@Aria Our left tits should absolutely bond over coffee some time and trade war stories, definitely.
It went from 'what in the actual fuck is happening here' randomly lactating (when I am not and have never been pregnant, guys, this is trippy as fuck) at certain hormonal shift times o' yon month, then? Blood. Because that's so much better and less disturbing. Then it backed up, and they've been hacking at it ever since in various ways for the better part of two months. 
They are concerned it could be cancer, but can't check with a mammogram until it drains completely, and it keeps filling up with blood faster than anything heals up at this point. Like, I do not have this much blood to spare, I'm pretty sure.
It gets most of the way there! Then that monthly timer kicks in, and it's time to be a blood fountain again as the cycle begins anew. And this shows no signs of stopping, which means the tests never being able to get done. Which... pretty sure that's something to be concerned about!
Y'all, I clearly TL'd werewoof too long, I have developed a Tell in RL apparently.