@Aria Yanno, the song Motherhas an entirely different tone to it when it's sung by a guy in his late 20s covered in muscles. Now it's sung by a guy in his 60s with dadbod.
Posts made by Ghost
RE: Concerts & Goth Stuff
RE: Concerts & Goth Stuff
@Lotherio Yeah, my Rancid, Offspring, Ritual Device show where Eric Melvin showed up was at the Ranch Bowl.
RIP the Ranch Bowl
RE: Concerts & Goth Stuff
@Lotherio The Vandals are great. Man, almost all of that Epitaph Records new wave punk pre Blink 182 era stuff is solid. Rancid, Nofx, Bad Religion, Offspring...
That was a good era of music.
Concerts & Goth Stuff
@Aria I actually passed on GnR despite being a fan (which I think means liking Appetite, Lies, and half of the 2 Illusion albums). The stuff Slash has been up to with Myles Kennedy I think is so much better, and I kinda wished they just hired Myles as GnR's new lead singer.
Everyone that went says it was great, though. So maybe I did miss out.
RE: Good TV
What We Do in the Shadows is amazing. Amazing.
I love Matt Berry, and I love me some Psychic Vampire.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Jaded Yes! That's what it was. Indoctrination Theory. Thank you.
RE: RL things I love
@Auspice I went FWC because it got me the most time around Shohreh Aghdashloo's voice acting.
Her voice is magical.
RE: RL things I love
@Arkandel AAAAABSOLUTELY. Duncan or Conner. If it's a girl? Connie or...Duncan.
Because if your name is Duncan Macleod it is literally valid to introduce yourself as Duncan Macleod of the Clan Macleod
RE: RL things I love
I know someone whose name is actually Duncan Macleod.
It's distracting.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Meh, America.
The 2020 campaign season started on Nov 9, 2016
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Ganymede Oh I know, but from a poetic standpoint I really liked this interpretation and it made the ending better for me.
Kinda like the interpretation of Prometheus I read, which turned it from BLAH to WHOA for me.
ETA: I think sometimes games/movies have this artistic point that they fail to deliver, but if you look close enough you'll see what they were trying to do. That maybe the director was shooting for KING LEAR and through bad storytelling they didn't get their artistic points across, but after a closer look/2nd viewing with some insight it makes so much more sense.
ETA2: Prometheus interpretation was one that related the creation of the first xenomorph to the birth of the antichrist, and thus the first day of the eventual end of mankind.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Question: I watched a video on YouTube eons ago that went into detail on their interpretation of the RED, BLUE, GREEN ending of ME3 to actually be a trick question.
It basically said that the intended ending was the one where you deny the reapers, the reaper technology explodes, and the Geth die. The reason being that ever since ME2, Shep had Reaper tech implanted in him/her and by ME3 you saw what the Reaper tech was doing to the Illusive Man. So at RGB ending, it was really the Reapers trying to trick Shep by presenting "saving all life by melding biology+reaper tech."
That "Reapers take control" was never the intended selection, and that "the reapers die but everyone is fucked" was made to sound scary enough to be hesitant to choose, but that melding Reaper+biology was their plan all along...and everyone would basically end up like the Illusive Man (implanted, controlled, taken over like the Borg).
Is this pretty much everyone's interpretation of the ending? I dont know if thats how the general ME community viewed the ending, but ever since I saw this video that's been my take; that the RGB Shep ending is ultimately about Shep fighting internally against the Reapers
RE: General Video Game Thread
Andromeda brought back bouncy space rover truck with a gun on it. BOIIIING!
God I loved that thing. I liked the planet scanning stuff primarily because I'd sing "Scanning for life-forms cha cha cha" like Data from Star Trek, but bouncy Death Jeep was the bomb*.
*Note: Especially when you bounced over an incoming missile.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@peasoupling Agreed. DA2 had the best story elements but suffered when it came to environment. Andromeda got an unfair hand dealt. I actually very much so enjoyed it and was looking forward to the single player DLC.
I eventually had to nope out when EA announced that they were stopping all development on story DLC but heyyyyy development on our microtransaction-driven multiplayer environment is alive and well!
Fuck whoever made that call. Fuck them right in the eye.
ETA: Not to rant, but I am/was thoroughly annoyed how EA/Bioware basically went: "Let's take these award-winning fan favorite RPG story-driven franchises and dial-back on the story driven RPG content and add in microtransaction multiplayer stuff." They basically shit in everyone's corn flakes.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I imagine that stretch of sewer was in-game this well-known part of town that you don't fuck around in. Like in Phoenix? If a guy stops you asking for a ride around 7th street and Van Buren? DO NOT
RE: RL things I love
There's a moth flying around my office right now.
Guy on phone: There's a butterfly or something flying around my cube.
Other Guy: Yeah it's a moth, pretty big one, too.
Me, in a Buffalo Bill accent: It's uh death's head moth...
I'm high fiving myself right now about as much as I did as the time a guy said that voltage was running high by about 4 watts and I told him he's gotta turn down 4 wat.
RE: RL things I love
@Auspice Okay I'm not the only one, thank gods.
When I read that this happened in my head:
@jibberthehut said in RL things I love:
@Auspice Yeah, you need like an 8 inch throat
to handle even quilting. It's why when I had money years ago, I got the Singer Quantum, because it had a really generous throat and I could do a queen with just some tight rolling and adjusting how I basted and pinned and dear god I just realized how dirty quilting sounds..blowjob. -
RE: General Video Game Thread
I enjoyed DA2, but the repeated use of the same maps over and over felt lazy.
I get it, Kirkwall wasn't huge, but apparently everything happened on that one stretch of sewer.