@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Irony and satire have their place, but I don't think this guy was very good at it. It was cute, and his point was made, but it was bland and way too long, undermining the satire. 2 out of 5 stars; would not recommend. Hate Videos are not a thing I go out to explore, but I bet there's someone who does a far better job of deconstructing the problem with Anitian Feminism.
I agree. It's only mildly amusing. I thought the hate reaction was something else though.
I guess people do that. Not only to women on the internet.
This porn star, for instance. (Don't worry, she's dressed, but she is discussing rape.) To summarize for people who are too tired to watch more of the back-and-forth name-calling, the short and succinct point she is making is that the deeper problem isn't being addressed by Anita et al.
I believe they are more interested in holding gaming companies responsible and/or hostage to some cause.
There's a picture of the offending miniature in this article which is an email interview with Emily Garland ( MiniatureGate? TabletopGate? 
And a woman who plays the game posted the following:
"Being a member of the Wyrd community, I kind of saw this from the beginning. One of the big breaking points, believe it not, was a name. See Wyrd does (or did) open beta testing for each wave of miniature releases. The most recent had a character, a sort of sociopathic techno-necromancer, with the name Lizzie Lovelace, taken of course from Lizzie Borden and Ada Lovelace. The author of the article we're all discussing here had a massive reaction against this name because it is apparently similar to the name of a porn actress. She insisted point blank that it be changed. Now at the time she was just another poster in the community but the point of open betas is for everyone to be able to say their opinion. But the sheer hostility she had to the idea that the name was fine, that it was just a reference to two real-world figures who were big inspirations to a lot of Malifaux's fluff, was quite frankly staggering. This was also was the first time she began recounting many of her experiences. It wasn't a pretty time. It saw the Wyrd boards re-organised, rules tightened, and eventually even saw the name changed (to Anna Lovelace)." - Nightingale
I did not know any porn actress names, but now thanks to the above and @Thenomain I know three now.
Frankly, I don't see the causal connection between tabletop games/miniatures and sexual harassment/assault whatever.
Perhaps with a little more tabletop diversity...
Dungeons & Dragons & Bitches
We can make women more comfortable at these games.
Also, is a video of someone who is actually RL angry.
Speaking of "RL Anger", it would have been better that @Misadventure had started a different thread, because I can't follow discussion in this random one. Assuming it was meant for that.