@Arkandel said:
I'm not in the "there's nothing to talk about" crowd. I'm in the "it's none of my business" crowd.
People will judge for all sorts of really stupid reasons. I'm pretty sure at least one person judges me harshly because my PCs are either teeny-tiny women (Clarice, Ripley) or uber-mensch (Max, Sam (if I finish up that damned BG)). And my PCs tend to be frosty-boxy or incredibly flirty too; at least, I think they've been perceived as such. Maybe not, but I honestly don't give a shit -- I have fun.
If a player is TSing so much that they are not spending time in their IC roles, presuming they have one, then that's a problem that staff has to deal with. If the player is TSing so much because of staff, or boredom, or, fuck, it's not worth dealing with anyone else on the game, then you have a game-wide problem. I'm of the theory, however, that the average player would rather RP through plots, politics, and other events than TS every single night because, like dungeon-crawling in Final Fantasy XIII, it's fucking boring after a while.
If we're going to have a discussion about "sexual themes in roleplay," then let's talk about sexual themes. That's not what you presented: you asked, bluntly, why people do or do not engage in TS. In my opinion, that has very little to do with sexual themes in roleplaying.
Some of the most sexual scenes I've had involved very little mention of thrusting, kissing, or nibbling. There was seduction, character development, emotional moments, and a lot of other roleplaying that was far more interesting than TS. And to me, it was all very sexual.
Then again, we lawyers find the weirdest shit arousing.