Dear Company I Really Want To Be Hired By,
You've got those open jobs up on your website and I've applied for two of them. One I applied for a week before you refreshed the notice, the other a week after. And yet, my application's status is still listed as "New" for both positions. I've even called to ask if there was someone I could speak to in order to get my application reviewed. Even if your answer is "no, thanks" I'd appreciate some kind of feedback so I know what's going on because...I actually REALLY want to work for you. Crush my dreams or make my fantasy a reality, but please stop making me live in limbo.
If I went back through my job search materials for 2011 - 2015, I bet I would identify more than a dozen schools that have yet to respond to my application. At least some of these still have the application listed as "new" on their HR sites. This doesn't count the schools that sent rejection letters over a year after someone else was hired, those that sent me a rejection letter months after I formally withdrew from consideration after taking my current position, or the one that rejected me with a generic email after paying to bring me to campus and put me up in a hotel for two nights. Job searches are just all-around shitty.