RL Anger
...not gonna lie, to this day I find it funny that my favorite movie from childhood (because the story is amazing, and it was anime, and I was a geek) dubbed 'family programming for kids' by HBO would probably horrify the shit out of parents today.
The opening scene is of a little boy and his mother, fleeing through the snow in a desperate panic, while a wealthy cyborg hunts them for sport, and shoots the little boy's mother in front of him.
Later, seeking to avenge his mother's death, he confronts the man in a grand dining hall, in which his mother's naked torso is mounted on the wall above the head chair of the dining table as a trophy.
It didn't exactly get less likely to make most modern parents fall over in a dead faint that this was dubbed 'all ages family programming' at the time, simply because it was animated, from there.
I'm still torn as to whether that, or this, which they were airing under the same category is more likely to have fucked my generation up more.
Bambi's mother, indeed.
@Tyche You can certainly custom order one, I'm pretty sure. There are people who can and will make them. I wouldn't recommend it as safe to that extreme, but I most corsetmakers have no issue making garments for all genders.
There's a team of salespeople having a very loud conversation about Six Sigma certification right outside my cubicle.
Worse, the guy trying to explain the levels of certification is trying to do it using Star Wars metaphors, to a group that has repeatedly responded by saying they don't understand because they're "not Star Wars people", and yet he still refuses to change his metaphor.
Worse yet, he is also objectively wrong about the ranks of Jedi.
I'm literally biting through the straw on my drink trying not to be like, "DUDE. One, 'a yoda' is not a rank. It goes padawan, knight, master, grandmaster. Two, they clearly don't care. Try some bullshit sports metaphor instead."
@Aria wait, when do you get to be a Starfleet Captain?
@Kanye-Qwest If you have to explain your metaphor, it's a bad metaphor! It's even worse when you can't explain your metaphor because you don't know WTF you're talking about!
@Aria I've a friend who refers to vampires as "Draculas".
I can't tell if he's just trying to piss me off or what.
@arkandel Ask him to tell you more about these tiny dragons.
I'm literally biting through the straw on my drink trying not to be like, "DUDE. One, 'a yoda' is not a rank. It goes padawan, knight, master, grandmaster. Two, they clearly don't care. Try some bullshit sports metaphor instead."
Fucking FINALLY! Revenge of the nerds! So many fucking years of listening to tired, wannabe jocks using sports metaphors I can't even begin to follow. Now someone's turning the tables.
I'll bet you loads of money this guy is doing it deliberately, right down to ignoring the "we don't understand what you're talking about" parts.
@Aria I've a friend who refers to vampires as "Draculas".
I can't tell if he's just trying to piss me off or what.
I refer to anime as japanimation. And yeah, I pretty much do it to piss off the fans. It's especially funny when they screech that it's not a word and I point to the definition in the dictionary…
I would lean toward not trying to piss you off.
I have heard a few different non-horror fans refer to vampires as "Draculas." I think it is mainly done out of not caring and Dracula being the most famous vampire story to most North Americans. Kind of like how most non-wrestling fans refer to all pro wrestling as either WWE or WWF, or non-RPG folk refer to all games as D+D. Not done to intentionally upset but more done out of a lack of giving a shit.Edit: Now if the person has been corrected a couple of times and persists, doing it to piss you off becomes more likely.
@WTFE When you say japanimation, I see the entire island chain standing up as a huge Shinto themed robot, ready to ... do something. Take over the world, vend underwear, shoot fast trains, and bind you in sutras.
@Auspice Most appropriate use of a GIF on this board.
I'm literally biting through the straw on my drink trying not to be like, "DUDE. One, 'a yoda' is not a rank. It goes padawan, knight, master, grandmaster. Two, they clearly don't care. Try some bullshit sports metaphor instead."
Fucking FINALLY! Revenge of the nerds! So many fucking years of listening to tired, wannabe jocks using sports metaphors I can't even begin to follow. Now someone's turning the tables.
I'll bet you loads of money this guy is doing it deliberately, right down to ignoring the "we don't understand what you're talking about" parts.
I imagine if he was a nerd doing this deliberately, he would be getting the information.... well, right. Not saying "See, there's like... Jedis and then there's Yodas." Which as a sentence is perfectly coherent, but in this context, he meant it as a rank.
So really, that's my problem. It's not "Wah-wah, some guy was getting Star Wars wrong." It's that he picked a metaphor his audience didn't understand, proceeded to try to explain it to them, and then didn't know enough of what he was talking about to do so. And yet continued sticking with this metaphor. Loudly. Loudly enough my neighbor could hear them over her headphones and was laughing. So really, I was mad on multiple levels. He was being rude to everyone else on the floor, communicating poorly, refusing to acknowledge a bad decision and getting Star Wars wrong. That's four kinds of obnoxious in one conversation.
I refer to anime as japanimation. And yeah, I pretty much do it to piss off the fans. It's especially funny when they screech that it's not a word and I point to the definition in the dictionary…
Calling them "Japanese cartoons" causes even higher pitched autistic screeching in my experience.
Like when they ask if you mean static or animated cartoons?
So, I don't usually like to talk about my RL life. But some shit has been happening and I need to vent.
So, as some of you know, my brother was killed. It's a big part of the reason that I have all but disappeared from this hobby. I am not in a very good mental place with it.
He was shot. It was not accidental. And our glorious investigative team is not filing murder charges because the guy who shot him is claiming it was self-defense.
Without going into too much detail, the facts of the situation do not, in any way, shape, or form constitute self-defense under Indiana's criminal statute. The facts don't allow for self-defense in this situation, and the statute specifically excludes it. Bonus points, Title 37 specifically calls out this particular set of facts as murder.
And yet, no charges against the guy that shot him.
Yet they have arrested his girlfriend, friend, and roommate using this same set of facts. The charge? Conspiracy to commit murder.
I'm sure that someone thinks they are being very clever, but even a layman can read the actual law and know that these charges should be brought. Maybe he'll get a sympathetic jury. It's Indiana. But the goddamn charges need to be brought before it can ever even get there.
I have never felt this angry, or this powerless, in my entire life.
Venting over. Thank you, Internet strangers, for listening.
@Thenomain I am now RL angry at @Thenomain because I might just have to get one of those shirts now. DAMMIT.
@Derp Holy hell, man. Good luck. A friend of mine was in a similar position last year; it is... I can't even imagine when it's a family member. Ears are open if they are needed.