@Coin said:
@Derp said:
Fucking freshmen.
Yes, I understand, you think that being late your first day is the end of your college career. It's not. Professors expect you to not have a clue, and the first day is rarely important.
Yes, I understand that you think being in the middle of campus is the best, and you turn the parking lot and garages into Thunderdome. You will learn, in time, that it's best to park at your main building, and only travel to the campus center for lunch.
Yes, I know, you're full of questions, and normally I would be happy o help you, if you would just CALM THE FUCK DOWN. But you panicking is making me ehausted, and I"m losing my goddamn patience. I swear I will hit you with a chair if you scream a question at me again.
I's your first day fo your next FOUR YEARS. Or more. SEriously, ake a goddamn breath.
Easy. Might wanna type a little less angrily. You're typoing all over the place! It's very unseemly!
It's not being able to see the bottom line. Couple that with an ancient laptop (because I have not picked up my new one yet, it just came in!) that has half the key letter ing worn off from use, and .... yeah. Bad. All Bad.