So... check out your chat tab instead?
Or tell me your ignoring me. With all these mis-clicks I don't know if you missed it or I'm being ignored!
So... check out your chat tab instead?
Or tell me your ignoring me. With all these mis-clicks I don't know if you missed it or I'm being ignored!
@Insomnia I missed it! My phone went through a period of not dealing well with chat. I'll get back to you shortly!
@Luna Thanks, I figured it was. Obviously it wasn't pressing since it was 18 days ago.
RL Anger: Low pressure systems and the migraines they bring and not being able to curl up and die and having to go to work. And 20 more cm incoming too. Mostly the migraine bit.
Oooh I am steamed right now.
As many of you may know, I work for the State of Maryland. On 1/22/2016, I had taken 8 hours of approved leave for my birthday. However, the governor ordered all state offices to close at 1PM, sending everyone home.
However, since my leave was pre-approved, I am still losing 8 hours of leave. Even though the office was closed.
I racked up about 20 hours of similar at my job, so I feel you. Though the Governor of my state doesn't have it in for me personally like yours does for you. Just my CEO.
If I ask you not to call me by normal nickname for my name, don't then turn around and call me that and laugh and act like you are being funny.
You are being an asshole.
Whatever you say, Somni.
I prefer Insy! :rage1:
I'd be pretty jazzed if everyone called me by my RL nickname RL.
But then it's not something embarrassing, cutesy, or overly personal.
I just don't like the shortened version of my name. Mostly because there was another girl in my class who had the same name, and she DID like the nickname... but the way she said it and wanted other people to say it... sounded like Fran Drescher...drunk.
The anger now mostly is, that I just asked you to your face not to call me that, and then you did and laughed it off. General you, obviously. If my name is Pamela, and I ask you not to call me Pam don't call me Pam. Is that really that fucking hard to be courteous to another human being? I'm not asking for a million dollars, I'm just stating how I wish to be addressed,
Ugh... I hate that. I have a longer name that's easily shortened, but inevitably, some asshole comes around, and turns the "nickname" into another name. So I ask them to stop, politely, with a "Haha, hey, great. I don't like that, that's not my name, please don't call me that." And what do those fuckers usually do? Say the "nickname" they picked out, laugh, and walk away. Especially at work, for some reason.
Just.... a giant Fuck You to anyone that does that after being asked to stop.
solidarity highfives Insomnia
My name does shorten to something else, and it doesn't bother me. But this other one, the way she had people say it ended up longer than my actual name.
TBH it's mostly the Fran Drescher thing. And the laugh after and then "Oops, I meant RL." within 10 minutes of the last time you did it? :fu:
I sympathize, but my nickname is 'El Jefe'.
If people wanna call me the boss? They're damn well welcome to.
Fucking landline and ISP monopolies. Flooding and construction cut power and phone lines on Friday--power is back but the phone/ISP company is like maybe we'll come take a look on Tuesday, LOL.
Preeeetty sure I got stood up tonight, since my date hasn't been reachable all day. Oh well!
Two thoughts.
Fuck that shit, dude. That's so fucking irritating. Standing someone up is unacceptable under any circumstances ever. Get a pair and tell the guy/girl that you're not showing up by text message or some shit, you horrid prick/cunt.
It was 60 degrees in Ohio in this morning.
@Ganymede yeah, I sent 2 texts unresponsive, called, sent a final text. No big dealm
Still no landline or Internet. Gotta love monopolies. They might fix the problem today though.