RL Anger
Aw, Surr.
I'm sorry. That's rough. You have my condolences.
I like my new antidepressant, but I wish I weren't so nauseated all the time. Eeurgh. At least it's a free, enforced diet...
@Ganymede said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
Fuck this 25+ page history paper. Fuck it in the head. Also fuck myself for putting it off until I have, uh, 6 days to do it.
I'll write it for you, but my going rate is $225/hr.
A large part of my department's job is making updates to our business website. It's a performing arts venue with upwards of 16 shows a week, different artists every night, etc., so we have a lot of updates. A few weeks ago, we suddenly started having issues where we would suddenly be unable to access the website via our work server. It's been intermittent, so we'll usually get a couple hours a day where it's up and we can make updates, only for it to go down again out of nowhere. It's literally the most maddening thing, so that every time it goes up, it's like a race to get up all the updates we need to do. We have a department laptop, so sometimes if things are urgent someone literally has to take it downstairs to a wifi network that's unconnected to our work server just to make updates. Our IT guy has tried multiple solutions and has finally accepted that he has to start talking to outside vendors because he has no idea why the fuck it's happening. I AM GOING TO SCREAM.
EDIT: Of course, the fact that we're also still on an Exchange 2003 server that doesn't even talk to new computers with maybe a hundred or so megabytes of email server space so that all of my filed email is inaccessible on any computer other than my work computer also makes me want to scream.
[political] If santorum is the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex, then a cruz is the stiff, crusty hand towel you use to wipe it off. [/political]
@BetterJudgment When he quoted Cicero and compared Obama to Caesar, I thought about somebody nailing Ted Cruz's severed head and hands to the senate podium and I smiled -- just a little bit.
@BetterJudgment said:
[political] If santorum is the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex, then a cruz is the stiff, crusty hand towel you use to wipe it off. [/political]
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
@BetterJudgment When he quoted Cicero and compared Obama to Caesar, I thought about somebody nailing Ted Cruz's severed head and hands to the senate podium and I smiled -- just a little bit.
...but he's so humble, I mean he's even Canadian, what could possibly be wrong with the man?It seems his grasp of history is roughly on par with Michelle Bachman's.
I swear that painting never fails to inspire me to rant. My favorite college course ever was an art history class: 'Myth, Art, and Religion'. It was about tracking the evolution of religious symbolism in art, from the first cave paintings all the way up to more modern propaganda, taught by a dead ringer for Lyle Lovett who wore ties with mythological creatures on them.
What I would not give to set that painting down in front of that man and say, 'You have all the time you need: GO. Here's a bucket in case you need it.'
My kid is not sleeping well after her month at her dads (who keeps inviting me to places, which fuck no not now not ever). I'm tired. My parents health is in decline, not like they may die any day, but that they're sad cripple elderly who can't do anything. If something doesn't change in a couple months by either them getting better or accepting things won't get better, I'm going to have to cut them off from help because I can't keep up. I'm not an only child but my brother is useless and has his own problems.
I hate almost everyone except the three people I love who aren't related to me and of course the people who are citizens of IKEA-land.
@surreality said:
I swear that painting never fails to inspire me to rant. My favorite college course ever was an art history class: 'Myth, Art, and Religion'. It was about tracking the evolution of religious symbolism in art, from the first cave paintings all the way up to more modern propaganda, taught by a dead ringer for Lyle Lovett who wore ties with mythological creatures on them.
What I would not give to set that painting down in front of that man and say, 'You have all the time you need: GO. Here's a bucket in case you need it.'
Actually this is the painting in Ted Cruz's Senate Office.
It's also my tablet wallpaper.
@Tyche Seen that one, too. I have zero issue with that one at all; most people have imagery of their personal heroes around them in some form. I don't have to like someone's choices in that regard to be entirely cool with this and 100% supportive of them doing it. Really, all that one inspires is, 'that's a pretty neat painting, I'd be interested to see what else the artist has done' and a shrug.
It's the 'Messiah at the Supreme Court' portrait he commissioned that art historians and psychologists could have a field day with, and for good reason.
@surreality said:
@Tyche Seen that one, too. I have zero issue with that one at all; most people have imagery of their personal heroes around them in some form. I don't have to like someone's choices in that regard to be entirely cool with this and 100% supportive of them doing it. Really, all that one inspires is, 'that's a pretty neat painting, I'd be interested to see what else the artist has done' and a shrug.
Do a google images search on 'penley paintings'. The fellow has a distinctive style.
It's the 'Messiah at the Supreme Court' portrait he commissioned that art historians and psychologists could have a field day with, and for good reason.
I wouldn't put too much psychological analysis into it. The source of the painting is Todd Crespi. See this NYT article. There's a nearly identical painting in the article. It's a stock painting that he fills in with the lawyers heads and attempts to market. You might say he was duped by this guy.
@Tyche Interesting. And the article is a bit hilarious. The imagery the artist is using is what I'm talking about; that's very much a thing. It's heavy on the religious symbolism in ways the others aren't; this could be a case of tailoring the piece to what he expects his mark wants to see (flattery) but that doesn't mean it ain't there.
@surreality said:
@Tyche Interesting. And the article is a bit hilarious. The imagery the artist is using is what I'm talking about; that's very much a thing. It's heavy on the religious symbolism in ways the others aren't; this could be a case of tailoring the piece to what he expects his mark wants to see (flattery) but that doesn't mean it ain't there.
It looks like most of them have that distinct halo around the lawyer or justice depicted. His website has many more like this. . $1200 is pretty reasonable. I'm thinking of getting one done for myself. I don't think he'd have any qualms about doing one of a fictional lawyer arguing a fictional case.
The period belongs after "qualms" I suspect.
@WTFE There is a spare period in my post. You can spend it anywhere you like.
It's hardly a surprise that insurance companies are assholes, but 2-3 months of failing oral medication before I can get a shot is making me have tiny panicky crying fits when I think about it too hard. My goal right now is to work up enough aggression that I can call BCBS and be pushy about this. It shouldn't be this hard to be pushy.
@EmmahSue said:
It's hardly a surprise that insurance companies are assholes, but 2-3 months of failing oral medication before I can get a shot is making me have tiny panicky crying fits when I think about it too hard.
Are you sure it isn't a doctor problem? Lots of these problems are actually doctor problems.
If it's them, I'll find out when I call insurance. If it's them, I'll be immediately leaving the practice for lying to me.
ES, this needs to be resolved, and at the end you need to put on your sunglasses and make a pithy comment, followed by The Who.
Fucking freshmen.
Yes, I understand, you think that being late your first day is the end of your college career. It's not. Professors expect you to not have a clue, and the first day is rarely important.
Yes, I understand that you think being in the middle of campus is the best, and you turn the parking lot and garages into Thunderdome. You will learn, in time, that it's best to park at your main building, and only travel to the campus center for lunch.
Yes, I know, you're full of questions, and normally I would be happy to help you, if you would just CALM THE FUCK DOWN. But you panicking is making me exhausted, and I"m losing my goddamn patience. I swear I will hit you with a chair if you scream a question at me again.
I's your first day fo your next FOUR YEARS. Or more. Seriously, take a goddamn breath.
EDIT: Not being able to see the line you are typing at the bottom is the most annoying shit ever. I suppose I have to hide my taskbar to use this thing without spelling errors.
@Derp said:
Fucking freshmen.
Yes, I understand, you think that being late your first day is the end of your college career. It's not. Professors expect you to not have a clue, and the first day is rarely important.
Yes, I understand that you think being in the middle of campus is the best, and you turn the parking lot and garages into Thunderdome. You will learn, in time, that it's best to park at your main building, and only travel to the campus center for lunch.
Yes, I know, you're full of questions, and normally I would be happy o help you, if you would just CALM THE FUCK DOWN. But you panicking is making me ehausted, and I"m losing my goddamn patience. I swear I will hit you with a chair if you scream a question at me again.
I's your first day fo your next FOUR YEARS. Or more. SEriously, ake a goddamn breath.
Easy. Might wanna type a little less angrily. You're typoing all over the place! It's very unseemly!