I think the thing that's getting me is how many people are saying "We're back to normal! We're back to normal!" except.... we're not.
I'm still working from home every single day of the week and because of various health issues in their respective families and households, have seen literally any of my friends in person exactly once, fully masked, standing outside in the street since.... March 1st of 2020.
My husband is still working the shitty, shitty job that was the only thing he could find after his company laid him off and for all these claims of being unable to find workers, he's had at least have a dozen companies email him to schedule interviews and then never reply to his reply, schedule interviews and then not show up, or get him through multiple rounds of interviews to never call or email him again, even with a form letter rejection.
Almost all of the ways we spent our free time were ones that involved very large crowds -- concerts and comedy shows and movie theaters, none of which will be happening for several more months where we live.
I still get an email about once a month from my program announcing another one of my classmates who just died from COVID. Including yes, literally this week.
So when people say that things are "back to normal", I honestly don't know what the fuck they're talking about. What is the phrase for feeling like you're being gaslit by 300 million people?