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Posts made by Catsmeow
RE: Forum Factions
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I did raw and vegan for a bit. Forks over Knives has some good plant based meals in it. I'm not sure I want to go vegetarian right now (I might in a few months), but I could be a food buddy if you want. I'd be happy to go pull some of my old recipes and such. I also HATE most nuts and beans, so I feel for you. Mushrooms have a lot of protein and if memory serves correctly, Jackfruit does too. I am also borderline anemic and when I was doing raw/vegan I felt AMAZING. I'm just not know because I moved cross country, lost my savings/career, work part time and all that starting over stuff; so it's not a good time for me.
That said, I support any decision that you feel will make you a healthier you. So let me know if I can help at all, even if it's just cheerleading you on.
RE: RL things I love
So I like nail polish.
I like Essie brand for some of the colors. I decided to go to my local Walgreens with my sister as I was blowing off my walk with her. Essie is like 9-10 bucks a pop. ALL the colors were on sale for like 4 bucks. I may have bought 10 of them.
I regret nothing.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Do you have friends to walk with or go out and do things with? I am old and thus that was my childhood too. Meeeemmmorries. Although, I do have to say I like being back East. It's so green and stuff. No one has ever taken me camping no matter how much I have asked.
RE: RL Anger
I am horrible at LARP. Also if I'm going to do it, it is for a set time. After that, I want to know the person not the character. I don't want to hear about only MU/RP/LARP/yadda. I like to hang with people when I'm with them. It's my love language. Quality Time and Acts of Service. Just like I require phones down during meals.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I have struggled for YEARS on how to lose weight and more importantly how to do it in a healthy manner. I've starved myself and lost a lot. I have restricted. I have over-exercised. This time around I'm seven weeks in and I'm doing it by not beating myself up over it.
If I eat too many calories, instead of thinking what a pig I am. I realize that I will just make better choices after and then try to figure out WHY I splurged. Was it to an emotional thing? Was I bored? Have I not been eating enough through the day and felt deprived? If I don't exercise that day, I remind myself that my body needs a break instead of telling myself how horrible of a failure I am. We negative self-talk ourselves all the time. That is the real problem in my book.
Look at this conversation for example. @Thenomain is already putting himself and his choices in a negative light by saying he should and doesn't, etc. Or by saying he's spent X hours doing X thing and should be doing... we really need to eliminate 'should'. He enjoys gaming, there is nothing wrong with that. We need to work on changing our self talk. Like we say things to ourselves we would never say to a friend or a stranger.
Find a thing you like to do and then focus on the activity and not on it as a weight loss tool. If you like to bike, go bike. Enjoy the beauty around. If you like photography, go bike ride to a place and walk around and take pictures. You need to enjoy how your time is spent. I mean I'm just giving an arm chair opinion here, so it could all be bunk.
I walk 2-6 miles a night with my sister. We have been out of touch almost my entire adult life. We are now living together. We walk slow (18-20 minute miles) and we just sort of catch up on our day. What was funny? What was crazy? What made us mad? It's something we both enjoy and gives us time to get back to the relationship we had. That's my only exercise. I'm more mindful of what I am eating, but hey, I just ate a bowl of chips if I'm honest here. I don't feel bad about it. It was totally worth the calories to me.
As a positive -- I am officially down 20 pounds since May 8th. Woot. I still have a ways to go, but I find my thoughts are shifting and that's the real ability to do it. Also, accountability. I know my sister is waiting to go walk with me and she gives me crap (nicely) if I bail out or try to bail out on her. So @thenomain - find someone to check in with. You want to text me (I don't mean that in a creepy way), I'll set up a time to check in with you if you want.
TL;DR - It's more about shifting your self-talk and your mindset. Also, woot this is working, albeit slowly.
RE: Date Thenomain
This just become a romantic version of the Hunger Games.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Austin is on the list of cities I want to visit! I have heard good things about it. I understand wanderlust, I get it like every 6 months or so. It's probably good I don't have a telecommute job or I'd move way more.
I will put out good vibes that the move goes well and funds fall into place for you.
RE: RL Anger
I'm sorry hon. I wish there was something I could do. When I went on my meds for my immune disorder, it helped my migraines. Can you maybe talk with your doctor about thinking outside the diagnosis box? Maybe there is a med that is not a 'migraine' medicine, but stops the pain, etc. I'm sorry.
RE: RL Anger
I'm sorry. My family is this sort of crazy, so I empathize with you. Sometimes it sucks but sometimes we need to distance ourselves from the people we share DNA with. Family isn't just about blood and genetics, it's also friends and being there.
RE: RL Anger
I think @Tinuviel meant that the flight was going to last /tomorrow through Sunday/. I don't think he meant the actual distance.
RE: Lords and Ladies Game
I think everyone has moments of an amusing lack of awareness. It's human nature to not see how we are being perceived against our intention.
RE: Lords and Ladies Game
See I was totally and very admittedly in my crazy period in the only instance I know of dealing with @apos and @Kanye-Qwest. Like rock bottom in life crazy period, it's been covered on other boards. So, I get why I'm banned without invitation to return.
But is this @Thenomain and @Kanye-Qwest a long time thing or ... I'm just curious is all.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
As a very much non-swimmer -- these numbers mean nothing to me, but you can do it!
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
The best way to 'diet' is to have a mental reset and that takes a lot of work. You have to figure out the cause of the issue that got you to X before you can fix X. If you don't fix the issue then you are just setting yourself up to fail. Surround yourself with people that will support you and start separating from friends that try to sabotage you. There are so many other things... but I think we'll bore the board if we keep going. We can talk about it if you want in PM.
My super power is optimism and I'm an amazing cheerleader for people.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Food and I have a brutal, dysfunctional and co-dependent relationship. It is easy for me to drop weight, but it's because I hate food and start starving myself. I also cannot diet. I start out okay, but then I start thinking if I just restricted more and worked out less. Then I lose myself over to it and it's a struggle to fight back from it.
I have found that the whole weight watchers point program works for me so far. It's been painfully slow to my crash dieting, but so much more healthy. I don't completely understand how the points are factored (I don't want to either), so I can't concentrate on calories and obsess over numbers. I just pick what foods I want to eat and see how the points balance. It's been the most healthy approach so far.
I totally understand @Nightshade. I wish I could help. Is there something I can do to help?