That's a thing?! Why?

Posts made by Catsmeow
RE: Date Thenomain
Which if you will provide alcohol?
Actuaaaaally --- The Michigan/Ohio conflict started of Toledo - They had huge property disputes over who owned it. Then it just grew to we hate everyone in X state. --- Ironically, no one would want the city now.
RE: RL Anger
I'm sorry. Really I'm always sorry when someone lets someone else down. I hope it works out one way or another. Sorry it has to suck until it doesn't.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Comeon.. you know I'm too lazy to stalk.
You are still high in the running for the date Thenomain, fear not.
--- Actually, looking at the postings, you might be it.
RE: RL Anger
Stop talking to boys from New Orleans. I told you this (not really).
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@Thenomain said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Catsmeow said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Psshh, I wish.
Well.. come visit-- erm -- I mean I'm sure you could.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Sex.. please post to the date Thenomain thread.
Okay actually if you want a leaner look, you could take up yoga. It's a lot of moves but isn't too intense and you can alter intensity as you get use to it. Also you get the added benefit of flexibility. Pilates use to kick my ass EVERY TIME when I use to do it.
It's a horrible sick twisted tilt-a-whirl of crap. Then you start thinking EVERYONE does it (not just those people). Then you get paranoid. Then you start to think maybe people don't like you and...
Welcome to depression.
I sometimes have to shake it off (like Taytay said) and realize sometimes I am going to be screwed over. Sometimes, I'm going to get fucked over. However, other times people are genuinely invested. That's what matters.
RE: RL Anger
You know. I lived in Vegas (I just left) for a good many years. I have seen some corrupt shit go down. I mean on the flip side, I've seen some good stuff too.
So not to be all weird but I have a question. If you have restraining order against the police; who enforces it?
Hahaha.. I actually think part of my social anxiety comes from this IRL. I am an awesome friend. Seriously, everyone says (even non-shit talkers). However, I have witnessed my friends say things like:
"Ugh, that Becky. I don't want to hang out with her, but I feel obligated."
"Damn sometimes Tom just annoys the shit out of me."
"I'm pretty sure that Bobby can do better than Ken. I mean Ken is also hooking up with Barbie and Bobby has said..."So then I'm like.. well fuck. If you talk about others, you obviously say things about me. Then it makes me all nervous to talk, etc.
I've had people shit talk me and I'm always a little leery of the people telling me about it too. Like I have been told the equiv of X doesn't like you, they just say they do. Or whatnot. Usually that's when I'm out. Too much RL dramaz lately to add online ones.
I have probably said some shitty things about people too, but to be fair, I tend to tell the person too.
Can you just imagine the victims? "You are only agreeing with X because you are talking about it in Discord."
If you want to chat with people -- there is this cool message feature?
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Thenomain said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Let me have my hill to die on. UX is as important as the fun stuff.
But aren't you.... over that hill....
haha age joke
haha.. wait, it might apply to me. -
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I can't draw to save my life IRL -- let me have my rainbow colored art on games. I have always liked descs and designs from when I was on Firan to now. --- I do not play Arx, but I like crafters, etc. -- When I did play Arx, I did make things and customize them, etc.
That's all. Nothing about the ugly. It's you know called an art and not everyone appreciates the same art. That's cool.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I like crafting with rainbow vomit. I admit this.
RE: Date Thenomain
Wait y'all are in Ohio? Okay! I need to meet you for research.
RE: RL Anger
I need friends. People move to the hand state. (EDIT: Don't really. That would be creepy).