@surreality said in RL Anger:
As an addendum to the 'babe in the woods' thing: @Kanye-Qwest and I have certainly had our share of snarling at each other. She had a legit question about something a while ago that could be taken as this sort of thing -- but she did a damn fine job of being clear that wasn't her intention in any way and I had zero problem taking her at her word and made sure to say as much. If somebody has a genuine question, and isn't playing stupid 'gotcha' games, it's often very evident. Hence the 'I am not taking @kk's question as an innocent inquiry'.
Now, let me show you where I am confused.
Your response raises a whole bunch of questions:
- What "legit question" are you talking about?
- What do you mean by "this sort of thing"?
As far as I can tell, you went ape when @kk said:
I am quite baffled. I believe that you argued that threads shouldn't be derailed over this stuff and yet here you are four days later on another thread still complaining that people didn't like that word being used.
The accusation here is that you said that threads shouldn't be derailed over whether someone should or should not be insulted over something (or discussions on gender politics, I think). You responded by saying, in paraphrase, that threads shouldn't be derailed unless you happen to be in the right forum for derailment.
Five days before, in the Random Bitching forum, you told @kk that you were tired with having to confront gender politics on a daily basis, and that you wanted to just focus on games and stuff. This is where @kk apologized:
I didn't and don't get the vibe that you had any intention of being mean about this.
I had some situations relating to such things myself both online and irl. I have no desire to go into the details though.
I apologize that the thread has been frustrating to you.
This wouldn't have started if the insult wasn't used in the first place and it wouldn't have escalated if it wasn't argued and defended like it was, when it was called out. A simple sorry, shouldn't have used that word would have silenced it a long time ago.
So, this being the last comment before she made the one you emptied on her for, exactly what sort of "grudge" exists? Because, as I was reading it, @kk was essentially saying: "hey, I'm sorry the thread went this way, but I've been through some rough gender-bias stuff too, and I just felt compelled to call it out."
See where I'm confused? You want to avoid discussions of gender politics on game forums because you face it on a daily basis, and she apologized for doing so. And then she points out that you're engaging in a discussion (kind of) regarding sexist slurs, and you elect to find some sort of grudge in it. I understand that there's a difference here, but @kk literally hadn't said anything for five days, and not even in the same thread.
That's why I honestly took a double-take. Because you did say something along the lines of "this sort of talk derails threads and I don't like it" and then you're fine with engaging in a similar discussion because it's a different thread, and admit so.
It's confusing. That's why I wanted to understand.
I still think you over-reacted on this one, but I've got a clearer picture now. Thanks.