It's cute that everyone is pretending hating black people is a disease only found in the USA/countries with large subsets of black citizens, but this is a Lie.
Finland does not have a large population of black people, yet the White Finnish bitterly hate black people.
The Chinese government displayed their fangs by ruthlessly executing a black female.
So how do you guys explain that? Is Finland chock-full of blacks? Is China?
I'm sure a number of convincing arguments will be set forth, all of which will exonerate the aforementioned countries of all ill-will towards my people.
No, actually, the plight of black people is totally different. There is a sign hanging on the door of the rest of the world that isn't Africa, and it says "No Niggers Allowed".
That is why I have no intention of going to Germany or Japan, fond though I might be of their females (and males).
Why should I? So that I can be called a Nigger in German(Die Schwartzen) or in Japanese (Kurombo da!)?
All the world hates and despises black people. While I'm sure other peoples experience racism, it is not to the truly dire extent that black people experience it; or, rather, our situation is rather unique.
Being black means being trapped in the country of your birth.
Being black means not getting a job, a car, a house, or an education, without hideous amounts of difficulty; if you complain about the difficulty, people call you a "lazy nigger with a Gibs Me Dat attitude".
Being black means people hating you irrationally, then lamely making excuses for it ("You just did something wrong!" "I disagree with your opinion, not you!" "I...I don't like your personal life...").
Being black means people laughing and making jokes about racial tragedies that befell your people.
Being black means people bitterly opposing you in nearly all your wishes and decisions.
Being black means being killed in cold blood, at any given time; even now, a protest is under way in Baltimore over this.
Being black means people not letting you in their house.
We now return to your regularly scheduled thread. Thank you for reading this; if you didn't, that's okay too, as many regulars here insist that I'm just a troll, and whatnot.
I've been thinking about making a separate thread for people to share their experiences of racism, as @HelloRaptor mentioned earlier, and, in spite of people's posts (including my own), this is not The Racism Thread.