My grandmother was released today. Basically just an 'event' and not a full heart attack.
Such such such relief.
My grandmother was released today. Basically just an 'event' and not a full heart attack.
Such such such relief.
Honestly, the best/longest WoT game I played on stuck to the traditional roles.
I am pro-sticking with the female Aes Sedai and male Warders. Society full of lady mages, lessgo.
My vote is for 2E. You should still be able to download the 2e QuickStart rules for free on DriveThruRPG so that'd make the playerside pretty readily available to people. Won't go in-depth, but enough to get the feel.
Also yes, AI being playable would be
I would also be happy to provide my copy of the quickstart rules (just don't post it publicly anywhere plz) if DriveThru isn't offering it anymore
I have my fuzz! She gets very insistent on attention sometimes, which is fine. We've missed one another. I need to get a couple more toys for her before I fly out for my Christmas trip (she's never been a solo-pet before), but she's settling in fairly well. She really likes the sliding doors out to the porch... Good view and the ducks sometimes come down this way from their pond. I'm thinking I'm going to save up to get a cat tree to put by the door (added bonus: she'll stop trying to claw the couch!).
"thing I love" may be too strong a word for this.
But let's call it a positive thing.
My ex-husband contacted me today. apologize. To tell me that I was great (a good person, a good wife, etc.) and he was the problem (I knew this, mutual friends knew this, but he'd never acknowledged it before).To apologize for how he treated me over the years we were married (he checked off pretty much every gaslighting technique).
Part of me wonders if he was just high and/or drunk, but his messages were coherent and without the usual typos and such that usually come with him in such a state. So, I'm going to be cautiously optimistic and say it was genuine.
I'm not going to suddenly be friends with him (hell to the naw), but now maybe I can visit SC and see mutual friends without being scared of running into him.
That does, honestly, sound like depression to me. My depression, at its worst, is not a sadness. It's an emptiness. These states where I don't bother with anything because what's the point? Where I don't MU*, I don't play games, I don't read, I even barely watch TV. I can barely arse myself to do my job well because of the sense of 'why bother.'
Depression gets this... rap as being a state of sadness, but it's not. Not just sadness. For some people it is, sure. But that's why there's this whole idea that 'just look on the bright side!' will fix it. When I'm depressed, I can look at the bright side, sure. Before I got on my current meds, I did that whole thing all the self-help books and sites and shit recommend. Every night, I came up with three unique things to be thankful for. Every night. And y'know what? It made me feel worse. Because I could see, logically, that I was thankful and they were good, but I couldn't feel it.
It's that... inability to access the more upbeat/happy/good feelings. That's depression. And sometimes you do slip to the other end of the scale into the sad/morose, but most often it's into a realm of nothingness.
I found that person that I pretty much perfectly mesh with for idea sharing. Like the feedback I get from them is exactly what I need and we function on the same wavelength. We've had discussions on unrelated things turn into stories that I've used for class- with huge success.
Like, I have a goddamn muse, y'all.
If it doesn't work, they tell me it doesn't fucking work. If it works, they tell me not just that it works, but why it works (which helps me build off of the part that works to enhance the story further).
I have, as a writer, needed this for so long.
Am I the only person who thinks 'Ok I've written more than 2 paragraphs maybe this is way too much no one's gonna read this shit time to delete the entire post and walk away to do something else'?
Some men do the dinner thing, too.
If I'm asked 'What do you want?' if I don't have a specific preference, my answer usually at least has guidelines, depending on the state of my stomach. Like, 'I can't handle greasy stuff today.'
But my ex-husband loved to force me to 'choose'. So it'd become this series of:
Me: 'Ok let's go to...'
Him: 'No.'
Me: 'What about-'
Him: 'I hate that place.'
and so on until I finally get to whatever he actually wanted.
And then the next time we see our friends, he'd go on about how difficult I make picking a place to eat. Men do it, too. (and then the major assholes still pin it on the woman.)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is part of this month's Humble Bundle. I already have the game, but I say this because it's an amazing game and everyone should play it.
@fortydeuce said in Fortydeuce's Playlist:
@tek Thanks! I wish I could figure him out more, and I felt like a jerk about flaking on the TP last week so was a little gunshy.
It happens. Just like me zoning out a lot on y'all last night because I'm brainfried from work lately. RL comes first!
What's something you should have figured out so much sooner than you did?
Let's all embarrass ourselves. Just a little.
I'll go first...
You know the little cap over the deodorant? The plastic thingy? It took me years before I realized I could just twist the product up to make that thing easier to remove rather than fussing at getting a grip on it.
@sunny said in Hello MSBites! Grade your administrators.:
I am very, very sorry for my part in that. The way that I handled my issues was unfair to you. I am sorry that I hurt you.
ETA: I don't hate you.
Thank you.
It's just... hard to imagine the amount of ... vitriol, effort, and such put into some of what gets said around here not be grounded in hate sometimes. I know sometimes I'll start a post and then just... not? because it's like man, I could be doing so many better things right now. This is a lot of effort for something upsetting.
And for the sheer amount of time that went on it was just like, 'wow. these people really, really think I'm worthless.'
It's hard not to feel hated some days. Esp. when I lack the posse some folks have. I'm super bad at cultivating those. I always forget to go to the pet store to buy kibble, y'know? Or is it plant food? See, I'm the worst possemom.
I'm just glad you're OK
(or at least OK considering the circumstances)
I hope you feel better soon!
@Tinuviel said in Things We Should Have Learned Sooner:
@Auspice The same holds true for that crush you've been meaning to talk to.
Yes/no. Because they can affect a social circle, depending upon their placement in said social circle already, y'know? Things do become more fiddly in that case and I will totally admit that.
I do think a person should still go for it! And if they do pull more than a no then they were not worth your time in the first place.
@gryphter said in General Video Game Thread:
I think this thread talked me out of Outer Worlds, but in its place I need a good game to foolishly waste money I don't have on. Currently eyeballing Pine and Greedfall. Can anyone condemn or recommend either?
I will say this, re: Outer Worlds.
I did the $1-for-the-first-month X-Box Game Pass so I could try it out. Because I don't have $60 spare. But everyone talking about it made me want it and I'm so stressed out by work, I needed a single-player escape.
I got home from work on Monday, and just sank into it. Despite my ADHD flare up of late, despite all my stress (and I am someone who funnels stress into OCD into 'mustdoallthethings' into...)... I just sank into my chair and only checked in with people to make commentary on the game. I had no interest in anything else.
It sounds like maybe after that first planet it might go downhill and maybe it does, but I already consider that first $1 fucking worth it for an entire evening of getting my mind off shit.