Mar 1, 2017, 2:33 AM

I really hate it when the Director comes down to my kitchen (I operate the satellite kitchen for memory care patients at work) and asks me what I'm doing. When I respond I'm making dessert (from scratch, because.) he then replies, "Oh, I thought they were going to have you just take from upstairs. We have a pastry chef so there's really no reason for you to have to."

... right the fuck in the middle of me having spent the last 5 minutes +/- whipping cream because they won't buy me a kitchen aid...

I wonder if he realizes he was talking to someone who routinely sharpens and hones their own knives and then fabricates down whole sides of cows... (doubt it).

The best part was later going up to the Exec chef and clarifying with her:
Me: "Just to clarify, do you want me to use desserts from up here?"
Her: "Well you'll have to." (With an attitude like somehow I'm the person who did wrong)
Me: "Okay." (Slight quizzical tilt, trying to imply an offer of 'give me more info')
Her: "I already told [pastry chef] to make extra."
Me: "... Okay! See you Thursday." (Thoughts: /TOLD HER... WHO THE FUCK WAS GOING TO TELL ME!?!/)

To note, every one of my bosses acted as though I already knew and it was as though either I had ignored their mandate or the pastry chef had... why can't bosses just over communicate to make sure everyone is on the same page?