@Cobaltasaurus Ouch... I try to write 1000-2000 words a day. I fail a lot, but that's the goal. comforts
RL Anger
@Cobaltasaurus Ouch... I try to write 1000-2000 words a day. I fail a lot, but that's the goal. comforts
My asbolute demotivation for everything has killed my writing. I haven't written a word since the end of November. I am hoping to change that in March. Hoping.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
Fuck this writer's block. Hey Self-from-a-year-ago! Remember how you have this dream of having a writing career? Guess what! It doesn't ever happen if you don't write. Jesus, I feel like someone put a Ban vs Creative Writing on me or something. Oh, hey. Remember how I was going to take ~a year and write a 90k paranormal romance to submit to silhouette contest? Yeeeeeah. Half that year is gone already and we've got maybe 5k words written.
bashes her head into a wall
Dig out old logs and adapt one of those to your story then most of it is already written for you.
@thebird said:
Stopped RPing and MUSHing in an attempt to break bad habits..
Angry at bad habits, and angry that I can't RP right now.
Feeling the withdrawals from MU*ing, bad... It's a thing. =|
A thing that's making me suuuuper irritable.I feel this too. I haven't RP'd since RfK closed. I want to. But my addiction transference has me hooked on Guild Wars 2 - where I joined an RP guild and that is weird.
Know what can eat a Costco-sized bag of dicks with dicksauce? - croup. Seriously. Eat a bag of dicks, croup. Two kids coughing like death was knocking on their door, and then not sleeping (which means wife and I get no sleep either) for the last three nights and I'm about done.
Croup is so nasty, just horrible to listen to as a parent.
hope they're on the mend soon!
@Lithium said:
@Cobaltasaurus Ouch... I try to write 1000-2000 words a day. I fail a lot, but that's the goal. comforts
Yeah. When I wasn't in writer's block I could write 4000-6000 words a day, no sweat. With a minimum of around 1k a day when I was having some block. And 350-500 on the days where it was just pulling teeth to write.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
Yeah. When I wasn't in writer's block I could write 4000-6000 words a day, no sweat. With a minimum of around 1k a day when I was having some block. And 350-500 on the days where it was just pulling teeth to write.
Can you try jumpstarting your inspiration some way? For me, it helps to immerse myself in media that inspires me, whether it's games, music or writing. Then I suddenly have tons of ideas and can't write them down quickly enough. It reignites my enthusiasm.
Maybe start a different writing project, something totally wacky and outside of your comfort zone, something you wouldn't have to show anyone else if you ultimately didn't feel like it.
@wanderer For me when I get stuck I will read a book. Especially a /bad/ book, or at least, bad in my opinion. Though this is admittedly a last resort.
I prefer to listen to music, play a game I've already played a billion times before, then my mind can just wander but I still am engaged in something, some of my best ideas come out of that.
The bad book thing, that's just a narcissism thing, I know I can do better than the drivel I am reading, so I do it.
@Lithium said:
The bad book thing, that's just a narcissism thing, I know I can do better than the drivel I am reading, so I do it.
Yeahhhhh, I'm guilty of this too. At one point I went and read all the urban fantasy books I could find. Most of them were terrible. Some of them were kinda bad, but catchy and fun. I appreciated those. One book, I swear it must've been written by a musher because she used the common desc tropes. But the biggest surprise was when I opened a book without reading the title first. I started reading through the beginning, and was laughing my ass off. I thought how my vampire RP was so much less cringeworthy than that.
Turns out that was Anne Rice. >.<
I hate being sick.
And I hate coughs that linger for months after I've been sick.
@silentsophia This year's cold/flu thing is especially like that. 2-3 days of sheer hell, 2-3 weeks of lingering gunk and bleah.
Surveys. The fact that we have to push them. The fact that only a 9 or 10 is positive. The fact that they are completely random to whomever gets them so the people who sound happy and say they would give me a 12/10 never seem to get them. The fact if they get me on the call, and I have to transfer them and that person gives shitty service but the survey doesn't reflect them. The fact that the survey isn't clear that it's my service they are scoring, not the company service.
Whatever the reason turned out to be that I got a -50 out of 100, when my coaches are saying they wish they could sound as happy as I do, and people are all but proposing because they are so happy. Because I then get in trouble for those absolute shit scores. Especially right now when the company is pushing to get these. This is the thing that matters most above all else.
I mean seriously, if you have an issue with your cable, and you wait a week to call in and get it fixed, don't mark me down because you are unhappy with the company when you could have called in a week ago instead of letting it stew.
I know your pain. I just took my last antibiotic yesterday after my flu transitioned to bronchitis. -
@silentsophia said:
I hate being sick.
And I hate coughs that linger for months after I've been sick.
I know exactly how you feel. The woman singing my love interest in rehearsals apparently was sick, didn't tell anyone, and bitch didn't wear a mask. And she was singing in my face half of the time. Today I woke up with a cough and that feeling in my chest that says "you're going to be sick, mwahahah!"
So much hate right now >_<
@Vorpal said:
So much hate right now >_<
You could always advise her of your recent herpes outbreak, and then ask her if she remembered whether the two of you ever made out on stage or not.
@Vorpal said:
You're evil.
I like that.
Of course. I have stage experience.
Be sure to advise of this in private, or she may consider it comical.
CodeBot! Leave LawBot alone!
Seriously though. If you have issues with your cable for 3 weeks, and you can't be bothered to call in because the rebooting I'll have you do is too much effort - because you say specifically you couldn't be bothered to call in because it was too much effort, it is not my fault that your cable is not working. I did not fuck up your cable 3 weeks ago and then not did anything about it.
Also, you probably don't really care if you can't watch anything if you take 3 weeks to call, so no it isn't a life and death situation. Please don't act like it is.