I saw someone peel mushrooms before. Ridiculous. The dirt cooks off.
Best posts made by boneghazi
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
If I have to make another pipe cleaner flower for my mother in law I will go ape.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
Anyone else have weird clothing ADHD symptoms? Like being really triggered by tags and rough clothing and...
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@goblin And it turns out the neighbor had a key the entire time. lmfao.
RE: RL things I love
Today was the 1st day of 1st grade!!!!
Last year Kindergarten i homeschooled my kid. So he hasnt been around other kids really since november 2019 thanks to covid.
Hes gone a bit feral but he is far less shy than previous years.Today i dropped him off.... I walked him to class and during our 8 minute walk he forgot his name, fell and skinned his knee, and ran into a table.
He will survive this right?
RE: Good Anime
Also this. It's big so I wanted to put it in spoilers but I also don't know how....
click to show -
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
My husband got a new job. His last day of his old job was yesterday and his new job only starts on the 1st.
So, that means today is his first day "off" and he's going on a camping trip with the church for a men's camp thing for the day and night.
He's only leaving at 8 am.
So of course he gets up at 4:30 and blasts music and wakes the dogs up early so they can rampage through the house, turns the bedroom light on so that I may wake up with him... and all around is a terror. Like he's TRYING to wake the baby up too.I mean, what would I do with an extra hour of sleep anyway?
His ride better hurry or they'll be picking up his dead body.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Update: Sweet Jesus, he left and took 90% of the noise with him.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
I got really lucky with my son.
Last year (Kindergarten) in 2020, I homeschooled him. So I know first hand what it's like to get him to sit and concentrate. (Impossible. It's impossible).
And this year, we were blessed with the covid restrictions where half his class would go one day and the other half the next. This was ok for about half the year but his teacher started taking him every day because it takes him twice the time to finish his assignments.
He isn't incapable of doing the work. He does math and reading at a 3rd or 4th grade level. When it comes to writing, however, and concentrating on it? Nope. He almost outright refuses to write anything. And his handwriting is bad. Because he loses focus after every single letter. Every single one.
Even tying his shoes is such a chore he loses focus during it.
Anyway his teacher has made accommodations to give him extra time. We do communicate. We have meetings at least twice a semester. For example, this meeting we decided his pencil bag is a huge distraction, so she needs keep his crayons and other things for him and I have to send him to school with a restricted amount of items. I give him 2 pencils, a glue stick, and a sharpener and that is all he is allowed. Otherwise he spends 45 minutes "looking" for whatever item it is he needs.
I guess I'm also blessed not to live in the USA anymore. I was born there, and lived there until I was 17, so I know how BS the school system is but I'm in South Africa now. We have a lot more holidays than the USA, as well as shorter days. And I think their lunch is satisfactorily round about 11:00 as he starts at 8, then gets out at 1 most days, 12 on Friday. I'm also thankful they do uniforms. It makes dealing with mornings a LOT easier. There's no wiggle room or negotiating or fighting about what he's going to wear.
His teacher, while very understanding, has been giving a lot of homework. We are so behind. But, I think she understands and has never complained about his homework not being done on time. To be fair this is the first time this year we are behind. But. It took us 45 mins to an hour to complete one page where he had to write 4 sentences and draw a small picture and write his name. It was like pulling teeth.
He also doesn't seem to have any sensitivities to stimuli. Though I have barred the rest of the family from being anywhere near the living room while we do homework because they will laugh at him (because he's cute, not maliciously) or have their own things to say.
I have tried studying with and without music. it doesn't seem to affect him. Though he does HATE the music I play (lofi homework music on youtube type stuff) and wants to force me to play terrible minecraft dance remixes.
Minecraft is where his mind goes. It's where he lives in his head. He's thinking about it constantly, 24/7. When he goes to sleep at night. When he wakes up. When he's on the toilet. When he's eating. All the damn time. You would think it's a good thing to motivate him with, right? But no.
Potty training was also a fun ride. Boy howdy, let me tell you x_x
I thought I had a point and questions to add to this post but I'm exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally and I lost track.
RE: RL Sads
This morning, my kid found a very young bird (still had some of its baby fluff, couldn't fly) out in the garden. He was on his way to school. I kept an eye on it, and after I got done with my stuff four hours later it was still there.
I made some baby bird food and took it in. It was strong, and I had lots of hope of it surviving.
My kid came home and was thrilled. I sat him down and told him all about baby birds, and how we had to be EXTRA gentle because they are very fragile. And, from how he was acting with it, being very gentle, I allowed him some supervised time with it. I was right there.
Anyway. I put it in a cage and made myself some food. I made the bird, now named McNuggets some food, all was good. We snuggled, watched some TV. Kiddo occasionally popped in to touch it. All is fine.
Second feeding went really well. But I was exhausted. I put him back in the cage, perched him by my head so I could hear him if he got hungry before his next feeding time. Literally a foot from my face.
Its been 2.5 hours. I caught my son in the room at my side with the bird. He would reach in and pet it and leave. He did this twice, but I was damn sure to tell him to leave it alone. Many, many times.
I never dreamed that he would take the cage and take it out.
But he did. He stole the bird in its cage away and took it to another room where he tried to smush it into a slipper and broke its neck. Then he tried to perform CPR on it in his panic (pushing on its tummy) and... Well. Didn't make it better.
I'm so disappointed. Sad.
This is one of those teachable moments I guess. Gotta be gentle when I don't want to fucking be gentle.
RE: Questions About Evennia
Wow. I wasn't expecting such an overwhelmingly helpful response and so quickly too!
First of all, thank you everyone for your input and guidance. It is extremely appreciated.
@roz said in Questions About Evennia:
@nyctophiliac said in Questions About Evennia:
- How customizable is the system? Like say for instance I wanted to run an nWoD 2.0 game (>_>), is it feasible? Is the current release stable enough for my coder to tinker around with tweaking this?
AFAIK you can do anything you want as long as you know Python. It comes with very little built in out of the box.
- Wiki! I've been looking at the games hosted, and they all have wikis that seem similar in design. Is this powered by a 3rd party wiki something akin to mediawiki? Or was it hand coded to suit Evennia?
There's a default website template, which is why a lot of the websites look similar, but they're not wikis.
Thank you! You hit the nail on the head with both of these responses. Especially about the webpage/wiki. I just assumed it was some kind of wiki because of all the integration Arx has. No wonder it works, it's not done in media wiki. XD
@rnmissionrun said in Questions About Evennia:
It's very customizable, but of course non-trivial things will require some skill to accomplish.
Not sure what you mean by this, are you talking about the main Evennia wiki?
The core system is functional but still pretty light since it's meant to be an extensible framework and not a MU*-in-a-box type of thing. There's no mail system, boards system , no concept of object "ownership" in the traditional sense, characters don't even have genders, etc. There are numerous contributed modules that make up for some of these, you can find those here.
Thank you! This list of modules is like 15k% helpful and I think what I was looking for when I asked for a "features list".
As for the wiki, I did mean what Roz mentioned, like why did all of the games that use evennia look related? I wanted to know if they used some kind of established wiki to create their webpage/template, and if so, was it integrated?
I know there was an issue recently with a bridge between evennia and mediawiki, which was another reason why I was asking. I've tried to integrate mediawiki before into chat clients and such for a web pages java chat RPG site I hosted for about 3 or 4 years. I could never, ever get the bridge to work.@griatch said in Questions About Evennia:
We are not tired of people asking questions in the Evennia support channel.
If people don't reply right away it's usually because people are preoccupied, not that they ignore you. Time zone differences are also a thing, People are spread all over.
- Yes. Evennia works quite differently under the hood compared to your average mush though.
- Evennia is its own web server and has a default website and webclient it starts along with the server. There is no wiki out of the box.
- Maybe https://github.com/evennia/evennia/wiki/Evennia-Introduction or https://github.com/evennia/evennia/tree/master/evennia/contrib ?
@griatch said in Questions About Evennia:
As for learning Python, I recently wrote a tutorial for people wanting to get their very first taste of Python through Evennia-examples only. You (should) only need a text editor and Evennia up and running to start. You can find it here: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/wiki/Python-basic-introduction
I don't agree with this notion. Of course you can always make relevant comparisons. For someone like you who used mush and now is learning Evennia, just documenting the pitfalls and things you have to think differently about to progress would be useful to others.
GriatchOh please don't misunderstand
I never thought you guys were /truly/ tired of answering my questions at all. As a matter of fact, whenever I have posed a question of any sort on the IRC/Discord channel, I've always gotten a response. Incredibly helpful community you have. And I'm glad you haven't tired of me just yet because I have 0 experience in coding and will likely be asking hundreds more. (Ok. Well I do CSS, PHP, Java, HTML but those are hardly relevant at the moment).
I'm going to have a look through your python basic introduction as soon as possible to see if I can wrap my head around it. I do have a python module coming up in college, but in the meanwhile I'm attempting to get my feet wet a bit by learning /something/. I usually just start with a project, break it repeatedly, and then fix it until I finally know what I'm doing.@apos said in Questions About Evennia:
If you have your heart set on a wiki I'm sure there's a lot of random django apps for it. Googled and saw https://github.com/django-wiki/django-wiki at a glance.
Going to look into this as well. I do LOVE wikis. As a game admin, I am an organizational freak and I like how I can structure a wiki, present information, organize it, etc, and have other contributors as well to aid in the fleshing out of a world, leave their mark, etc. As a player, I like contributing to settings when I can. Makes my tiny shriveled black heart grow three sizes.
@tirit said in Questions About Evennia:
Evennia is a great way to go. Since it uses Python it can pretty much do anything Python can. Excluding anything in Python3.
Also Python is a much easier concept to learn then the old outdated MU code.
The index is a good way to find out which games are being developed. Arx being the current one that's past the pre-alpha/alpha stage.
If you want to discuss more, you can also login to connect.deepshadowsmush.com and ping Bremen. I can talk to you about development on Evennia as well from a person who knows nothing about programming and how much easier Evennia was to do.
I played on Arx for a while and it's what made me fall in love with Evennia.
Not that I don't think Thenomain and others haven't made strides with it and made beautiful systems. That's where I fell in love with MU'ing. In fact, if I could figure out mushcode, I'd be perfectly happy running my mu on it. Sadly, there's more documentation/resources available for learning python. Or Ruby for ARES. Which is ultimate why I'm steering this direction.
Also! I have logged in to deep shadows and I'm poking around a bit. I don't expect to be around all that much until the Holidays are over, but I hope to run into you there soon. I look forward to it.@rnmissionrun said in Questions About Evennia:
@griatch said in Questions About Evennia:
If you're an experienced MUSHer interested in learning Evennia, I suggest that first, you get yourself a good Python tutorial and learn the basics of the language. Remember, Evennia is 100% Python, you will need to know it and knowing it beforehand will help you make sense of things when you start tinkering with the actual server. Once you're a little familiar with Python, install Evennia and start tinkering. If you have questions, join the IRC or, in the event that you're turned off by the MUD-centric nature of most of the IRC chatter, find a game in the Evennia Games Index and try asking for help there. I'm always happy to answer questions on my site (The Big Empty) and Tirit is also (Deep Shadows).I agree that this might be how I need to start. I am going to familiarize myself with Python first, because I need to know, at the very least, the terminology! So thank you for the direction
I may hit you up after the holidays are over and the dust settles from the stampede of family obligations upon me. I appreciate it very very much.
@Thenomain : A special thank you for your contributions on this thread, too.
Sorry I didn't get to some of the comments (a few were above my head :3) But I love the discussion and it's getting my gumption up to start something!
RE: Coder needed for nwod 2.0 mu
@Sammi said:
Like @Thenomain said, convincing a stranger to help you do everything would require finding someone who has a clean plate and is invested in your vision. There are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself and make yourself more likely to get and retain help. Your best bet is to get a list of exactly what you need and then hope that multiple people would be willing to help you. If you have a host with shell access, someone could get the game started pretty easily and load basic, tested code packages. That would allow you to start building (until then, you should work on making a map).I have a host with shell access, as im at digital ocean as per the 0 to mux tutorial.
Working on a map now, have started to put it up on the wiki.
Im really good with wiki stuff, so i expect the interation could come later... i also have a few friends that may be able to help me with wiki integration as well as a suggestion above.Ideally, you'll have a dedicated coder eventually, but you don't need one now. Not if you have self-contained packages of code that don't interfere with one another and are familiar to the various coders of the community from other games. If you find one coder who has the time to start up the server and do basic config setting, one who can drop in and test a sheet and chargen system, and maybe one or two others for miscellaneous things (like the wiki), you'll be pretty well off and none of those people would have to invest terribly large amounts of time. So you need to break up your requirements into manageable chunks and maybe some of us can help you.
I want someone right now to...
- Install the code base system, because i tried it before and fkd up so i had to have someone come in and troubleshoot and im almost sure she would have rather done it from scratch than spend 3 days figuring out what i did wrong.
- Install thenomans nwod stuff. Right now we support vampire, werewolf, and mortal. I dont Ä·now how much editing or work or time this needs at all.
- Past that, there are other addon thigs i like and have mentioned previously, and as long as they are prebuilt packages, maybe i could try to do their installation myself and when i make the place explode, i ideally need someone thats not going to yell at me when i tell them i broke it.
I hope to eventually learn mucode, but i sometimes learn best by breaking it and then seeing how its fixed... not that i intentionally break it.
If you have someone willing to do all the data entry for Beast and write out any of the unique rules, Theno might be willing to add it to his system. He likes clean, well-cited, precise descriptions where the only thing he needs to figure out is how to translate them to language the MUSH can understand.
I will so do the shit out of this. Once the official book comes out and i am more confdent in my ability to know whay needs to go into mu ode n stuff.
P.S. I'm taking the time to explain this because I'm not opposed to helping. The game sounds vaguely cool, but like you're trying to roll in too many things at once. If it were open now, I'd check it out. If you came with a specific set of needs, I'd be fine with hopping on in an evening I don't work and shoving some code together. Coders aren't magical wizards conjuring forth digital playgrounds from inchoate kilobytes. A MUSH is just a building project, like any other, and most of the work has already been done. The great thing about digital building projects is that you can copy and paste large amounts of previous projects and you just have to run a few tests to make sure that you didn't forget anything. That doesn't take much time. What does take time is walking into a project where the person running the project has no idea what they want and doesn't appear to care how it gets done, just as long as the person doing the building makes it happen. This is fine if you're getting paid for your time, but it's a big ask for hobbyists who might only be vaguely interested. If you want to make this happen, you have to be the project manager (or someone on your staff does) and say, "This is what we need. These are the colors and design elements we want. This is what our grid is going to look like. These are the game systems we want to support. We like this event system and that game's AJobs customizations. These are the customizations that we want to implement." If you had that all ready in the first post in the thread, I suspect that you would have found help almost immediately.
Youre all wizards to me, tis why i have traveled from the wildes south of the sahara, scaling glorious peaks and spanning vast distances with this archaic magic known to me by the name of the internets to prostrate myself at your glorious golden feet and to petition for the gods of mush to smile down favorably and hold my hand as i embark upon this noble cause of roleplay....
I actually didnt mean to come off as "i just need this to get done" and for that i apologize. I am so sorry.
What i meant to do by giving our needs and saying i dont mind how you get it done is...
I am a graphic designer and tattoo artist by trade...
I see people come in every day and they want the mona lisa in stamp size on their hand and im only allowed to use three colors that dont go together and also it must not hurt. And it must take 5 minites and be really cheap.
I compare coding to tattooing. I think of you almost as artists and you know better than me. You know what code to use the best, what system, what... everything. I dont want to come in with my imperfect knowledge of coding and be like i need x, y, and z when its impossible for those things to happen. Id like to give you an idea of what i need, then let you use your wisdom and experience and preferences to do what you do best.
When tattooing, my best and most artistic work comes when people collaborate and compromise with me.Im looking for something of a partner even if short term just to get us off the ground that shares my vision, knows what i want out of the mush, but has the freedom to take it to that destination the way they think is best.
I realize it might be a bit how shall i say, far fetched? To expect someone to jump on board and dedicate themselves long term, but its my ideal situation. So of course just setting it up wiuld be ultra helpful and awesomrad... but I want someone thats got the balls to tell me "this isnt going to work, lets do this". Have a cup of tea over skype and talk about visions or experimentations we could do, come up with a game plan that suits us both, not just me. Someone to say, "ok you want this done here are your options and my needs. You need to do x, y, and z for me."
As we work together, i would like to help with data entry and supporting what needs to be done, but my hand needs to be held at first... Just a warning. As interest gathers for the game, people wanting to help code will come forth and help too, but i would like to start on getting the mu up and running...
So... i realize thats a huge stretch, but hopefully my vision, passion and dedication to the project is quite evident by now even if i have a hard time expression what i need in codelingo.
RE: The All-New Down With OPP Thread
I have pneumonia and I'm just going to be honest I do not have the energy to be chasing after this dingle berry this time, but my red flag is also going off on Arx RE: DWOPP.
Also, RE @Lithium. Funny enough, they were accused of being DWOPP on the previous MSB/Hogpit for the SAME TYPE OF BEHAVIOR as DWOPP . Probably why they are a little touchy /now/ or something. But. I'll say it again.
Not the same. Lithium was banned on 7/20/2018 from Arx, playing Barric and Cleo for "Had a tendency to be passive aggressive, guilt trip, or 'joke' in ways that made other players feel uncomfortable when turned down for RP or excluded in any way. Was warned a couple times about minor instances. When confronted about another instance and warned it could not happen again, ragequit."
Can 100% confirm that's pretty much to the point but with a distinctly rapey vibe that DWOPP didn't have.
RE: Good TV
I am also probably late to this party but I have binged 'The OA' over 2 days and I absolutely love it. I really need another season or two right now. Just the right amount of weirdness for me!
RE: RL things I love
@surreality I adore Dan aykroyd even though he's weird and heard him talking about his (the crystal skull) vodka on Joe rogans podcast just 2 days ago. Very neat! I really want to try it.