Sep 6, 2017, 9:41 PM

...not gonna lie, to this day I find it funny that my favorite movie from childhood (because the story is amazing, and it was anime, and I was a geek) dubbed 'family programming for kids' by HBO would probably horrify the shit out of parents today.

The opening scene is of a little boy and his mother, fleeing through the snow in a desperate panic, while a wealthy cyborg hunts them for sport, and shoots the little boy's mother in front of him.

Later, seeking to avenge his mother's death, he confronts the man in a grand dining hall, in which his mother's naked torso is mounted on the wall above the head chair of the dining table as a trophy.

It didn't exactly get less likely to make most modern parents fall over in a dead faint that this was dubbed 'all ages family programming' at the time, simply because it was animated, from there.

I'm still torn as to whether that, or this, which they were airing under the same category is more likely to have fucked my generation up more.

Bambi's mother, indeed.

@Tyche You can certainly custom order one, I'm pretty sure. There are people who can and will make them. I wouldn't recommend it as safe to that extreme, but I most corsetmakers have no issue making garments for all genders.