I imagine all you'd need to do is find someone with enough Divination to find you wherever you are, mix that in. Remember that Blood Sorcery rites can include multiple themes, and with the ridiculous amount of available experience on TR, this can get bananas fast.

Posts made by Darinelle
RE: Blood Sorcery
RE: Fitness and Whatnot
@Ganymede said:
I like cross-fit; I just dislike the people I've met who do it religiously.
I love CrossFit. I try really hard not to be obnoxious about it though! And yes, people who always want to shove their obsessions on me make me cranky. Craaaaanky.
RE: Fitness and Whatnot
At this point I think she's doing it deliberately.
Sidenote: I fucking LOVE Crossfit.
RE: Fitness and Whatnot
Man. I'm hesitant to post here because my relationship with diets, exercise, and health is so filled with things that contradict things that "everyone" knows that I've given up discussing it with anyone but my doctor.
That being said, I do like to talk about exercise so - I finally got my weight rack set up in my garage and am lifting again. Life is so much better when I lift regularly.
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
I accidentally had this happen to me, where a couple of the people I regularly RP with surprise me with STing and then we take turns STing for each other. We don't really discuss it when it happens but honestly it's pretty freaking incredible to me. Very much outside the norm, but I like it - and the players who do this can pretty much ask for any STing from me that they want (and are likely to get surprised with STing too). It makes for a lot of fun.
RE: When Shit Goes Right And It's Nice (On MU*s)
@Three-Eyed-Crow - I've actually done this in the past, on TR and on Firan before. It has never NOT worked well, in my personal experience - and I really like it. There are some scenes where it's not terribly possible or appropriate but if the players agree I think it's a nice way to be inclusive to people trying to figure out wtf is going on in a new game.
@Bristled-Thistle - As far as I knew going into it, Harm and Gertie were new-to-me players when I ran with the plot. I get what you're saying about cliques but it was even more charming to meet strangers with no expectations, and to walk away with such a lovely experience. I found out after the fact that I knew one of them but when that plot started they were just people who signed up for a plot I put up on +events, which made it lovely.
RE: When Shit Goes Right And It's Nice (On MU*s)
Instead of being really general I'm going to be really specific.
I ran this scene yesterday for Harm and Gertie on TR, and fuck if it wasn't relaxing, enjoyable, and fun to run. They both took the scenario - which could have easily gotten them in major trouble (but required no combat) - ran with it, let their characters react with it, gave me things to play off of too, and we all had a great time. I LOVE when players do this, it makes me even happier to be STing for them.
Sometimes we're so busy focusing on the bad and what's broken (there's a lot of it) that we don't step back and enjoy the good - and there's a lot of that too, at least there is for me.
RE: Tributary's Playlist
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
I hate running combat-only scenes. I've run one on TR and it turned into a nightmare of agony and despair. I was so mad at the end of it, I basically washed my hands of the whole nightmare and didn't do it again.
Which isn't to say I've not run with combat in scenes? But combat-only scenes can go fuck themselves sideways.
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
@HelloRaptor said:
If my fun is RPing and you walk into scenes where I am and instead of RPing just slaughter all the things, then you're a dick
Does this work both ways? If you arrive at a scene where slaughtering all the things is about to commence, and figure out a way to resolve it all just through RPing where nothing has to die, are you a dick for pushing your preference and ruining someone else's fun?
It absolutely does.
...wait, isn't looking back in time like a level 2 power? How does that even require twinking? And this example is a huge peeve of mine. Murder mysteries are not generally a good idea when involving people with supernatural powers, because so, so, so many of them will sidestep the point of a murder mystery. Shit, peeking back in time isn't even restricted to Mages. Hell, there more than one M+ type that can do it. A relic can do it. If you want to run a murder mystery, only invite strictly mortal PCs.
Probably, and I agree with this and I'll say it was a poor example of twinking, and more an example of what can happen if you cross-sphere ST and don't really understand all the powers. Though in some cases, getting a couple of ranks of Time Arcana isn't necessarily appropriate depending on your character and then it IS twinking. I have a character who is hopeless at politics. HOPELESS. This is her character. She is terribad. Her politics are 0. I don't think even 1 in politics is right for her right now. Eventually maybe she'll get better - or maybe I'll just always leave her bad at politics and never spend a point in it. Twinking isn't just in how much you spend, it's in why you spend what you do.
3xp is nothing. Spending 3xp to get 1 point in politics could represent the changes she's gone through in working with the people she does. Alternately, 3xp in politics could be representative of my desire to be able to boost stats that roll with politics and never suffer the untrained hit for doing political things and roll like a shiny golden god. One way is twinky, one isn't.
In the end though, I'm not interested in judging people for the size of their sheet - it's all in how you use it. (obligatory: that's what she said)
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
@Bennie - Fortunately for me, I tend to eliminate idiots and assholes from my main, character-building RP circles, and enjoy a lovely time RPing with some quite excellent people. I keep my hopes high and let people eliminate themselves from my playtime. I never have a problem finding good RP.
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
@Olsson is one of the players I was going to point out as someone who does a really great job of balancing being awesome because their character sheet says they are, and understanding that some people want to also participate in a scene. @Biggles another.
@Bennie - I don't have a problem telling people "hey, you're ruining everyone's fun." Of course, I also don't have a problem letting someone with an awesome sheet be big and bad and awesome. It's fun to get to use shit you bought and don't get a chance to, and I'll admit that often when I'm running things I encourage people to use their skills, and if we have to dial shit up to 11 to get everyone a chance to be amazing, then that's what we'll do.
Truthfully, I think my real contribution to this is - "twink all you want, but don't let the depths of your +sheet stop my ability to RP or you'll find we RP in very small doses." Even if your sheet is awesome, if you walk into a murder mystery, roll dice once to reverse time to see what happened, say who did it, and walk out - well, good job asshole. If you can use your sheet and dominate, but we're still having RP and everyone in the scene is still involved? Cool.
There are some twinky fucks in vampire who I really enjoy playing with - because their sheet doesn't overshadow people's ability to RP, it just means they have optimized characters. I'm ok with that.
RE: Who is Vuk?
@Luna I may be bad, but I feel... good.
@Coin - I escaped LOST by playing WOW while my husband watched it "with" me, and looking up every now and again and saying - "I don't get it."
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
@Bennie - There is a time and place for everything, and sheets are fine. I don't mind min-maxxing. I don't mind combat beasts. I don't mind social combat beasts. I tend not to make them, but they are good to have around. I don't mind RPing with min-maxxers, as long as I don't end up taking a back seat forever and ever because I didn't min-max. That's more where I have the problem. When every scene becomes centered around the same person because they min-maxxed and I didn't, that's going to make me take my ball and go home. Or at least go play elsewhere. And that doesn't mean me always losing - it means me never really getting to play because said min-maxxer is so busy being full of sheet.
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
I don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with people who use their sheets to ruin other people's fun. If your fun is being a sheet monster, do it. If my fun is RPing and you walk into scenes where I am and instead of RPing just slaughter all the things, then you're a dick. In places where one person is meant to be the SUPERSTAR and you shit all over their fun with your amazing sheet (even though they invited you along because you're a friend) - you're a douchebag. If, however, you're superpowerful and you let other people take the spotlight sometimes, and sometimes you're the star, and you don't ruin other people's fun and you have fun of your own too? Cool.
RE: Who is Vuk?
I once knew another guy who told me he rang the bell in BUDS because he had a vicious O2 allergy.