If I want to kill myself, I like Starry Nights.
Also, I like Johnnie Walker Blue Label.
If I want to kill myself, I like Starry Nights.
Also, I like Johnnie Walker Blue Label.
@Thenomain said in The Shame Game:
I'm going to let Ganymede to the heavy logical lifting on this topic, but I was having problems biting my tongue.
There are times when there is no purpose in engaging. Here's one of them.
My opinion is worthless to @Lithium, and I've already made it sufficiently clear. As I'm confident my opinion is buttressed by generations of jurisprudence, philosophical musings, and writings that I care not to cite to, I am comfortable in resting on what I've said.
@RightMeow said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I might start hating people.
That you don’t already speaks volumes of your good nature or naïveté.
@faraday said in Attributes or No?:
Can you elaborate on what about Silhouette/L5R's attribute system you like?
It's honestly been so long, I'd have to go back and look at both. What I recall of the former was a single, simple roll where Attributes add to the die results and Skills determine how many dice are rolled. With the latter, you had a pool of dice determined by Attribute + Skill, but you kept a number of dice equal to the Attribute, and then compared against a difficulty number.
War for Cybertron Transformers figures.
Relatively inexpensive, beautifully made, and just challenging enough. My boy is digging it.
We just need to start buying more ‘Cons.
Edit: I wrote “‘Cons” and got auto-corrected to “Conservatives.”
@Coin said in Attributes or No?:
This is one of the reasons the system I am working on works the way it does.
Based on what you wrote, why don't you just adopt Earthdawn's Step system?
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
The ones I've interacted with do, but the whole alt-right thing hasn't really made landfall over here.
Is anyone surprised that these douchebags are rehashing old shit as if it were new? I mean, John Cena has been using this sign for years.
I think in spooky ways, I guess.
No, I think there's nothing beyond the Hedge that wasn't, in some way, crafted from humanity. Those who get free are those able to pull their souls from the Hedge, along with their bodies. I think a very creepy villain are those Hedge-things that are allowed to leave: no souls, just monstrous machines of matter and flesh carved at the hands of alien-beings and destined to serve them. Sort of like what would happen if the Tzimisce existed beyond the Thorns.
Sleep well.
I’m looking forward to it. After Les Mis, Hooper can do no wrong.
@Arkandel said in Are MU* videogames:
Don't you make me bust out the wikipedia link, lawyer-bot! I'll do it!
If you had asked whether MUs fall under the definition of "video games," I'd agree with your position. What you asked was whether I consider MUs a video game, and I don't.
When my friends ask me if I've played good video games, I don't get into my MU*ing. So, I clearly don't consider them video games.
I’ll take Anne Hathaway as Fantine, sorry.
@Miss-Demeanor said in Fallen World MUX!:
I foresee one immediate problem with this. Staff often won't know all the plots that are being run on any given game. Largely because all the plot-running responsibilities have been doled out to PLAYERS.
This is true in practice, but it is still advisable for staff to give some idea of the direction in which they want to take the game. While players may run a lot of combat-oriented plots, staff should be able to accurately describe what sort of plots they are going to run.
It has been said many times before: PrPs should exist in order to "fill in the gaps." You don't need a metaplot for staff to run anything.
Then she didn’t say it. And if she says otherwise, that is false. And that is a lie.
A lie is not fraud. A lie is a lie.
This is how conversations between lawyers unfold.
Her: Are you saying I’m a liar?
Me: Yes.
Direct questions require direct answers.
Another fucking paper cut.
@tragedyjones said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
How pissed off would people be if police PCs were disallowed? Because, frankly, the number of Police Departments in the LA Metro area is absurd and would mean your effective jurisdiction is fuckall.
I think you're injecting too much realism here.
Being a PC cop is not just a valid concept: it's an important one. Maybe not for Vampires, but certainly for Changelings and Werewolves.
I don't think you should disallow the concept, but you may want to put the warning out there that there's no staffer devoting their time 24/7 to running a true-to-life law enforcement game.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Seconding Derp here; lying involves intent. Being mistaken is much more likely and doesn't involve subterfuge.
I get that. There's a part of me that remains normal. But see the above comment from Derp regarding lawyers.
I mean, maybe she did say something and I didn't hear it or remember it; then I'm the idiot. But if I don't hear or remember it, what purpose does it serve to admit to something that I know to be untrue from my perspective?
And, like a lawyer, my other is avoiding the obvious issue: namely that there's nothing fucking wrong with cheesecake. The other less-obvious issue: cupcakes are for children and not half-as-appropriate for an office party as cheesecake.
I guess my point, now that I'm not especially irate about it, is that if someone is doing you a favor it is far more polite to be grateful for the effort than critical of the result. And, in my mind, if you can afford to be polite to a third-person then it is inappropriate to be critical to a loved one. Otherwise, y'ain't gettin' no favors from me.
Thus why I don't do "favors" for anyone.
@Coin said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
Probably. Still just as equally illogical, IMO.
I disagree. Iron Masters go after humans. What better way to do it than through law enforcement? You've got the tools, apparent authority, and weapons to hunt down and isolate prey, and then take them down nice and quick. I can see an Irraka or Elodoth going down this road.
Plus, there's the pack: if not the werewolves, then their pack could fit into a law enforcement unit well.
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I said that lawyers are basically professional killbots that require a referee and a clear set of coded parameters to keep them from going across the table at one another on the best of days.
While this is generally true, I don't enter killbot mode without being paid just compensation for it. This does not mean I do not get killbot-defensive when I believe someone is taking advantage of my good nature.
And yes I am good-natured, you punk-ass bitches.
@HelloRaptor said:
@Ganymede can call it a lack of creativity all she wants, but that's like saying that people who prefer RPGs with rules to freeform shared storytelling exercises lack imagination, a vast oversimplification at best and just trolling nonsense at worst.
It is a lack of creativity, but so what? What hours of true, imaginative creativity I have I spend elsewhere. There's nothing wrong with admitting that one prefers something systematic, yet pleasurable. And once many of us admit to this, the allure of nWoD will lose its luster.
I don't go into gaming because I want to be creative; I get involved because I enjoy it, and there's nothing high-minded about my appreciation for simple pleasures. It's the same reason I like hockey and pro-wrestling.
@Selira said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I don't like cream cheese, the tang of it in particular turns me off, sweet cheese is a BIZARRE IDEA, the texture is weird, and the eggs give me issues.
In addition to cheesecake, I also make excellent shortbread.
@ThatGuyThere said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
I do like the ideas TJ outlines above if only I could stomach the system I would check it out.
I know I will regret asking, but what's wrong with GMC/CoD/2E nWoD's system?