsters.@Thisnameistaken
http://www.buzzfeed.com/emofly/wait-meat-sushi-is-just-mini-meatloaf#.ppDK9p8mXI don't understand how that is sushi. It's a bacon cheeseburger.
Maybe because you didn't scroll all the way down and see:
(And before you throw any kind of shade, internet, recognize that this is basically just meatloaf that’s very special.)
I mean, the person writing it is clearly aware it's not sushi. It's just a joke because it looks like sushi.
Do you know what's really good in meatloaf?
Around it? Sure. In it? Fuck no.
Damned buggers get caught in my teefers.
I don't even know if this counts as "RL" anger, but.
Social justice warriors peeve the hell out of me. Some of the things referred to in this link ... argh.
For a quote:
SRS (/r/shitredditsays) is a subreddit (forum) in which users post links to comments in other subreddits they find "offensive." The other users then follow that link to exact bloody revenge. And I mean bloody. They do not just "brigade" (which is also against the rules), downvoting en mass and posting insults. They go through somebody's post history and downvote everything they've ever said. They go farther still, "doxxing" people, breaking their pseudo-anonymity by going through their post history to try to uncover their real identity. Then they go further still, harassing that person in real life, and contacting their employer and trying to get them fired for opinions they expressed on the internet. It is the definition of harassment, in violation of the terms of the service of reddit and common human decency. Yet, SRS is never disciplined, never banned.
And in case you're wondering "well maybe these people deserve it!" No. Not by any stretch of the imagination. It's not like they're uncovering child abusers or something. They take anything that even maybe hints of "privilege" or insensitivity and spin horror stories out of whole cloth. In Warlizard's case (the guy who wrote the comment the GP reposted), he, talking about censorship, said that if reddit stands for "free speech" as they claim to, then no they shouldn't ban offensive subreddits like /r/rapingwomen. He goes on to say that if he had a private forum that he hosted, and someone made a subforum for that topic, he would ban it in a heartbeat because it's horrific and offensive. However, SRS took the first part of that and ran with it, called him a "rapist," followed him around, harassing him, and leaving nasty reviews on Amazon of the books he's authored.
They do this to lots of people. They want to be Social Justice Batman, but they're kind of like Batman if he were mentally retarded and high on crystal meth, programmed to punch anybody who utters certain words, regardless of context."
I don't even know what SJW means anymore. I can get called it on the right (read, wrong) places on the internet for my mildest liberal views, and then I'm like, man I haven't even started really digging deep into my radical feminism, let me get going first. I'll argue at length with people on the internet -- I have a "people are wrong on the internet" problem -- but no I don't do shit like that.
@Roz said:
I don't even know what SJW means anymore.
I think the meaning has kind of devolved into some sort of internet troll/slacktivist. I think it used to be used for actual activists who seemed to be at every protest no matter the topic, but these days who can be arsed to get off the internet?
I just rejoice for my SJW to skeleton add on.
Seriously, apparently common human decency makes you an SJW. A lot of SJW tumblrs are trolls as much as legitimate tumblrs.
@Arkandel Also, hilariously SRS doesn't really brigade because there are rules against it and they usually link the non-participate type links. It seems to get brigaded a lot more than actually brigade. Reddit is a strange and terrible place. But I'm just gonna be in my knitting and feminist friendly gaming subreddits. Plotting the downfall of men! MWAHAHAHAHAH AAAAAAHAHAHAHA.
What sucks? Cyberstalking your ex.
What is just plain weird? Cyberstalking your ex... MUSH.
@SG said:
@Roz said:
I don't even know what SJW means anymore.
I think the meaning has kind of devolved into some sort of internet troll/slacktivist. I think it used to be used for actual activists who seemed to be at every protest no matter the topic, but these days who can be arsed to get off the internet?
That's what I mean, and I think @Arkandel does as well. Well, that even those well meaning but wildly delusional folks who take shit too far. When somebody on facebook says they believe there ought to be some kind of social decency laws that would crack down on comedians making rape jokes (or any other subject they just find 'too offensive to be appropriate subject matter for jokes'), then get a huge flood of likes and supportive comments, I'm probably grinding my teeth about SoJuWas. Wonder if that made it past @silentsophia's filter.
But yeah, beyond that it's generally referring to the sort of internet slacktivists and worse. People who are either a: using whatever subject to attention whore because they know it'll get them favorable attention, or b: railing against a social injustice they could actually go out and do something about in an active fashion, but can't be bothered to because anything more difficult than a facebook post would just be exhausting I guess.
Also like everyone in America completely losing their fucking minds over some dentist killing a lion. The Revenge For Cecil folks have been acting like the worst of the GamerGate folks, complete with everything from comments to direct threats (emails, phone calls, packages, etc) of death and torture, and entirely predictable backlash onto otherwise uninvolved people around their actual target either by accident or deliberately by the more unstable members of their outraged movement.
What's ... I would call it amusing but it's not at all, is that the same people who subscribe to Revenge For Cecil aren't vegetarians.
So they'll happily go gobble down pounds of meat harvested from less exciting animals systematically living their lives under truly horrible conditions and reward the people doing this by paying for that meat, but ohno that one lion.
They're the same people who'll rage about abortionist baby-killers but will then also rage about those no-good deadbeat single mothers who went and got themselves pregnant and now need aid so they can feed said baby.