Jul 12, 2017, 8:21 PM

@surreality said in RL Anger:

@Ganymede Maybe you should direct your ire toward the person who came in and started slinging the shit, because that wasn't me. I have the same right to respond with an objection to being called a hypocrite as any given person on the forum does to being called a cunt, and I will not be chastised for doing so as if I'm in the wrong for doing it.

Gonna throw myself under the bus here.

Tread carefully. Consider myself a decent example as to what happens on these forums when you reply with vitriol towards someone whose opinion you don't value, or someone you don't respect. It very quickly becomes about a dozen or other things until the original point of the spat is lost. Justified or not.

Some people are here to be constructive, others for entertainment, and others to be...I don't know what the right word is for it, but somewhere between contrarian and to maintain some assumed persona.

The people who don't want to understand with the potential end result of understanding you better or in a positive light won't give you much quarter. So you may be better off just telling people that you don't appreciate their tone, and if they continue to be rude, others will jump in and cold cock them with a beat stick on your behalf.