RL Anger
@aria The trials and tribulations of finding a good stylist.
My favorite was one I found (sadly) just months before I left SC. She not only grokked (and did) exactly what I wanted, but she began with: 'Do you mind if we don't chat? I like to just get into the groove.'
It was like the hallelujah chorus. The small talk is the worst part of the engagement (also the stylist I'd tried before her had spent the entire time fussing at me for wanting short hair and 'Men hate short hair you know.').
I need a hair cut, but I'm anxious for this exact reason, like you and @Cupcake have described. Asking for one thing and getting the entirely wrong outcome. You can't put hair back.
Umm, ladies? Don't you watch what they're doing in the mirror? Then you can stop them when the scissor moves from shoulder to ear.
@tnp It's not that easy. It's constant vigilance, and being able to see when they start to cut vs passing their hands or blades over an area on the way to doing something. And some really don't listen.
I've had people say they like longer hair on men, so ... if I wanted it shorter, too bad.
@tnp It's a lot harder to do when you're anxious and have had to psych yourself up to even walk in the door.
@tnp Generally, it only becomes clear AFTER they've made the cut. After the hair is on the floor, stopping them won't do any good.
ETA: Oh hey what are you-snip.
man my last few haircuts I had to convince my stylist I wanted more gone. Like no, really. Yes I know it's long and pretty. CUT IT DAMN YOU. And now I have my own pixie cut I'll come to regret intensely as soon as I decide to grow it out.
I have used up my entire allotment of PTO on migraine-related doctor's appointments and migraine sick days.
This makes me very sad. It is not what I would have liked to use my PTO hours on.
@sparks That's awful, I'm so sorry. I had to use a week's vacation to recover (ha) from my foot surgery, and I was salty about it.
@kanye-qwest said in RL Anger:
@sparks That's awful, I'm so sorry. I had to use a week's vacation to recover (ha) from my foot surgery, and I was salty about it.
I do at least accrue at a rate of 8 hours per pay period, so I'll have one day again on Friday, another in two weeks, etc. But still, it makes me sad.
I'm so sorry you had to burn through vacation too.
I have used up my entire allotment of PTO on migraine-related doctor's appointments and migraine sick days.
This makes me very sad. It is not what I would have liked to use my PTO hours on.
The only time in the past 10 years I had PTO, I lost it all to being ill myself. It's the worst feeling. Because you don't enjoy those days. There's no relaxation. There's no recovery from stress.
It just feels like wasted time.
@kanye-qwest said in RL Anger:
@sparks That's awful, I'm so sorry. I had to use a week's vacation to recover (ha) from my foot surgery, and I was salty about it.
I do at least accrue at a rate of 8 hours per pay period, so I'll have one day again on Friday, another in two weeks, etc. But still, it makes me sad.
I'm so sorry you had to burn through vacation too.
One per pay period? Where do you work?!? What do you do? More importantly, can I come work with you?
Whine whine whine. I have all of this work I need to do on my own cases including talking to people on the phone (UGH) and going to the jail (DOUBLE UGH) but I have to cover a bunch of dumb hearings for my boss instead and I DON'T WANNA.
I'm doing an internship with the PD right now, basically just for the experience so I can put it on my resume. Right now, my most active battle is trying to convince the people at the PD that, no, I cannot be there that day, I have class. You knew that when we started this gig. It'shows right there in the big stack of paperwork.
Alternstively, trying to explain to professors that yes, I know class is scheduled, but I have this obligation for the internship that -you pushed me to do-.
Also, the jail smells like pee and feet. Something is very wrong there. I feel bad, and almost feel like someone should look into why that is a thing. Gross.
One per pay period? Where do you work?!? What do you do? More importantly, can I come work with you?
I work at a product development firm; we engineer products for other companies. For instance, a company comes to us and goes "we want to build X, but we don't know how to make that work," and we help them do that. Or a company comes to us and goes "we have X, but it needs to Y, and it doesn't, please help" and we help make it work.
It's nice because we get to work on all kinds of different projects: wearable technology, mechanical engineering for civil projects, virtual reality, etc. You don't end up stuck quite so much in a rut as at some companies, where you're working on the same thing endlessly.
It's a good company.
@derp I have never been to a jail that didn't smell at least a little bad. The dress out room always reeks the worst if they have to put you in there.
Hang in there! There is nothing I am expected to do more as a public defender than somehow be in multiple places at once so it's like your professors/intern employers are just giving you a little foreshadowing.
I am a General Manager in the retail sector. My company gives me 80 hours of PTO per year, 40 of which I can get a check for if they are not used , but I lose the other 40 if they are not used by Dec 31st. I'll be burning through as much of the remaining 40 as I can between now and the end of December. Time used so far this year: 4 hours, and that was for a doctor's appointment.
The job I'm leaving is firing 30+ year veterans of the company and walking them out. It's awful and sad and I can't deal with it.
Two more days.
Also, the jail smells like pee and feet. Something is very wrong there. I feel bad, and almost feel like someone should look into why that is a thing. Gross.
Yes, it's pretty terrible. Here are some examples of why that is a thing:
- You have to work with a bunch of grody motherfuckers. (I actually encountered an offender being sent to the infirmary because he got his ass beat by his 'friends' for not showering regularly.)
- Inadequate access to cleaning supplies. (That's just unacceptable.)
- Lack of volunteers/hires for janitorial duties among offenders. If your facility has offender cleaning staff, the OIC of a unit should definitely be hiring and enforcing workers to do what they're being paid for.
- Intentional. It's a subversive act. They don't want to be there, so they're passive aggressively attempting to make the simple act of being there unpleasant for officers and staff. Weaponizing what they're able. Offenders are notorious for that as you're no doubt aware. (One year I got gunned down through an open cuffport, during morning chow distribution. On Christmas morning.)
On a mental health block I was once doing a walkthrough and discovered an offender (who looked like a cracked out Bob Ross) had basically turned his cell into the Sistine Chapel. But instead of paint, he used shit. He'd also marked himself up with dooky war paint. Then wrapped himself up in his foam mattress and proceeded to roll around his cell like a shit burrito. Talk about a 'fun' cell extraction.
Here at the local county lockup, there's no a/c except for Main Control and Booking. Let me tell you, between the heat and stank, it gets downright nasty in there during the summer. Especially C pod (all females), for some reason.
This is according to my SO, who has worked at the county jail for the past 16 years. I've never set foot in it, personally.
@rnmissionrun said in RL Anger:
Here at the local county lockup, there's no a/c except for Main Control and Booking.
Yeah, that's a thing too. I forgot that there's such a thing as old buildings. Those places need to be phased out and replace, imo. That shit's cruel.