RL peeves! >< @$!#
It was expected you have a cellphone when I was like 13 or so, though Scandinavia is fairly high tech I guess.
Weirdo Scandinavians. -
I had a cellphone at 15. One of the original Nokia's. I felt so cool, with my interchangeable face plates. >.>
Edit: Of course, by 17 I had run up a $300 bill and then I lost the cellphone.. but it was cool for a time!
@Miss-Demeanor said:
I had a cellphone at 15. One of the original Nokia's. I felt so cool, with my interchangeable face plates. >.>
Edit: Of course, by 17 I had run up a $300 bill and then I lost the cellphone.. but it was cool for a time!
I only got those prepaid cards. Mum didnt trust me not to rack up a huge bill. Which, since a lot of my friends did, was probably not unwise. I had a bulky motorola. What a crap phone that was. It survived being thrown against the wall, though.
Mine added my phone to her plan... which, given that I ended up being an emancipated minor by 16? Probably was unwise to have kept me on it. >.>
This post is deleted! -
Stop telling me that "no one" has a 4.0, and that I shouldn't try to have a 4.0 gpa, because to do so would mean that I would have to perform outstandingly throughout my entire time in college. I'm fucking aware of how much work it takes to have a 4.0. I'm allowed to try for it.
Stop telling me I can't do it, and should just stop trying.
Just because it's too much pressure for you doesn't mean I can't do it. >_<
Heh. Some people have 4.0. It's hardly unheard of. You can probably do it if that's what you want. If you don't manage it, well, it won't kill you, but wtf, it's not impossible and it won't kill you to try for it either.
I had a 4.0 in college. Now in high school I had like a 2.5 or something. Can you guess who was bored in HS?
You can do it @Cobaltasaurus - If you want it, never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. Well except maybe the nice police officer with a gun and a taser. I'd listen to them.
It depends. Few people came out of Organic Chem unscathed.
GPA-wise. There were some fires and explosions, though.
It doesn't hurt to try, at least.
You can do it, Cobalt. Some people take other people's ambitions as an affront, usually has to do with their own insecurities. There's that impulse to push everyone down to conform to everyone else. Doesn't mean it's impossible, it just means you'll be making everyone else look bad.
More power to you, you know what you want and you're gonna take it.
Sure you can graduate with a 4.0. Please don't resort to grade-grubbing, though (not that I think you would). Nevertheless, it is true that undergraduate GPA doesn't matter very much unless you're going to graduate school, and graduate school is frequently an awful idea.
My partner is pulling a 4.0 GPA in classes she didn't really study during her undergraduate program. Frankly, the fact that she pulled a 4.0 GPA in Organic Chemistry makes me very, very afraid of ever considering leaving her.
I've watched Breaking Bad. Checks out. Never cross a chemist.
4.0 is possible. Depending on where you're at, it's not that hard either, but very difficult for other majors/schools. But, in reality it doesn't matter much for most people. My barely graduated best friend is still teaching chemistry in a very nice school district, which was her plan. My honor student chemistry friend? Same. Exact. Thing.
If you're complaining to your friends about the pressure, yeah they're going to tell you to back off for your sanity. Just tell them it means a lot to you, you just want someone to complain to and that they only need to smile and nod. Ask them if they're burnt out on listening to you and don't take it personally if they are.
If it's others? It's a nice way of saying I don't give a fuck about your grades. Or how hard it was. Congrats, don't care. It's rather braggy and offputting.
The lesson here is: Do it if it makes you feel good. Being able to say you have a 4.0 is pretty liberating.
@Thenomain said:
The lesson here is: Do it if it makes you feel good.
Wiggum: "Don't snap my undies."
@Luna said:
If you're complaining to your friends about the pressure, yeah they're going to tell you to back off for your sanity.
I wasn't really even complaining about how hard it would be, or how difficult it is. I was complaining that the way one of my teachers has our grades set up (they block off the assignments for previous weeks at a certain point) makes it so I can't keep track of my grades, and that is irritating as I am trying for a 4.0, and want to know what my running total for the class is--
To which I was told that it was an impossibility and I would have to perform outstandingly throughout my entire career as a student and "no one" has it, so I should just stop.
If another student is discouraging you, kick them in the genitals. If it's a teacher, report them.
Shitty attitudes really don't have a place in education, at any level.
It's only impossible to get a 4.0 GPA if your teachers are asshats and use bullshit grading systems that make perfect scores impossible.
And if they do that? Report their asses.