@JinShei said:
Heatstroke from running last week Plan is to just use their air con so I can survive getting fit.
It's winter over here, so that doesn't make much sense to me. Also, running until you pass out. (Also, @Luna, running on your toes is arguably the right way to run.)
There's no one method to get into shape. It's a mix of everything said so far: from motivation to doing new shit so you're not bored, to being at a gym where there's eye-candy or excellent trainers.
Without outing myself too badly, I've been going to gyms for years. I like gyms because the equipment expanded what I could do on my own. But after spending a couple of years doing plyometrics, aerobics, and old-school exercises, about the only thing the gym has that I don't is a pull-up bar (which I could overcome with one of those door-frame attachments, but I don't want to chance fucking up my house).
I think what matters most, though, is the drive. You want to get in shape? Cool -- let's share stories. You want to dish on fat-cutting recipes? Shit, yeah -- let's do it. Don't want to pay gym membership or trainer fees? We've all got ideas. It'd be awesome to share success stories, just so we can all keep motivated.
Seriously, though, the Dailyburn is probably the best $10/month I've ever spent.