Now that Nic Cage is getting into some awesome films, I vote it gets dubbed: "The ReCAGEaissance"
First the Mcconaissance; now the ReCageaissance
Now that Nic Cage is getting into some awesome films, I vote it gets dubbed: "The ReCAGEaissance"
First the Mcconaissance; now the ReCageaissance
I wear a chain wallet and probably once every few weeks or so I'll sit on some kind of grated bench or office chair and the chain will get caught in it.
I'll go to stand up and find I'm chained to a post. Awkward.
Supernatural should have ended where it was written to end. Season 5. They wrapped up the story nice and neat. Then it became the dead horse that kept being beaten for views.
I gotta give it to the cast, though. Good on them for making good money across 15+ years on a show that I'm sure they're well aware is repetitive and tropey. You git that money, boys.
@wahoo Damn. Encore? That's some "Go into the house in Grudge" level bravery, there.
Shadow Incorporated.
If I wasn't busy trying not to laugh I'd be face-palming. What a stupid fucking decision that name was.
@Ganymede said in The Work Thread:
But we still drive it to go to praccy.
Gotta brave big city drifts if you want those big city slams.
@Auspice We get a lot of that where I live. "Dumb people drive slow in the rain".
Reality is we get so little rain per year that all that gas, oil, fluids, etc all build up on the roads dry, and then when the rain comes out some roads get slick. Presto oil-slicko.
You make a good point about lack of snow infrastructure. Not a lot of people think about dried-then-moist roads here, nor do they consider that cities that dont expect X dont invest in Y.
A legit tornado would royally fuck my town.
@Sunny Hah. Yup. I feel ya here.
I have to balance my desire for ethics/justice with that sweet little devil on the other shoulder who agrees with my ethics/justice but wants to see someone get their comeuppance.
Lifes little dilemmas
Watching someone who knows they are guilty of level 7 offenses against their own "friends" (airquotes) gripe and bitch and seek consolation as a victim because someone committed a level 2 offense against them.
It gets so hard not whistleblowing and throwing the whole thing into chaos as a point of ethics. Because fuck what people who do this feel.
@Alamias That werewolf mini is badass and if this does well I wanna see a "Werewolf Chapters" with BSDs and Pentex and...
Day 1 backer bonus gets you free Banu Haqim expansion.
@Ganymede said in Dating in the 2020's:
We both online dated and, like, never, ever again.
Oh god no. Never again. Never long distance, either.
@Ganymede All good. I'm A-OK. Thanks for the clarification
@Ganymede aaaaaaaaaaaaaah gotcha. When I read it it looked like it went one way, then I reread it and I see that. Derp.
For a moment I was like "Run for your life, Gany"
It's unfortunate and all, and it sucks when someone gets reduced to that, but I think it's more apt to rage at the people who abuse people to that degree more than get annoyed with them for being sniveling cowards and all...
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I wish people had more dignity than turning themselves into simpering, sniveling cowards, but here we are.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Pet peeve: Couples sharing their social media accounts. The "Nick and Laura" Facebook page kinda deals.
Ugggggggggghhhhhhhh those are the worst, because I always kinda feel like that happens because one of the two wants to monitor the other's activity.
@Ganymede I am not talking about that 5 game skid this week. Dont got the spoons for that.
Maybe Kessel is tired because they're making him run a lot.
In less than 12 parsecs.