Pretty sure my roommate is getting dicked over on this car accident that totaled his car. He accepted just the $500 from the insurance company of the woman who hit him 'to cover his deductible.' And he will not listen to me to dig into this more.
RL Anger
Pretty sure my roommate is getting dicked over on this car accident that totaled his car. He accepted just the $500 from the insurance company of the woman who hit him 'to cover his deductible.' And he will not listen to me to dig into this more.
I don’t think anyone needs to be on the spectrum to tangent a conversation like that. I can better imagine being upset because someone hijacked your conversation, and that is kind of a dick thing to do, especially when you’re trying to share and be helpful. It feels like a bit of a slap in the face.
c.f., this entire forum.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
I don’t think anyone needs to be on the spectrum to tangent a conversation like that. I can better imagine being upset because someone hijacked your conversation, and that is kind of a dick thing to do, especially when you’re trying to share and be helpful. It feels like a bit of a slap in the face.
c.f., this entire forum.
Some people like getting slapped in the face though. Like this one time, at band camp...
@Admiral said in RL Anger:
Months after my family cut me off I get a text today from my mom saying she is 'praying for me'. I've spent this entire time miserable. Waiting for them to text me to apologize. To say something.
And what I get is a condescending, tone-deaf text. If I could punch life, I would.
Shit, dude, I’m sorry. I hope I never end up in this situation, and that I would be bold enough to, e.g., block my mother’s texts.
At the very least, I hope that you make or find a family that’s more loving.
Theno is right.
Cutting off my terrible family (they kicked me out at 16 for being queer), especially after they pulled the 'I'm praying for you', crap, was the best decision I ever made. Every time I've second-guessed it, I've been reminded why. (Not even my then-terminal cancer diagnosis got any decent response from them, so now I don't second-guess.)
It's normal to want to be treated decently by your blood relatives, but don't let wishful thinking open you up to further abuse. Find people who WILL treat you kindly instead.
Tell them to pray for themselves until they figure out they aren't empowered to judge.
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
Tell them to pray for themselves until they figure out they aren't empowered to judge.
I seem to recall the Bible saying something about...
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
Tell them to pray for themselves until they figure out they aren't empowered to judge.
Aside from that, all these parents somehow forget that:
1 Timothy 5:8
But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
I lived with my family for the past eight years. I paid them 400 a month rent, plus I paid for 3/4 of their utilities and handled all their yard/physical work. I did it because they needed the help and I wanted to be with my family.
Now as soon as I stop providing for them, it's this. It just... yeah.
Sucks. A lot. I'm sorry.
That has to hurt a lot.
Fuck people being in other peoples' business. For real.
I'm going to a concert tonight. Ticket was $35. Got it back in May (before I knew I was moving to Austin). It was, more-or-less, the only thing I got myself for my birthday (I think I bought a game on Steam, too). I've been waiting almost three months, now.
I posted a photo on Instagram about going to said concert and she made a snarky/rude comment (publicly) about how I have a GoFundMe and going to a concert, etc.
Fuck you, lady. That and this are wholly independent of one another. What, am I supposed to cancel already made plans? Am I supposed to sit around, miserable, to make myself appear worthy of being helped? It's not like she donated or showed any interest even in my progress.
I think this is the big draw of contemporary protestant christianity. Some people can never find happiness until they invent a reason why they are better/holier/more worthy than someone that they take great pains to paint as lesser.
Fuck her. I am so sorry, people are terrible.
My sister put a shirt on her cat, then was genuinely offended when I said she was weird for it. I can't decide which part makes me more crazy.
@Auspice Man, if I didn't live with rabid levels of currency controls I'd donate $100 just to compensate for that cunt.
On the up side, it shows how far my mental health has come that I'm not really broken up over it. I used to be really broken up over people like her. They'd really eat at me.
Now I'm like jeez, how fucking sad is her life that she has to be that fucking petty towards someone she doesn't even talk to anymore?
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
Tell them to pray for themselves until they figure out they aren't empowered to judge.
I seem to recall the Bible saying something about...
Then there was that time they dragged a man named Bill Cosby before Christ....
@Thenomain For clarification here is a summary:
Me: Have you seen Will yet?
Him: No, not yet, people keep encouraging me to watch it.
Me: You might like it, it reminds me a lot of A Knight's Tale in terms of style.
Him: I've read every one of Chaucer's works aloud!So yes, I understand the intuitive leap to Chaucer, but we were talking about the comparison of style, not that his accomplishments with regard to reading Chaucer.
It came off, in context, like an out-of-nowhere brag, but I can see how someone on the spectrum might pluck a portion out of a conversation and zig when you thought it was going to zag.
Late to the party, but here we go....
You do realise that one of the tales in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is called 'The Knight's Tale'? It was a perfectly reasonable response for him to have made!
Edited to add:'s_Tale
@Pondscum Given what she actually said, it looks like she does know that.
The point she was making, if I am reading correctly, was that she was talking about a film and comparing its style to another film. The other person took this chance to bring up that they'd read all of Chaucer aloud... because apparently reading Chaucer aloud is somehow an accomplishment. The two aren't related.
@Tinuviel I think the mention is that the person may have thought 'A Knight's Tale' (the movie) was 'The Knight's Tale' (the Chaucer story).