I forgive you my child.
Posts made by buttercup
RE: Podcasts
@kanye-qwest Murder dictionary is also two women and they are quite comical too at times. I started with 'B' is for biker which are some of their more recent episodes. I would definitely recommend them to you now that I am like 5 episodes deep. I will try out the one you suggested on my drive home this evening. Excited.
RE: Podcasts
@kanye-qwest Oh, thank you. Added. I added Murder Dictionary this morning and it was good. But haven't listened to more than two so far so cannot say if it is consistently good.
I just started Podcasts for the first time.
The Last Podcast on the Left
Hardcore History
(A slew of NBA and Suns)
Sword and Scale
The DailyLove The Last Podcast on the Left. Love Love. Their run on Rasputin, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and in particular the Donner Party was exceptional. Any suggestions like that?
Mushing and Dating/Relationships
I tend to avoid online relationships through mushing. I don't manage long distance well and being in the boonies and the random hit or miss of the awkward single pool lends me to avoid it online. I've had one like twenty years ago, we departed friends, and reconnected 20 years later on Arx randomly. Really that was the only RL mushing relationship I engaged in that went from IC to OOC.
How do you single people mu* and date or hold a relationship at the same time? Do you mush or explain it? Is time an understanding an issue? Usually I focus on RL and take a hiatus and then as a relationship finds itself and we each take our own personal time I'll engage in online role-playing again.
How many of you met your RL loves through mu*ing?
I'm dating now and my online time is near zero. I often wondered if I would have been better off trying to and find a gamer to get with but at the same time I'm not an all-in mu*er either. I am a pretty active father, have a career, and my priorities are towards offline.
It's interesting having this hobby and meeting others that do not. I usually get stares and no understanding (even if there is no time issue).
RE: The Basketball Thread
I would like the Suns to take a slow ride. I love what they did in the draft this year. I love the cap flexibility. I hope we throw out one year deals to not bind our cap space and that Ayton/Booker starts a good core. If Josh Jackson can get a shot he is dynamic enough defensively/energy wise to be great. I think Bridges is exactly the right pick for this team.
I think I want Patrick Beverley since we're stuck with Knight for a bit longer. Kemba/Lowry I just don't want to pay the price for in a guard dominant league when our players should be given a couple more years to develop.
RE: The Basketball Thread
@three-eyed-crow I grew up in Glendale and was born in Phoenix. I grew up watching Suns games with my father. We had some amazing and fun runs between 7 Seconds or Less and the Barkley title run.
I loathe the Spurs and the Lakers due to my Suns loyalties. My sons although Texans root for the orange and purple too.
RE: The Basketball Thread
Heading to Vegas with my boys the 6th, 7th, amd 8th for Summer League. Mostly there to watch the the Suns after Ayton and Bridges. Can't beat 35 bucks for a whole day of games.
RE: Buttercup's Playlist
Added Philippe as I play him every now and again and looking to start mushing a little again, Changed Arx to 'none' as after Abbas I ended up walking away. I started and made 'Dario' but some circumstances had me just deuce out from the game and take a break from the new House.
RE: The Basketball Thread
So at the end of the Season we (my sons and I) did our basketball road trip. Saw the Bucks, Bulls, Pistons, Cavs, and Grizzlies.
We loved it. Had a blast. Thought I would share
RE: Buttercup's Playlist
That is pretty fair to say. A couple of the people to their credit when they learned I was also Tovell actually were like wow and were awesome OOC from that point forward. There is a spectrum of behavior I'm sure. Being the antagonist you are a little exposed to being hypersensitive about things I suppose, too.
RE: Buttercup's Playlist
@catsnake I had idled on that game in public for two weeks. I had all of one scene total so you must have been the one!
I vaguely recall him eating out of a gross bucket of chum from a fish stall and someone walking up to him.
He was basically just the creature from the black lagoon. I had never tried Changeling before and the game was entirely new to me. I gave up thought as I just couldn't find any RP and I'm generally too shy to start page-begging!
RE: Buttercup's Playlist
He has to be one of my favorite characters I have played. I had a two year run (maybe more or less since near the beginning of Arx) on the character being a foil. It was an epic run with pretty impacting moments in the story.
I am a bit relieved to be done with him in some sense. There is a large gap in immaturity where players associate characters with their players. I had seen a lot of it and understand this is a natural tendency for any medium like this. I took Tovell (the pious and dutiful knight) off the roster to sort of just compare experiences. I kept my use of him pretty much unknown and the difference in how I was treated as a player was amazing. Some of the same people that were crap OOCly to me with one alt were friendly, welcoming, and utterly different on the unstated alt. I enjoyed the OOC experience of playing a good-guy far far more.
ICly though playing Abbas was much more enjoyable.
RE: Buttercup's Playlist
Edited to move Arx characters from Active to not.
RE: Fading Suns 2017
How is it going here?
Not uh, impatient or anything!
But, seriously? We're talking 4/1 launch right?
Actually... got a road trip coming up. Let's shoot for 4/10
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
Abbas how others see him:
How he sees himself:
The truth: