@Darinelle I like the Bolts. Tampa also takes very good care of the bolts and loves them.
Best posts made by Ghost
RE: The Hockey Thread
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@reimesu Yeah, I'd seen a number of people chased off a game by their unfair play, so I do understand the complaints against them. I was just trying to think of a name that wasn't like....a sexual harasser or blackmailer.
I suppose logically to me there are tiers of "usual suspects". Not sure WHERE the line is drawn between tiers, but tiers make sense to me.
RE: Feast of Legends MU(The Wendy's RPG)
@gryphter said in Feast of Legends MU(The Wendy's RPG):
Set the tone light and/or...
RE: Fires of Hope: A Star Wars Story
I go the other direction. I say LEGACY ERA.
- PLENTY of Sith
- For the Yuuzhan-Vong haters, they live in secret ghettos and are universally hated
- Imperial Knights for the win
I don't wanna step aside from this game's advertisement, though. Seems to be a lot of great people at Fires and you should check it out. Seems one of the better SW offerings I've seen in a while, and I think the early days of the Rebellion is a good, lesser-touched setting.
RE: RL Anger
Lex Luthor
Oh. don't get me started on Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor.
I'm not a fan of the "Eccentric Mark Zuckerberg Less Crazy Joker" angle on Luthor.
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@simplications said in What Would it Take to Repair the Community?:
How do we allow a way for people like Cullen to be identified, without creating a forum that allows privileged groups to victimize basically anyone they want through character assassination? The stuff that isn't reports of actual criminals but instead the "I think this person sucks" over what are actually very minor personality conflicts, that then result in pages of someone getting dragged by the friends of the poster.
Ennnh. I don't know if it's possible. I'm trying to think of a way, but if there is a way I just can't see it at the moment. Mostly because:
- I think calling out people has become a side form of entertainment for a number of people in the hobby. Even if there was a better way, there would still be a desire for the wrong way.
The Hog Pit allowed a sort of "unrestricted public shaming Olympics" whether it was deserved or not. I think some of these personalities don't want a constructive, better way to do this. I think what they want is a place where they can shame people for being crypto-fascists and laugh about how stupid person X or Y seems to them. I think it's gone on for so long now that it has been normalized and (as you see happening in recent history) if you take away the place where people can do that they'll protest.
Fact is, there simply aren't enough impartial people to ensure things are handled fairly, and even if you had someone impartial enough to handle those accusations in good faith, it would still come down to "whether or not <forum persons handle> likes them".
RE: Feast of Legends MU(The Wendy's RPG)
I am keeping a copy in my PDF library for historical sake.
WHAT I FIND MOST INTERESTING about this feast of legends book isnt the book itself, but I am dying to know the story of how it came to be.
- Did Wendy's make a deal with WotC?
- Did some marketing guy have a D&D game, make this up, then pitch it? (I want a youtube video of that pitch)
- Did some 3rd party DnD5 enthusiast make it then pitch it to Wendy's?
Sounds like there might be a cool story in there.
Some of the art in there looks similar to currently existing DnD book art. LAME that there is no credits page in this PDF (which is what I consider cringey, because the gaming community supports itself and that stuff is important), which means I cant really hunt down if currently existing RPG artists/designers actually worked on it.
RE: The 100: The Mush
@Booriley I think it's cool you took the time to do that. Publicly no less.
RE: The Hockey Thread
For these reasons I am very happy that Todd Bertuzzi is now retired. He should have never had his indefinite suspension lifted.
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@Seraphim73 said in What Would it Take to Repair the Community?:
And @Ghost, I'm with @reimesu -- just don't defend Spider. But yes, I would do my due diligence to see if the person was Spider... and also if they had done the thing my friend said they had done. And I would be one of the folks who spoke up to try to clear the person's name if the accusations weren't true, because people did that for me.
Sorry, I'll reiterate.
I was asking if you would do your diligence to confirm that the person wasnt being falsely accused even IF the accused WERE Spider. Not to see if the person accused was Spider.
And please don't take that question negatively. I just think that while there are people I don't like in this hobby, impartiality is a balancing act, and sometimes that balancing act means siding against popular opinion, a mob of people with pitchforks, and best friends.
I always appreciate the people who stood up for me when I was falsely accused, so I'm with ya there.
RE: ITT: Names You Always See
@Wretched said in ITT: Names You Always See:
@Tinuviel I just name my PC's after Sesame Street Characters.
Dude I KNEW you were Maria that one time.
RE: Savior of the Universe: Flash AhhhhAAA!
Flash is currently in Boston, going on adventures with Marky Mark and his talking bear.
RE: Yes! More Micro-transactions! (Activision, WB Games and EA appreciation thread)
It's not currently in Destiny 2.
If it comes to D2, then I'm out.
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@TNP Alas, referring to them as "such and such vile personality" is, which is not a universal opinion when it comes to me. I'm not bothered by it at all.
Here's the problem with what is going on in this thread right now.
- Person starts a legitimate thread questioning and polling for what would could be done to aid the community into being less toxic.
- Some people gather to share ideas and discuss, which is good
- Some people show up to use it as a sounding board to pick fights over the bannings, the difference between MSB/BMD, and attack others over stuff that happened years ago for a pound of flesh as if the Hog Pit never closed.
I'm not writing this to be personal, but I'm trying to point something critical out, and it's got nothing to do with me. It's the sort of thing that would continue if I never posted again with another unpopular target, and it's something that happened long before I showed up with other people.
There is an open opportunity in this post to constructively try to discuss making things better, but it seems like a third of the people posting are just throwing mud, calling everyone else mud-slingers (despite having mud on their hands but I guess it's justified mud?), and then getting upvoted by people who seem to be showing up only to cheer them on.
I could literally die tomorrow and this would continue because there's something very toxic going on that's been normalized for decades, and it deserves an honest eye.
RE: The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc
@Lotherio said in The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc:
@Ghost said in The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc:
I would expect more language about story/plot continuation and less about how polyamory is approached in RL.
I think its more that writing is a mutual sport, if we're collaborating on a story and I don't want curve balls, am I in the wrong. I mean with trusted players I know, they can throw any curve ball they want, but as mutual writers making a story together there has to be some trust?
You may be right for some people. I think for others this stuff cuts a little too personal or close to home. That it's all about "good writing partners" is a decent mantra, but when the end result is more akin to posting his text messages to his mother's Facebook and putting up an entry on "Dont Date Him Girl" Dotcom...I'm not so convinced.
RE: Fate's Harvest BETA Live (Full Open Soon)
@Meg Fair enough, no love lost. Especially if she's still behaving in ways that make people wanna avoid her. Current behavior is just where I set the stance.
I've had some mega fallout moments with a few people over the years and, after giving them a second chance (or vice versa) and talking things over, things turned out pretty well. So I like to always leave some kind of crack in the door, because if there's no one to RP with, then why bother?
Just my stance on things, but if anyone misbehaves, whatevs, boot to ass
Edit: In all fairness, she is one of maybe 4 reasons the FC Changeling sphere got wrecked so early on. Being there for that sucked.
RE: Yes! More Micro-transactions! (Activision, WB Games and EA appreciation thread)
@ganymede said in Yes! More Micro-transactions! (Activision, WB Games and EA appreciation thread):
@ghost said in Yes! More Micro-transactions! (Activision, WB Games and EA appreciation thread):
Oh, and...
@Admiral not the Hog Pit. Take that attitude elsewhere, please.Excuse me, but that was my attitude, thank you.
Sure, sure, but I'm hoping we can keep from calling something stupid without those so I guess you're calling me stupid too throwdowns.
Those start fights.
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@Bellecourt Kind of you to say so and thank you
RE: The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc
@Lotherio said in The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc:
(except that I'm from Omaha, but try to find me out of 800K+ folks in the area)
You're the one with the big, red "N" your bumper.
I know you. lol (omaha humor)
RE: Fate's Harvest BETA Live (Full Open Soon)
@Derp said in Fate's Harvest BETA Live (Full Open Soon):
But can we maybe take Spider related anecdotes to a different thread so we can maybe focus on the game as a whole in this one, please and thank you? I'm sure if people really care they can follow it there.
Well spoken. Thank you.