@paris said in RL things I love:
Specifically the proteins, I can handle soy sauce ok.
We're totally on the same level, then.
I hate agonizing death. It's not me.
@paris said in RL things I love:
Specifically the proteins, I can handle soy sauce ok.
We're totally on the same level, then.
I hate agonizing death. It's not me.
@ixokai said in X-Men Utopia MUX:
What I'm saying is that just getting someone to log into a wiki is a challenge.
To be mildly constructive, I have no doubt that this is true in some cases -- maybe even many -- but if we do not at least try new things, this hobby will be mired in outdated, unsupported technology.
Frankly, I hated wiki-work as well. With a passion. And then, people made templates and forms and fill-in things (thanks, Surreality), and it became easier. And then, people made web portals that worked.
Unironically, the times, they are a-changing.
@Arkandel said:
The Witcher 3 was probably the best game that's come out the last 2-3 years, as far as I'm concerned. It's so good, and it's enormous, you can play forever. It's a true successor to Skyrim in that way.
It's better than Skyrim; it has decent voice acting and controls.
I'm still playing it, but I think I'm going to take a bit of a break. The world is so vast that I kind of forget I'm supposed to be doggedly chasing someone down.
@thenomain said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
No, just kidding, I hit the up button because it’s rare that the lawyerbot reminds us that she’s human.
Lawyerbots now come equipped with a chip that assists them in fraudulent representations.
Still, I sang a couple of nice songs last night.
I think I'm a bit better.
Also, I just got a new computer.
In my case, I basically play actively on one game, and, on that game, everyone wears a uniform.
So, depending on which alt I'm using, you get your choice of Felicity Jones in a uniform or Ashley Johnson in a uniform.
My life is boring.
@tragedyjones said:
Good luck, @Ganymede . Getting players to reply to shit which is 100% mandatory can be nigh impossible.
This wouldn't be the first time I've tried this. I've done it at least half-a-dozen other times.
Part of the exercise is figuring out who has the energy and willingness to comply and try to help us get things going. And once I get a handle on that, I know who to turn to when I have a plot-idea to run. If people complain about being excluded, I can simply point to this request, and point out how their failure to respond led to an apparently-erroneous response.
So, I just ordered this son of a bitch today. I think it's a pretty decent rig, but I'd like people to comment.
I did okay, right? For $499.99? I threw it up against the Dell Inspiron at Wal-Mart, and the Lenovo has a SSD whereas the Dell had a HDD. Otherwise, the specs look almost the same.
Next time, tell them to fuck off and mind their business.
@surreality said:
It's definitely the place to try things out, I would think. Since it's mortals only, there's not anywhere near as much reading or stuff to learn as there would be in a game with supernaturals. That in itself is a huge plus when dealing with a new system and setting.
I concur.
What's also good is that Chronicles of Darkness is "blank slate." And that the game's wiki is extensive and thorough.
Plus, the crew on staff are good people. And there will be people around to help you understand some mechanics.
Some of the CoD stuff regarding investigating and social maneuvers are a bit a tricky, but most people aren't terribly familiar with them.
Yo, if this by how Austin is, y'ain't selling it on me.
There was that, the dogpiling, the wanting to try and avoid becoming what WORA became, etc. Frankly, if I recall, you had a hand in pushing for moderation.
To your credit, it has kind of worked. Membership's up. Topics are no longer just swirling around the old World of Darkness toilet.
Look, I don't mind being taken to task. I don't. I will admit that I was frustrated and flippant when I saw what you had posted. My reaction was, literally, "doesn't she know better?"
But, c'mon. Admit it: you like to push a bit because pushing is what makes things change. It makes life more interesting. You do it; you know it.
I like your GIFs just fine. I don't mind when you push the envelope a little bit. If you'll help come up with some ideas regarding fair moderation, I'll stop being a rusty, cunty old bint, all right?
@ThatOneDude said:
Neither strike me as the Staff giving a fuck type of games. Just saying!
I'm not sure why you'd expect staff to give a fuck about you if you aren't giving a fuck about their game. Just asking?
@silverfox said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
The ones that blame their nine-year-old for having poor time management and trying to get out of work.
But it is their fault.
I'm not kidding when I say that.
My five-year old is the same way. He sucks at time management. He sometimes complains about being sick to stay at home. That's all him, because he's a clever, sneaksy little 'obbit.
But that's okay.
It's my job to convince him to understand time. It's also my job to convince him that school is awesome. For the most part, I succeed, and he can do tasks on his own. He just slips sometimes.
Kids are annoying assholes, but they are just kids, so we don't cite them for -- oh, I don't know -- pooplegging.
It's still their fault, though. I mean, no one's coercing my kid to poopleg -- that's all him.
I'm at fault for giggling at his antics.
@sunny said in Regarding administration on MSB:
I agree that in typical operation that is the case, but we are not there yet.
I disagree.
I realize that you are speaking from a position of organizational operations, but in many cases I think that a rapid response is important. If you will recall the dogpiling accusations and incidences, had there been more timely intervention I believe the matters would have been addressed without escalating to where they ended up.
I look it from a professional practice perspective. If I am to work and depend on Arkandel and Auspice, then I will support their actions if they take them unless I have a substantial issue. Even so, I would raise that issue with them behind the scenes.
But we come from different backgrounds, and I appreciate that your approach has merit.
Consistency comes not only from taking action, but also in what action is taken. For example, I elected to move an entire thread rather than splitting. I did so because I believed the entire thing was going to devolve. I stand by the choice because, at that time, the thread was clearly devolving, should have been dealt with, and there's no need or imperative to save part of a building when the remainder is on fire. That said, it could have been split, and we facilitated a split after that fact.
Arkandel may have acted differently. Auspice may have forked the thread right from the start. We all moved based on the same rule, but we were moving in different ways. So, there's something to be said not only about taking action on a consistent basis but also taking the same action consistently in response to a situation.
For example, if someone refuses to comply with the "PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING RACIAL SLURS" implied rule for the Mildly Constructive area, do we: (A) delete his posts; (B) move all posts and related responses to the Hog Pit; or (C) ban the offender? We haven't talked about it, but if all actions are potential remedies, then each of us might select a different one.
Double-posting on a separate topic.
Apparently, Requiem for Kingsmouth is back up, in soft RP mode. From my cursory glance, it does not appear that this version of the game has been authorized by Shavalyoth. While I like what RfK did, I cannot play on this game or be anywhere near it until I'm given some assurance that Shava has signed off on it. And this does not appear to be the case.
Despite my erudition on misappropriation and stealing IP, if the game was mirrored and copied without the consent of those who were paying for the site, there are some serious issues here.
So, if the new staff on the game would like to explain what happened, I'd invite it. Otherwise, consider my concerned and mildly ticked-off.
@kdraygo said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
HR is not there to help you or be on your side. HR is only there to make sure the company will not get hit with a lawsuit and if they do, win. They are 100% on the company's side and if they feel you are no threat, they won't give you the time of day.
Regarding the sexism, nothing gets HR's attention more than a report presented on a law firm's letterhead.
@wizz said in Regarding administration on MSB:
Not just "This is against the rule," but also "This is against the rule, and this is what will happen. These are the options you have to appeal an action." Write it like a policy file on a MU*.
See, I'm not sure if I can get behind that.
Obviously, you don't want things going off the rails, like, let's say, if one of us threatened a long time poster with banning because she evidently had her panties in a knot, or something.
But one of the hallmarks of the justice system is having a punishment fit the crime. For example, Tempest's sarcastic title was misconstrued, and the worst thing would probably be to move it to the Hog Pit. Compare that to the fellow that repeatedly uses racist slurs in a way calculated to harass a single player in a fashion that causes 100 members to flag his posts for moderation. It's the same violation as Tempest's, but the violation should be punished far differently.
@Sammi said:
Do you have any ideas about how to encourage players to try to make stuff up instead of using book effects?
I think the system ought to encourage this on its own; not mine, but Mage itself. Even with what I'm proposing, that encouragement ought to increase, since you need a Rote to do anything hardcore.
An idea I had to encourage Rote innovation is to allow PCs to swap around their Rote points freely, and maintain a list of approved Rotes learned on their Wiki page. So if I have 2-pt. Rotes and a 3-pt. Rote, I could swap in a 5-pt. Rote and a 2-pt. Rote from the list at the beginning of a scene. I haven't worked out the details on how to keep track of Rote-swapping.
I know. I didn’t say that it should be an actually problem. I was saying that some people cling to the narrative to cover for their failure to get the vaccines, for whatever reason.
@meg said in Regarding administration on MSB:
I have no way of knowing if she was speaking as just another poster or as a moderator.
We're working on making this clearer, and I'm not perfect on this either. It is safe to presume that unless I mark my comment clearly, I'm responding as a sour-old lawbot, and not as a moderator.
I concur with surreality's assessment. I thought your story was difficult, but important to tell. Putting in a massive, smoldering shit-fire of a topic obfuscates it in a way that I thought could be avoided. I cannot and do not speak for Auspice, but I might've suggested something similar to highlight your story rather than shut it down.