Presented without context.

Best posts made by dvoraen
RE: MU Things I Love
The biggest MU Thing I Love(tm) would be those moments when I realize facets of a character's personality that kiiiind of, but not really, show up in chargen and/or RP, then something comes up and it all clicks together as if I'd been thinking about it on some subconscious level the whole time.
In other words, personality eureka.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Real world peeve: When your planned vacation crashes and burns in a ball of fire because a game release is delayed two weeks unexpectedly.
RE: MU Things I Love
@Grayson said in MU Things I Love:
I have never been so disappointed to crit a roll as I was when rolling Composure, when <redacted> <redacted> <redacted> in front of my character's eyes. Horribly.
Horribly horribly.
The character still has nightmares about what happened, but at the time he totally held it together. I mean, I was at least hoping he'd get to tip the chair over backwards and hide behind his wife.
When my character had <redacted> happen to him for the first time, he succeeded a difficulty 30 Composure check (hint: he doesn't have a 5 in Composure). My interpretation of that result was that he didn't wet himself, but he still freaked out.
There are gradations to it, in my opinion. >.>
RE: Tastes Less Carrot-y
@silverfox said in Tastes Less Carrot-y:
@dvoraen omg, once I finish our current read aloud I should do that one!
When I was first introduced to that book about 30 years ago, I thought it was hilarious that Bunnicula makes veggies turn white. I knew what a vampire was, but a vampire rabbit draining produce white was just the neatest idea at the time.
RE: Crafting Thread Part ?
Should just name this the Arx Cats thread, because we all know what it's going to be about.
dvoraen's Playlist
I figured that my first post as a still-mostly-lurker should be this. So... hi!
Wheel of Time MU*s + Crossroads
This is only some of them, but they're the names most would have known me by, especially considering I reused two of them on other games:
- Sorin <- first ever char there; Asha'man with the laughably bad background.
- Aevar
- Korin
- Svoran (cough)
- Jaeden
The Fifth World
- Jor
The interesting thing about Jor (to me) was that he was meant to be character research, in terms of personal writing projects, and is perhaps the only character I've made where what I started play with completely diverged from the outlining of who he was in terms of behavior. (A few of my characters, particularly Svoran, were made so that I could figure out just how they think about various circumstances. I hit a snag on them for a long time, and MU*ing ironically made it even harder to nail them down. One day, I hope to publish the real versions of all three; Jaeden would be the first anyone "really" meets, if I do.)
Kushiel's Debut
- Piers
Piers was probably secretly planning to assassinate you instead of flog you... if I had ever got his +sheet to have a chance at successfully doing so without discovery. >.> Yes, he really was CG'd as an assassin. No, I never really did any of that in game. I told myself when I created Piers that I was not going to even think of an IC murder until his +sheet could at least handle stealth. Then I went inactive for a time and that basically sealed the deal there because of the time investiture to get him to that point was more than I had available.
Eternal Crusade
- Anjin
To this day, I'm still not sure how I came up with the quirk of preferring written speech to vocal speech, in addition to trying for a "one word response" when possible. To this day, the concept behind Anjin's mannerisms still resonates with me, that I'm probably going to try a variation in another character in the future.
- Bhandn
All I'm going to say is, this is arguably the most incomplete CG I have ever done, on purpose. >.> (I submitted about 50% of what I actually wrote up for him. There are about two or three craters in his background.) He's also the oldest character I've really played in earnest. I'm not sure how to do male menopause though, because I still have about thirteen years to catch up to Bhandn in age myself. It can't be too hard... right?!
RE: How to pronounce FYI?
My official response is "I just like clicking buttons", but my internal pronunciation of FYI is "eff why eye". That is all!
RE: L&L Options?
I'm not sure this is a non-sequitor or not, but when it comes to L&L games, I feel like a lot of people want to be the functional equivalent of Lara Croft: higher society, but gets out and about and Gets Stuff Done(tm), even if it's not practical to do so because of a variety of reasons (expectations by that society, for one, as well as keeping the House afloat).
In other words, I feel like it all boils down to "I want to have my cake and eat it too."
RE: Should Rinel become smol birb?
@Rinel Did you learn how to swim? Are you now a smolfish?
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Peeve: Depression sucks, and right now it's saying I shouldn't bother with much of anything, especially MU*ing.
Thanks for listening.
RE: MSB Peeves
@Derp said in MSB Peeves:
@dvoraen said in MSB Peeves:
I've always been curious about what tonic water is like, myself, but Dad says he has a definite allergy to quinine, so that's nothing I want to experiment with, as to whether I inherited that allergy.
So you buy one and drink it at the hospital. Problem solved.
pfft. I already have medical bills to pay (for an endoscopic exam) I don't need Emergency Room Trolling billed to me too.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Ghost said in General Video Game Thread:
Vanilla WoW/World of Warcraft Classic.
Explain this to me.
Why is "The same WoW only with half the races, classes, and content" super popular?
Beer goggles are amplifying their nostalgia. I played from Alliance-push vanilla beta all the way through just before Siege of Orgrimmar launched. I don't miss a number of things about Classic, especially the bad talents they gave Warlocks in particular.
RE: Should Rinel become smol birb?
@Ghost said in Should Rinel become smol birb?:
Should I aid in this process in saying that way back on WORA everyone agreed that if someone actually succeeded in getting a thread in the hog pit locked down for being too hot that they would receive the honorary title of smol birb?
I remember that. You remember that, right, @Auspice ?
What about "smol to the power of birb"? Sooner or later we'll have a flock of smol birbs unless we get creative.
RE: What MU/RPG opinions have you changed or maintained?
I don't know if I could itemize my regrets after this long, but I do know one thing that is both a regret and the opposite:
Making the transition from MUDs to MUX/MUSH/etc.
Why is that transition a regret? It's led to some
places and upsets in my years (because I was waaaaaaay sensitive to feedback at the time this was going on), but the good has come in equal measure. If there's one thing I'm grateful for, it's RP MU*ing, because I don't think I would have had nearly as much progress as a would-be writer without it.
I am so glad I don't have a record of my first-ever char background, because I would be mortified for anyone to see what my then 16yo self wrote.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@macha No offense to your friend, but the simple stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin are most doctors' first drug of choice for a reason. For many people it works great. For others it doesn't. Finding the right medication is an involved process, and it can definitely change over time. At least you're taking the first steps. Good luck!
@Macha I want to chime in and say this (bolded) is very very very correct. Give your treatment plan time to work, and it may require a lot of change and patience on your part. I went through, I think, three different medications and added a supplementary med to get a hold over my depression and they were not fun months before we got to where I'm at (prescription wise) today. I got a lot of parental support and lean-on-shouldering done during that time, but looking back I'm glad I stuck with it.