RL peeves! >< @$!#
@ThatOneDude You just want a Tesla with Insane Mode. I know how this game works!
I got a brand new Fitbit, the kind that tracks heart rate. So fucking excited. I got a small, as I'm always a small wrist, I can wear children's bangle bracelets for fucks sake. Size 5 ring. Still fat. So I have small hands and such.
It's too small. TOO SMALL. But, if I buckle it so tight it is digging into me, there's enough room on either side of my wrist to put a finger because the device itself is so wide. So, it's too small because it's too big.
I can't even. Where's my Apple Watch.
Amazon/Sellers charging shipping for each item and not offering a discount if you buy more than one of the same item.
If I want to buy 3 of an item, you shouldn't be charging me $6 PER for shipping.
People who feel the inexorable need to explain to me why they cannot do something or why they need to call me back, even after I have already said, "Okay, talk to you later!" Dude, I let you go. Go, go do your thing. Do you, man. It's okay. I promise I don't need to know your whole deal.
People who won't hang up the phone in general! "Okay, alright. Well... Alright. Yes, well, okay we'll talk.... Heh, alright. So. I'll talk to you..."
These are signs that suggest I would very much like this conversation to be over!
For me, it's people who feel the need for excessive greetings on IM and Skype. I treat those as constantly open channels of communication. When you have something to say, you just say it. No need to 'open' and 'close' every time, especially not if we're going to be talking again in five minutes or so. It's usually newbies who do it, people who aren't used to the internet so much. It's still grating! We could be talking about interesting stuff instead! Or I could be moving on to some other multitasking thing.
People merging into your blindspot when you're about to merge lanes.
I almost died today because someone decided to be an asshole.
Related Peeve: People who insist on blaring their music at the top possible volume for their sound system and/or idiot bikers that feel the need to rev their bikes incessantly while at a red light. IF I WANTED TO HEAR YOUR SHIT, I WOULD PLAY IT ON A CD YOU SELFISH FUCKWAD.
*Empirical 'you'.
@Monogram I know your pain. A large white van with no back windows almost flipped itself AND practically started a three-lane, multicar accident because of assholishness. Namely, being a huge fucking van that attempted to cut across three lanes of traffic, including attempting to force its way into a gap FAR too small to accommodate its size on a busy highway.
@Arkandel so basically, my mom.
Ok mom loveyoubye. Yeah I will. Yeah ok. Yes. Alright. Love you too. No. Yes. Bye. Yes love you too. Ok bye. Bye. BYE.
@Wretched Yes. Your long lost sister. Means all the weird we have in common is genetic. Haha!
This explains so much, and makes so much other stuff kinda creepy.
@Wretched I know. Which made it even funnier!
People going at the speed limit or 5 mph below on the fast lane and either locking speed with a slower lane so I can't pull in front of them or erratic speed ups that make me think they're finally speeding up and then not. That's not just a pet peeve.
That's actually increasing chances of accidents.
Ahh Facebook-people... I get it, you're pissed at me so you Unfriend me. Meh, whatever. But goodness - unprovoked blocking on Facebook, that'll show me! (Granted, this is as much a RL as it is a mushing-bitch. I'm gonna start keeping a tally of mushers who block me on Facebook.
Much like getting deleted from skype contacts.
Now I've ended up deleting people from Skype and Facebook on pure accident. If you've got a weird name that you change from time to time and you change your picture, I start to forget who the fuck you are. People do this all the time, I don't get it.
I kind of love being blocked. It's amusing to watch people talk to themselves. Haha
I find that suddenly not being privy to someone's public Facebook typically means they're gonna start vaguebooking about you and don't want you to put two-and-obvious together.
@Luna said:
Now I've ended up deleting people from Skype and Facebook on pure accident. If you've got a weird name that you change from time to time and you change your picture, I start to forget who the fuck you are.
And this is why I've had the same Skype name/picture for YEARS. People like to be cute and/or witty with their Skype stuff but completely forget that maybe not everyone they talk to will recognize its them through their witticisms. I may change the picture every great once in awhile... but the name never changes.
@Miss-Demeanor said:
People like to be cute and/or witty with their Skype stuff but completely forget that maybe not everyone they talk to will recognize its them through their witticisms. I may change the picture every great once in awhile... but the name never changes.
You can manually change/set their name, so it doesn't change for what you see when they do that. I have most people on my Skype set that way, so I know who they are.