@Gingerlily I would have upvoted you IF you HAD done it.

Posts made by Catsmeow
RE: The Music Tastes Thread!!!
RE: The Music Tastes Thread!!!
@Gingerlily said in The Music Tastes Thread!!!:
I was going to just Rickroll you guys all five times in a row but I decided to be better than that. It wasn't easy.
I wish to downvote this -- and need someone to rickroll.
RE: Forum Factions
Did @Meg just say she was a cat?!
She is NOT in our faction. -- I mean -- HISS, hiss, merowl, mew (The cat people know what I said).
Also, isn't @Thenomain's day job like... um... like a computer thing?
OOOOOOooooo... or maybe he works for Comcast, that is like the anti-internet. Or maybe he is a dog whisper. Or maybe he works retail. Or maybe he's the Arby's person and wants to know where the beef is. Or....
RE: RL things I love
@tragedyjones said in RL things I love:
@Scorn She actually has a lion cut because she was all matted when she got to the shelter so she looks like a weird murder lion kitten,
THIS makes me love her more.
RE: RL Anger
Double post!
Eye rolling. I considered slapping the almost four year old for it. --- Don't worry, I did not do this, but I really really really wanted to.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
It's super SUPER user friendly. The game is welcoming. It's active. You'll enjoy yourself. I say give it about a week or so to learn the commands and then you will be like -- Holy Heavens, why haven't I been doing this forever?!
RE: RL Anger
Indiana, that's close too. I shall remember this for drinking (I won't remember)I spent most my adult life as an executive admin, so I get this. Seriously the place use to fall apart if I took a day off.
RE: RL Anger
I am a cat elitist and I do wish I was a princess -- So your um.. vague other forum post that we are not mentioning because .. vaguebook is all the rage. (Get it? Rage? Anger... you get it).
Also @Coin - I would have to meet your friends first. Or just drink too much.
RE: Forum Factions
I'm sort of disappointed you want to talk about it for that long. I mean there was this time on that place that people wanted to talk about that thing. We talked about that thing. It took forever. I mean really I'm just disappointed at the views expressed by .. well you know by who, I don't have to say his name. I mean if I don't say it I can deny it was him, but you know. So I'm sort of disappointed in this and maybe in you wanting to discuss it, but I mean.. I guess. As long as we like do it only for our entertainment and not because we are offended. I'm disappointed, totally not offended.
RE: Forum Factions
@Tinuviel said in Forum Factions:
@WildBaboons I think that'd be the entire forum.
I'm disappointed you think that.
RE: RL Anger
I did too. And then I had children. My mindset changed very fast.
Loving another isn't about cutting all of the flesh from your bones for them. Loving another is showing them why you won't do so, or ask them to do the same.
THIS! So much this.
RE: RL Anger
To be fair, I spent a GREAT number of years in my life saying things like:
"That's okay."
"Sure, I guess."
"If it makes you happy, we can."Now I'm closer to 40 and life is too short to live it for someone else. (Oh look I'm posting probably in the wrong thread, drinky drinky). I use to think that love/care meant self-sacrifice. I would put my wants and needs and feelings on the back burner. I still struggle with this because I'm probably a people pleaser. Then there comes a point where you look around and realize you are not be authentic. If you are not being authentic than you need to question if your friendships are. So I started saying no when it really wasn't okay. I stopped being resentful to people that didn't know they were overstepping because I never told them. You have to be honest to yourself and with yourself and then with others. Some people will leave and it will suck. Other people will stay and it will rock. Your life will be happier and such.
Okay, done hi-jacking the thread ... drink up... I hope @WTFE is still alive.
RE: Forum Factions
Don't forget @Cobaltasaurus -- she mentioned it first. However, I now feel pretty and witty and.... shiny.
RE: RL Anger
Hahaha. I read that and was like -- Oh! He's just trying to get her to put out. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that went there.
As to the situation, if you are friends with people; you should be able to be honest with them.
I probably would have been less tactful. If the person asked with Sad Eyes Girl, I would probably have responded:
Dude, don't put me on the spot like that. It's not cool. You know that we had plans and you said driving her somewhere because she doesn't have a car was going to be a short errand. I mean I get you are friends and all, but I took off from work to hang with just us. So, no it's not really okay with me.
toes ground
This might be why I haven't made new friends.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
As a note, I miss a gym with a Pilates class. I use to be soaked (which is gross to some but makes ME feel I worked out) afterwards. It's a lot of work to use your own body. Right now, I'm not gyming because I can't find one that meets my needs. One is a no 'Gym Intimidation' gym. Which is great but I sort of want to be inspired by others. I like going to a gym and seeing people go hard. It makes me want to do it. Those that sort of half-ass their work out sort of gives me a reason to. I'm pretty good with my own excuses.
Also, I'm still a little nervous after the cardiac embolism in March. I have been walking pretty much daily and I'm starting to feel my body is ready to attempt running and strength training. I have to say, even if your buddy just walks to the end of his driveway and back -- it's moving. Moving is important. Baby steps are important. The distance/speed/activity is less important than just moving.
RE: Forum Factions
There's a WannaBe A Princess Faction?!
I want in on this one.
RE: RL Anger
@Ganymede I'm going to run out of alcohol soon. I'm going to need you to make good on those promised drinks.
RE: Forum Factions
Are we really doing bad jokes now? Tsk.
What do you get when you cross a dyslexic, an insomniac, and an agnostic?
Someone who lays awake at night wondering if there is a dog.