I remember Jinnie for a hot minute. I wondered why you left and stuff. Now I know where you are. Huh. That came off more stalkery than I intended.

Posts made by Catsmeow
RE: Alzie's Playlist
RE: Hunter, Mortal+ -- fuck the supers?
I get what you are saying, at least I think I do. You want to have all the major spheres, but have them as the NPC baddies that get taken out, right?
There are bound to be people that will play that. I prefer mortal/mortal+ on WoD games. I know there are others too. Really, there is one way to find out - build it.
In my experience, it really isn't so much the theme of the game, but the staffers that run it. If you have power mongers, no one is going to have fun. So I'd start with finding really good staffers and then go from there. Good luck.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
Will there be a Powell's? It's not Portland without a Powell's.
RE: Looking for a ghoul
I was curious what that means too. I mean come on, it might not be a sex ghoul. They might mean like a 1920s char that is totes old school. Or maybe they just want them to behave and do everything the vampire says. EVERYTHING.
Also, curious for whom the ghoul is for. Who do you play? Really, I'm just curious on that one.
RE: Werewolf 2e Games?
I'm not completely sure how this will transfer to a MU*. I mean it sounds cool for a TT of the game with these rules. However, when you have combat and blood; suddenly everyone is a wolfblood. That might actually make people less inclined to play with them, etc. Or it might not be an issue at all. It does seem very Anita Blake-ish.
Banging other werewolves would only be hard because for years in a player's mind it has been a 'law' breech. So that could have some weird drama on the OOC of switch over. Not that it matters as games have all the sex in all the places and all the taboos.
I do like more power. MORE POWER.
Just my thoughts.
I found an archive that y'all might find useful. It's not WORA, but it's out there
RE: Greetings and Salutations
Cobalt -
Because I love you (okay love is a strong word) and I search the interwebs for you. I present:
Your +events code - You're welcome.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
I know Charlotte, NC and Rock Hill, SC. Actually Rock Hill is a college town, 2 exits from Charlotte and 1 exit from Carowinds (Six Flags). I know a bit of Charleston too. However, you could just make a fictional city around the area. That way, less rules lawyers.
RE: The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
What about the Carolinas? The outer banks of NC flood a lot and there is a lot of interesting culture to look at there. I also can't think of a game based out of there yet.