RL Anger
There's been a ton of press, some of it legit science and some of it just bandwagon jumping, about how our gut flora in this modern age is generally off kilter and its contributing to weight gain and heart disease and compromised immune systems.
It still makes me giggle though that all of this is basically scaring people in order to achieve the shit out of them.
@The-Tree-of-Woe Ah gotcha, derp. My experience with them has been mixed. Was no fun for a while but things have settled down.
Yeah, we'll see. I may just eat some yogurt in general. I really want this medicine to work, but egads.
D3 I finally get into the treasure realm, doing great and...connection drops ;_;
Hit a car on my bike. My fault, for the most part. Now my bike needs fixing and the parts it needs have to be ordered so it'll take like two weeks.
I can't find anyone with a bike to lend me. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck.
@Coin That sucks & I'm sorry that happened. (I'd lend you a bike, but I'm pretty sure distance getting it to you would be an issue.)
It's pissing me off. How come there are no lazy bums with bikes who'll part with them for a few weeks?
Us lazy bums drive cars.
On a side tangent...
I've got a peeve for assholes who, after I've worked a 13 hour shift, call and say they're running late and ask me to clock them in. And oh, can I work a couple hours of their shift for them. Then resort to trying to blackmail me when I refuse.
I took my acrylics (because sometimes I am that basic bitch) off because I was doing a lot of typing. Then I just decided to grow out the damage. Damage almost gone, 5 papers to write this term. School is ruining my life! But for real it's a simple pleasure and I'm sad without my stupid fake nails.
Windows 8 trained me to shut down the computer in a stupid way. Now that I'm on Windows 10, I keep looking for the idiotic "Charms" to shut down. I will unlearn this bad behavior eventually, but it's annoying in the meantime.
There are no dishes in the dishwasher. So.
Fuck the fuck are there dishes in the goddamned sink?
@Cobaltasaurus said:
There are no dishes in the dishwasher. So.
Fuck the fuck are there dishes in the goddamned sink?
They crawled out
It happens all the time.
@Cobaltasaurus Are there children in the house? That's generally how my dishes end up not in the dishwasher. Kids rinse and dump in the sink and run off to play.
@Miss-Demeanor said:
@Cobaltasaurus Are there children in the house? That's generally how my dishes end up not in the dishwasher. Kids rinse and dump in the sink and run off to play.
Other than Cobaltasaurus.
Fucking damnit Onyx Path. Nobody cares about Pugmire. Get my WoD books done.
I'm so tired of tics and tremors.
@silentsophia said:
I'm so tired of tics and tremors.
shakey fist-bump
For most of my stuff, I've learned to position myself with braced arms/hands so that it doesn't matter. Certain fine work like soldering, hand-sewing details, etc are becoming ever more difficult. Anything requiring significant force (screwdrivers, holding pots/pans one-handed, etc) is frequently a non-starter.
Flight delays.
No, American Airlines, I don't want to change my connection to 6am from my connecting city of Chicago. Yes, please just leave me in the city where my friend actually is for another day instead.
Um. Thanks federal government for making me mail a notarized letter that says for real my financial aid is for school. What is this I can't even.