@Wretched said in NPC Roster:
What are other parts of a games setting that could be open for PC's to influence
Okay so lemme think. I think in lists sooooo....
The classic LARP influences are: Bureaucracy, Church, Finance, Health, High Society, Industry, Legal, Media, Occult, Police, Politics, Street, Transportation, Underworld, and University.
Could also add something like "Pop Culture Society" that covers everything vague from the local band scene to street art to LGBTQ+ scene.
I also had another idea I didn't share with you yet. In my experience most players tend to look at that influence list and go I want ALL of those at max, which never really made sense to me. How can both your vampire and 30 other players have the police commissioner in your pocket?
So I thought, what if you simplified it as such: A sphere itself can only have say...2 of these as being their niche?
Then it might create an environment where the vamps might say "We can't fuck with the colleges without the Mages coming down on our heads or the Art Scene without pissing off the Changelings, but if we've got the cops and crime families in our pockets."
Or: "Rumor has it the vamps are keeping a close eye on the universities and both them and the Changelings are gunning to control it"
If you make the influences by sphere where the leadership (not just the prince or NPC leadership, but maybe even primogen, movers and shakers in the courts, etc) directs not only which influence is important to them, but what the sphere needs to protect, then you'll get some RP generated from that.
It could also lead to both negative and positive politics RP between spheres. The vamps who have the police could go head to head with the wolves who own the streets in an explosive arc of cops vs gang violence OR they could work together to use their police and street influence to get a dangerous, new drug out of the city.
Just an idea.
ETA: "A friend of the changeling courts got picked up on a possession charge, but the vampire Prince and the Mages who own legal both owe the Lings a favor. Since it would be in all of our best interest that weird stuff doesn't happen in jail...lets cash in that favor to see if we can fuck with his court date enough that the charges get dropped or limited to community service. We'll owe them a favor, but this is how the peace in the city is kept. With favors."