@Goyim said in RL Anger:
Trump won because he channeled populist resentment toward political correctness reasonable accommodations for people that have no interest in raping you or making you gay, even though you probably are gay but have repressed that side of you because it offends your sense of what some God thinks you ought to be.
Fixed that for you.
Civic nationalism is a stupid thing to rally behind where there are two polar views on how the country ought to be, and nothing to direct the ignorant hostility towards.
Realize that when the Republicans cite "freedom to choose" as important, they want you to forget that you don't actually have a meaningful choice. "Freedom to choose" only exists where there are few risks as a result of a choice. And this is why universal public health care is the only reasonable, logical, economically conservative choice for the nation.
Realize that when Democrats insist that we need to pass laws to prevent companies from dodging taxes, they want you to forget that we all end up paying those taxes through higher costs and that higher corporate taxes will likely drive small businesses into the ground.
Realize that many talking heads have too little education or are too far removed from reality to form an authoritative opinion on how to fix the nation's problems.
Realize that the solutions really aren't as far-fetched or far-away as we believe. Look local.