@Wizz said:
I've been thinking about this all day and actually I don't know, my friends and I are creeping into our thirties and looking at us... maybe this really is noteworthy????
I am 28, and therefore creeping into my thirties, and I am not at all wrinkled. Granted, I also avoid the sun like the plague, and don't tend to do the sort of things that would cause weather and wear on your skin.
Also: Re-promotions and age of crew on Star Trek games, the ones I've been on it always became some thematic hard rule about age and time in services, and etc. etc. So what ended up happening was if you wanted to app in as a high rank Lt, LCDR, or heaven forbid the rare CMDR, you had to app in at an older age.
...and then when the game started to thin out on players, and positions needed to be field, and promotion-time game around the younger crew PCS whose players stuck around were promoted up and what about your precious theme now, asshole?!
Now you have someone who went from ENS to full LT. Or LTJG to LCDR.
/me rants.