Friend, you've told me about your back issues before and I've told you over and over not to do deadlifts or squats. So, this is where I throttle you. That said, planks, wall-sits, inverse planks, and Supermans for you.
Posts made by Ganymede
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
RE: Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?
@tempest said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
What'd I miss?
Nothing much. Bug-squishing. But there's also the military politics involved as well, if you wanted to head into that angle.
Nah. Let's all just bang Denise Richards.
RE: FCs on Comic MUs
@tempest said in FCs on Comic MUs:
For some strange reason, I got the impression it was about black history.
Understanding Harlem's history is important, but the story is transcendent.
RE: FCs on Comic MUs
@lotherio said in FCs on Comic MUs:
Alfre Woodard.
That's all you had to say. Her work as Mariah on Luke Cage is nothing short of Emmy-worthy. And her scenes with Mahershala Ali are tense and electric.
Daredevil was about action. Jessica Jones was about horror. Luke Cage was about drama.
Iron Fist was about reminding us that nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain.
RE: Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?
@faceless said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
AresMUSH's combat system would work perfectly for Starship Troopers, I think.
Ares' combat system is very good for PvE large-scale battles in general. I'm in for Colonial Marines, and would be in for Starship Troopers as well.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Were you doing squats under that barbell?
I mean, I love you very much, guy, but if I were your trainer I would kill you.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@gingerlily said in Make MSB great again!:
The 'MSB effect' is on PEOPLE not games. It is damaging because not all game runners are intensely resilient and sometimes when a person is called useless and pointless or jokes are made about whether they are seeing a shrink, they are hurt, insulted, and no longer interested in running a game or dealing with anything MU* related ever again...or for a few months at least. If people posting on MSB were slightly less vitriolic it would be better for everyone.
I'm going to pick at this for a second.
If people were slightly less vitriolic in general, life would be better for everyone. If we all carefully picked our words, or kept our messages somewhere between Sunny's succinctness and Thenomain's grumpiness, the messages would be clear, cogent, and concise. But we all know this is not going to happen overnight.
There was a time when this place was different, at its inception. It was so full of good feelings and felicity that HelloRaptor felt alienated, old, and useless (although, to be fair, he is at least two of these three things, no matter what). But, the good old hate is on the rebound again, for whatever reason.
Ever wonder why?
Frankly, I think it's because we've stopped caring: not about each other, but about what and how we say things. Or, at least, we aren't taking the time to consider this before hitting that submit button. Maybe if we did that, this place would change slightly.
And then, maybe we keep on taking more and more time to consider what we're saying, how we're saying it, and if we can say it better. And then, maybe this place would change some more.
But you can't legislate that any more than you can legislate Bill & Ted's Prime Directive.
What we can do is just consider it.
RE: FCs on Comic MUs
@miss-demeanor said in FCs on Comic MUs:
All actors/actresses that have played multiple characters in the Disney universe.
I hate you.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@wtfe said in Make MSB great again!:
The toxic part of this place is this place.
If you asked me to come to your business and tell you how it could be better and I told you to burn it to the ground and start over, I am pretty sure you would not listen to me, and would, in fact, probably stop listening to me.
You're not helping.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@arkandel said in Make MSB great again!:
Maybe all you have is the glimmer of an idea, maybe you have a fully coded game but no staff, but where do you go to find collaborators?
I don't think a Classified section is a bad idea. There, you can ask for help, players to join your group on a game, etc.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@lithium said in Make MSB great again!:
Make the advertising section essentially locked. Original poster can post things, but otherwise, no comments. Keep the rules on the advertising thread to a single post, that way it's all concise, creators have to edit their initial post to keep things up to date should they so choose to update it.
But this also bars posters from posing questions to the advertisers, and permitting the advertisers to respond to the same. While I understand that we can always PM each other, you are severing a legitimate form of communication. Further, not all advertisements are for complete games; they are also used to see the general interest of the members for particular games and to solicit assistance.
Consequently, I disagree with @thenomain's synopsis. A cursory reading of the current Advertising Forum shows at least as many requests for help or feelers for interest as advertisements for completed games. Giving the poster control over what's in their thread is already an unspoken policy around here; there's no need to really change that. But I agree with Thenomain that it will take some genuine effort for us to, without policing, respecting the existing policies, let alone new ones.
Otherwise, and unsurprisingly, I concur with @faraday. Make the Reviews section non-Hog Pit and move parts to the Hog Pit if warranted.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@thenomain said in Make MSB great again!:
I think that the advertiser should have control of what goes into their advertisement. That seems reasonable to me. If an advertiser wants to wipe an entire thread from their thread, let them. And if sycophants come to trumpet, so be it. I think it's reasonable for the average visitor to the Internet know that not all positive reviews are objective.
That's why I think there should be a separate game review place. That's where the advertiser cannot control what's being said, good or bad. Create a new forum for them, even.
As for respect for others, that's something that cannot really be policed except by ourselves.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@arkandel said in Make MSB great again!:
The 'MSB effect' in regards to damaging/killing games has come up before, and I hate it. The very idea that this forum is important 'because it can bring down a MUSH', whether right or wrong, is abominable. It's not what the place is about, or for. If our ability to damage games was the measure of its success I'd be looking to pass it on to someone else today since that's not something I want to invest any time into.
There is no "MSB Effect." Any claim thereof is simply untrue.
There are countless examples of games that have persisted despite the best efforts of MSB, WORA, or SWOFA to take them down. To suggest otherwise, in my opinion, is erroneous at best and flat-out false at worst.
This place is the only place I'm aware of that serves as a media outlet. People promote, complain, and defame in equal measure. While it would be nice if people stick to known facts and honest opinions, that as a policy cannot be reasonably enforced without censorship.
This place is fine. Its members may not be, but this place is fine.
You know, except for the changes we're recommending here.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@three-eyed-crow said in Make MSB great again!:
The ad section is my only major complaint with the forum that I actually want to press for change on. I don't think it has any use at all as an advertising platform at the moment.
Stop stealing my ideas.
But, yes, this. Keep advertising free-and-clear of negativity. Open up a Yelp! section for honest/dishonest reviews of the game. Mark clearly.
Most importantly, police each other politely.
RE: Ganymede's Playlist
@gorgo said in Ganymede's Playlist:
I think I staffed at the Tempest as Ms. Orange, yes. The only alt I recall from Eternal Night was Teal. There may have been others, but I couldn't say for certain.
Yes. I did like Rosalind, although she didn't have much direction. Ripley is a development from that concept, and I loved Creepley.
(Edit: Also edited my list above.)
RE: Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game
@fatefan said in Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game:
If I could hire a Ken Burns soundalike for occasional memorial documentary clips, I would.
Um, no. You want zefrank.
RE: Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game
@seraphim73 said in Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game:
I think that much like many BSG games, there may be some tone issues, since much of the drama and tension in both BSG and Aliens comes from "OH MY GOD, WE'RE ALL DYING!" and that doesn't tend to happen on MU*s (besides TGG) without copious NPC blood being spilled, but I think that a solid storytelling staff/playerbase can get around that.
There's really little thematic difference between BSG games and a Colonial Marine survival game. Similarly, there's little difference between BSG games and Mass Effect, except for the really hot alien sex cut-scenes.
RE: FCs on Comic MUs
@thenomain said in FCs on Comic MUs:
This is what I get for cutting this discussion off at the pass.
Levity is its own punishment.
It is far easier to say how man you alts you have, vs. how many characters, so I approve of this Humpty Dumpty redefinition of “alt”.
You know what's a Humpty Dumpty re-definition? Your mom.
(Yeah, I see what you did there. It's near the end of my work day and I was up late negotiating a management agreement for a local hiphop artist.)
RE: FCs on Comic MUs
@thenomain said in FCs on Comic MUs:
Pedantic Note: For our hobby, “one character” and “one alt” are synonymous.
So is "Ganymede's physical instinct when she sees Thenomain" and "savage kick to the gonads."
RE: Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game
@jennkryst said in Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game:
Throw it into the BattleTech MUX engine! Because that will never go wrong, right?!?
Do you have access to this? Because I would so run a Battletech game in a second. Kind of.