Its not lack of empathy ... its the way it has destroyed academic pursuit and freedom of thought. There are healthy ways of discussing these topics (and re: Oriental, I am aware that that term is not new and its history). The way they are talked aboutt is not healthy. And I don't mean on just a "gosh, people get so sensitive and angry about this" ... I mean on a level of professors, teachers and students whose lives are being ruined, jobs lost, careers destroyed, because Sally the Pink-Haired SJW decided that the way you talked about the history of that Oriental rug was just so fucking triggering that they "felt the violence of that microaggression and gosh they just couldn't leave their room for days because they were crying". THESE PEOPLE NEED TO SERIOUSLY FUCK OFF. And they need to be told, not just by academics like me, but by people like you to GET A GRIP.

Best posts made by Ataru
RE: RL Anger
RE: Fear and Loathing
Would like to echo @Brunocerous statement. I've posted before supporting Fear & Loathing, and think it has a lot of potential. Politics in the vampire sphere is definitely starting to heat up and there are some great PrPs going on. There is a lot of productive cross-sphere RP as well. As the Praxis is just ICly reforming, now is a good time to get involved.
As part of that, I am looking for someone to play my own vampire character's childe. Caius is rather old-worldy and does have a bit of a hard time fitting into the modern Las Vegas nights. When his childe was Embraced is up for discussion ... either back in his old days, in the 1920s when he was active in San Francisco (He was on Cofab and is a transfer) or even something recent to his reawakening in Las Vegas. His bloodline can be problematic for some people, so its entirely optional as to whether the person activates it.
My other character, Book, also has extensive family in Las Vegas (his descendants). The Book family can comprise of any sphere and some are active members of the police force and city government. If you're interested in that as a different route, happy to explore that too.
Anywho, just a couple of RP hooks if one is looking for a good way into the RP at Fear & Loathing. After Reach and Cofab, I left MU*ing for awhile and am glad I tapped into this place upon returning. It is a good group of RPers and the Staff are attentive (full disclosure, I came in a month ago as Encore to help out with +jobs and such). Join us!
Links to my character pages in case anyone is interesting in playing something connected:
RE: RL Anger
"I have never heard something stupid referred to as 'that's so hetero'."
You don't know many old queens (like myself) then. Believe me ... we have as many words and occassions to call out stupid straight behaviour as they do. If not more.
"I can use what voice I have to speak for those that cannot."
This is a good sentiment. But be sure you know what you're doing. Most gay people are quite good at speaking for themselves. One of my biggest pet peeves is straight people telling me whether I should be offended by someone else's behaviour. I once told a male, straight friend of mine who was arguing with me about gay rights and other gay social justice stuff and telling me that I ought to be offended by so and so's behaviour and I wasn't being a very good gay person because I wasn't offended. My response: "Do you take dick up your ass? No? Than fuck off and don't tell me how to be gay."
Now putting the shade aside a bit, in this particular situation there was no ability to know what this guy was thinking and the couple involved (whom you should not engage in a 'loving' manner and 'white knight' it) didn't appear offended. I'm gay and I'm offended by people being any more intimate in public than a peck on the cheek or holding hands. But then I'm a prude queen. So doing nothing is absolutely the right response. Know what fights to fight and if its not your actual fight, than be DOUBLY sure before getting involved.
RE: Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX
@Kanye-Qwest said in Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX:
Tolkien is a horribly dry and boring writer, and elves suck. @tragedyjones is on to something.
Well there's goes my PhD dissertation.
RE: RL Anger
I'll just end with this for now....
"For at present we all tend to one mistake; we tend to make politics too important. We tend to forget how huge a part of a man's life is the same under a Sultan and a Senate, under Nero or St. Louis. Daybreak is a never-ending glory, getting out of bed is a never-ending nuisance; food and friends will be welcomed; work and strangers must be accepted and endured; birds will go bedwards and children won't, to the end of the last evening."
āG.K. Chesterton -
RE: Fate's Harvest BETA Live (Full Open Soon)
@Ghost This is why when I first log into a game, I name the charbit Ataru. It might get renamed after I come up with my concept, but I like to be transparent about who I am. If people know me from here and want to say hi, great. I just got into that habit.
RE: How Do I Headwiz?
Everyone's advice has been very good so far. I would add that especially at the beginning KNOW your Staff. They don't have to be friends. You've been in the community for awhile. You know the people to a degree. Know who you are hiring. Be proactive and ask people whom you feel you'll be able to trust with the opening of your game. As your game progresses, this can change as you meet new people on your game and maybe bring them on to staff. But even then ... know them. And don't put anyone in any real power on your game whom you can't trust implicitly to make the right decision should you not be there.
RE: RL Anger
Also to throw this out there, I've very rarely ever needed to refer to someone by their race. What context are you all (ambiguous term) running into this that it's becoming such a big issue that you can't just /not/ call someone an Asian?
Mostly, they like to be called their names.
I'm actually with you here ... unfortunately young students today define themselves more by their various identities than their names. That's not hyperbole.
RE: Fires of Hope: A Star Wars Story
On SW games that had restrictions/apps/FCs etc to take care of the Force apps, it always lead to drama. If avoiding that drama is what you're intending, then find some way to not have a gatekeeping mechanic. Either allow Force users from the get go and tweak the lore in that region of space to explain why you might have a cadre of Jedi or force users or whatever there ... there are a lot of narrative choices there, OR set the game in a time/place where it becomes a moot point ... I specificially chose 100 BBY on the Chu'unthor for the setting of my Star Wars game for this reason, totally freed up Force/Jedi apps .... OR don't have them at all. Like at all except as an occassional NPC plot villain/quest giver or whatever.
Any other system I've seen used, in the end just didn't work, created confusion or frustration and certainly brought about resentment.
RE: Dune Coda Stuff
For those following the thread, this is being pursued and development is commencing. Yay. I will use basic CoD stat system altered obviously for the Dune universe. Probably won't install that till after I've finished the grid and news files and such. Thank you all for the interest. Keep following here for updates!
RE: RL Anger
It's annoying as hell that overzealous students have co-opted the term, but it is really useful when correctly used to describe a very real set of interactions.
This right here. That is the important difference. Microaggressions like you describe are valid, should be recognized and where they can be resolved, resolved.
The way it is co-opted in academia is really what I was focusing on. I have friends whose academic lives, careers they have poured years into (and anyone who has done a PhD knows exactly what kind of sacrifices that means) have had their lives ruined and careers ended because some kid didn't like the way they said "He/She" or some bullshit like that. And the thing is these kids are not going to listen to us to correct them. I don't know who they will listen to really. All I do know is that in their millenial adolescence at college, they are leaving a trail of ruined lives and destroying the whole purpose of academia. /golf-clap.
RE: A Constructive Thread About People We Might Not Like
I'm an extremely forgiving, give someone a second chance, type of person. And when/if the Dune game ever opened, there are many people I'd welcome on it that I may have issues with (though to be fair after 25+ years in this mix, I haven't really made an enemy). But I can categorically say the VASpider is one person I would absolutely not allow on the game and if she appeared and I was informed it was her, she'd be out. No chances or fucks given. I don't really see a thread like this as a witch hunt (though to be fair it could easily turn into something worse, so you know ... lets pay attention to what we're saying), but I'm not going to feel bad if its dump on VASpider thread. She obviously chose to reenter the community on FH. She can deal with the repercussions of that, including this thread which she might never see.
RE: FATE/Disapora/Similar
That would be awesome @somasatori ... let me know if its possible. I could use a basic CoD God Machine stat system with tweaks to match a Dune setting ... it would be at least well supported code-wise and still allow for RP oriented play. Hmm.
RE: Cobalt Streams A Thing
Hey @Cobaltasaurus ! I've done some streaming myself. There are some good ways to keep track of viewers and stuff if you're having issues. Happy to help out setting stuff up if you ever need any help
Good video! And subbed as Spuun & Fourk (my channel account)
RE: FATE/Disapora/Similar
My thoughts exactly. The basic God Machine rules are pretty straightforward and easily applicable. And most people are familiar with it at this point. I'll review it this week and see how it might go. If it will work, I'll chat with @Thenomain about helping me install it. FATE is great for the game, but if code support isn't really there ... well I'm just stuck where I was last time
Thanx @somasatori for the input!
RE: Good TV
Sadly Penny Dreadful is done. Apparently it was always designed as a 3 season show, basically a play in three acts. And I have to say it ended beautifully. I actually like that the creators aren't dragging it on and making the story up as they go along. Knowing that they had a concise narrative to tell from the beginning makes me appreciate it more. One of the best TV shows I've seen in a long time. And that last episode. Holy crap.
Catriona Hartigan is the New Cool.
That depends entirely on whether or not there's a Season 4, I think. Which seems...questionable. At best.
Why would it depend? She's still the New Cool. DON'T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME.
her. She's great.
in fact, most of the female characters of Penny Dreadful have been very compelling.
And man, Jekyll, Victor, and Dorian made a horrifying trio.
RE: Dune Coda Stuff
So I believe I've finished digging out the grid. It basically consists of Arrakeen, which at first will be the main focus of RP, about five locations on or along the Shield Walls (Old Gate, Plastic Basin, Cave of Riches, Observatory Mountain and Imperial Basin), a Deep Desert room, Carthag (which will just be a fortress settlement right now, not the large city it is in the books because at this point House Harkonnen hasn't built it up that way) and Sietch Tabr.
There will be more in the future such as Arsunt and Qina (for a couple other of the Great Houses to have as "capitals") as well as Sietch Jacurutu. But I think that's a good place to stop for now.
Next I'll be finishing off the @descing and going through NEWS files and such.
I'll need to get @Thenomain in at some point to install the CoD code so I can start reworking it for Dune universe setting.
Anywho, just an FYI for those following progress
RE: FATE/Disapora/Similar
I'll be sure to ping you. I have txt files full of news files that just need to be edited and reviewed. Arrakeen is already a grid skeleton, the rest is easy to @dig, then its just a matter of desc'ing it. After that ... wiki work and cgen and done. I put a lot of work into it back when off-game in txt files. So it should come together quite easily. Just a couple small hurdles and making sure there's interest. I think there is from what I can tell
Thanx again!
RE: RL Anger
Does that mean you're going to shut up about "microaggressions" then?
I seriously don't know what that word means anymore.
They're micro-annoying. I had some young student try to explain to me how this microaggression was so violent it made him feel ill for a week. I think someone had given him a 'look' or something because of his pink hair.
I just looked at him (I'm about twice his age) and said, "Violent is when you're being beaten in an alley by a group of people calling you 'fucking queer' ... it is not in any way a 'look'". He actually had the balls to respond, "But my violence is just as valid as yours."
I wanted to throat punch him.
It is one of the downsides of being in academia today. Dealing with all of this microaggression, hurt feelings bullshit.