@Ganymede said in How to pronounce FYI?:
@Ghost said in How to pronounce FYI?:
Because I'm quirky.
@Ganymede said in How to pronounce FYI?:
@Ghost said in How to pronounce FYI?:
Because I'm quirky.
@Auspice said in How to pronounce FYI?:
I will state I have always said it FYI, but my coworker was messaging me and brought it up as 'fwee' (as in its how he imagines it to be pronounced) and it led me to think hmm. Well. How would I go about this...
@Ghost SQL is pronounced as 'sequel' tyvm
Per Wikipedia:
SQL (/ˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/ (About this soundlisten) S-Q-L,[4] /ˈsiːkwəl/ "sequel"; Structured Query Language)[5][6][7][8] is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS).
Wikipedia says it's sequel, so yes. Stop fuckin saying squirrel. Chamberlin and Boyce didnt create squirrel in 1974; They created sequel. You know who DID create squirrel? The Ambrahamic GOD, and if you credit Chamberlin and Boyce with creating squirrels then you're a non-God-fearing heathen and are bound for the lake of fire.
So...please say S.Q.L. or sequel. For your own sakes.
@Ganymede I do enjoy saying "Bee-Tee-Dubs" instead of "Bee-Tee-Double-U", by the way.
Because I'm quirky.
@Wretched said in How to pronounce FYI?:
Gonna swiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
From the chanda-lee-hyeeeeeeer.
Also, this is the capstone argument for GIF or JIFF.
GIF stands for graphic interchange format. It's an acronym. I don't care if the creator of the format calls it a jiff; he's a dope and knows damned well he didn't create the jraphic interchange format
Same goes for SQL. Stop calling it squirrel, people augh.
It's an acronym.
...at okayMaybeNotWoD (OGs call it "Whad")
Just say the fuckin letters.
@Auspice said in Dead Celebrities 2019:
(not to be confused with space femaille - stealing @Ghost 's inevitable joke)
Damn it.
Regardless of what it looks like from the front, according to the Klingons this is a uniform and the only metallic/armored piece they wear is on the back, which is the segmented spinal armor.
That uniform won't stop a phaser/disruptor or even a bat'leth, but according to Klingon lore the spinal armor would. The design is based on them only wanting to protect themselves from cowards seeking to rob them of a death by actual combat.
Such a nerd.
@Killer-Klown I like multiple iterations of SR. I dont want to see it buried. Instead I always wanted my Fallout/Skyrim type Shadowrun game.
Instead, Shadowrun made a PvP shooter and CDPR beat them to it by making CP2077. I'd still want to see SR grow, but I said the same thing when the Underworld movies got made and got there first before Vampire: The Masquerade did: "Swing for the bleachers."
Cyberpunk is currently well within their right to bootstomp Shadowrun right now. If they play their cards right, Cyberpunk will be the name in the same way that Kleenex is synonymous with tissue and Kool-Aid is synonymous with powdered fruit drinks (despite their being dozens of competitors, people dont ask 'do you have any tissue?', ask where the Kleenex is)
I think my argument was unclear. I'm not saying that mass outrage is going to even register as a blip on Amazon's radar. I was making an anecdotal observation that a lot of white guys are really mad right now on various WoT fansites.
Not even WoTmania?
I wonder if from a marketing perspective the people getting upset about racially motivated casting actually works in favor of the product.
The more people upset about Perrin being cast with darker skin hitting social media will also draw more people to the show for supporting diversity? I think if doing so didn't result in good/better turnout we wouldn't be seeing it happen at all.
@Admiral CP2077 might reinvigorate the genre on film and prompt Shadowrun to up their A-game.
Or put Shadowrun in a coffin. Who knows. You're right, though. CP2077 will boom and draw interest to the genre.
@Groth I would love to see more cyberpunk games. I think we are less than a year away from Cyberpunk slam-dunking over Shadowrun's head, and I think you're right that on a cyberpunk factor this game is attractive and eye-catching.
That is what I will say that is constructive.
I, however, am a staunch believer that all sex-focused MUs need to do everything they can to age-gate access and if they allow the simulation of pedophilia they are supporting that kink, those who partake in it, and potentially creating an online haven for pedophiles to meet, groom, or continue their behavior.
I think it would be a different case if it was simply 16 year old characters (in some countries 16 is the age barrier between consent and crime), but to put in the intro that an 85 year old can choose to wear the shell of a 12 year old is a major red flag to me.
I agree. I would say that the creator is wasting a lot of the game's potential by making it sex-focused.
What is an x-profile? Is that like their kink/fetlife type profile (which may explain why the x-profile details are gated by a login)? If so, I am less believing that the game was only made sex-focused for the purposes of beta testing. Seems more baked in.
From what it looks like there are characters there under the age of 18.
So I guess it's cool if you're into that.
(disclaimer: this is sarcasm. I don't think it's cool to be into that.)
@Derp said in Dead Celebrities 2019:
@ZombieGenesis said in Dead Celebrities 2019:
Barbara March played one of my favorite Star Trek baddies(along with her sister B'Etor).
For a warrior race, they sure do like leaving their chest exposed to whatever weaponry happens to pass by. So much cleavage.
About to go full nerd here...
Klingons typically only wore spinal armor to protect themselves from cowards. No self respecting Klingon would wear much chest armor. Cleavage for everyone.
I both love and dreadfully hate the process of hiring inspectors during the home buying process.
Hate: Hundreds of dollars spent that you won't get back just to determine if you want to buy a house. This could end up resulting in a net loss of 400-700 dollars while hunting for a house.
Love: That money isn't wasted. 400-700 dollars is worth it to avoid losing tens of thousands if you purchase a house with serious issues. It's smart to be the person paying someone to watch your back. I'd rather lose 500 dollars "checking" than to buy a house and suddenly find myself mired in a 6000-15000 dollar foundation repair problem that must be fixed.
Still hate: When you identify an issue during the home inspection process that requires a different inspector to determine the total estimated repair cost of an issue found: "I might not buy this house at all at this point, but I'm legally obligated to continue hiring inspectors to provide a list of repairs that need to be done, which the seller may say 'no thanks' to."
Dolla. Dolla. Bills. Yall.
I will note that an IP foKusing on death matches may not go over well in a hobby many that are averse to Karacter death and/or failure. However HorrorMux has shown that players are less averse to PC death when they know their Karacter will be able to wake up post-death to RP the horror of it.
(Edited for K to make it more Kombatty)
@Ghost said in RL things I love:
Brother in law from Mexico is taking his citizenship test today. Positive vibes out to him if you have some to spare.
Update: so I guess I was informed that he was taking his test after he was already in his test.
He has been invited to a naturalization ceremony.
Brother in law from Mexico is taking his citizenship test today. Positive vibes out to him if you have some to spare.
@Admiral said in Dead Celebrities 2019:
@Auspice Steve Irwin was a jerk who ran around sticking his thumb up animal's buttholes until one finally had enough. That stingray is a hero.
WAT? It's not cool to do that?
@Wretched said in Dead Celebrities 2019:
@Tyche While i may vehemently disagree with you on politics, I don't care about which ones go to prison for corruption, rape, and/or child molestation or whatever. They can all share a damned cell.
1 cell, 10 politicians, 1 kabar knife, and 1 egg mcmuffin.
I'm normally not a violence guy but I'd be alright with that.