@Auspice No wonder the house elves and Hogwarts janitor were such assholes.
Posts made by Ghost
RE: Fandom and entitlement
RE: Fandom and entitlement
@Pandora said in Fandom and entitlement:
@Ghost said in MU* Gripes and Peeves:
@Arkandel said in MU* Gripes and Peeves:
Should it be? I don't mean that as a rhetorical question.
I think the point is moot.
(I havent seen the latest Fantastic Beasts movie so correct me if this is inaccurate)
The author chose for the details of the sexuality of these characters not to be the focus of the story. The camera, it could be said, isn't focusing on that in either the books or the movies. It doesn't matter if a character is gay, straight, or anything. If their story isn't focused on their romance and relationships, then their personal sexuality may not even matter to the story at all. It's like those people that are quasi-demanding Poe and Finn in Star Wars be a couple because they love the idea. If romance isn't their story arc, then daydream whatever you want is happening off-camera, but not at the expense of the story the author has chosen to tell.
This is J.K. Rowling's fault for Twitter-inserting canon into her stories that she's not actually putting into the books and movies. She's dangling source material, then not including it in her works.
Could there be good story in expounding on Dumbledore's romances? Sure. Is it the story the author is telling? No.
Dumbledore and Grindelwald's past relationship is a huge plot point in the latest Fantastic Beasts movie, you'd have to see it or at least read the synopsis to really wade into this one, this is past the point of Twitter posts now, it's canon af.
Fair nuff. Been meaning to see it and was aware that she'd said Albus was gay, but didn't know if they'd actually depicted it in the latest movie. Will check it out.
RE: X-Cards
This article, here (about a guy ejected from a gaming con for running an RPG where the PCs get gang raped) is why promoters of the X-Card feel that it is necessary. Regardless of my personal disagreement with the X-Card, this is highly relevant to the discussion.
On more than one occasion my SO and I have been "surprised" by stuff like this during game night. It resulted in someone being thrown out the door like Jeff on "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost If it helps in my mind canon you're all serial killers. I've seen your Hog Pit posts.
Hahaha so fuckin true, but I'm being dead serious. Pun intended.
Went to a house party this weekend. I have no idea how this flew under my radar, but this lady was talking about how this guy who was on her Facebook is currently on ice awaiting trial for being a serial killer who decapitated two women. Turns out he wasn't on my FB, but I went to look up his mug shot and it turns out I'd crossed paths with the guy more than once.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
TMW you find out that a gamer that you'd crossed paths with multiple times at conventions and other gaming events is...
...currently on trial for being a serial killer who decapitated two women.
RE: RL Anger
Can you whitelist?
Ex: IF people in this list page then allow it, if not send rejection message.
I imagine the approved list would be small ane easier to maintain.
RE: RL things I love
I just achieved dude level 80 in real life for eating meatballs out of a red solo cup at a house party while we are watching Roadhouse.
"Pain don't hurt."...and then I cleaned out the red solo cup so I can put booze in it later.
RE: X-Cards
why not tool it as something that a player can signal a no-harm-no-foul you guys are awesome but I need to exit
There's a pretty strong "RL First" mantra in the hobby. Simply saying "Hey guys I've gotta step out" works well.
RE: King of Sex Mountain
@Auspice said in King of Sex Mountain:
@Ghost said in King of Sex Mountain:
@Auspice said in King of Sex Mountain:
@Ghost said in King of Sex Mountain:
Awful. Definitely awful.
Someone suggested me staffing, @Ganymede .
Hold me. I'm skeeered.
I already told you, you cannot be staff. You'd abuse your power and not even in the fun way.
You proclaimed yourself King of Sex Mountain.
RE: King of Sex Mountain
@Auspice said in King of Sex Mountain:
@Ghost said in King of Sex Mountain:
Awful. Definitely awful.
Someone suggested me staffing, @Ganymede .
Hold me. I'm skeeered.
I already told you, you cannot be staff. You'd abuse your power and not even in the fun way.
RE: X-Cards
@Ganymede Oh, I probably should have clarified that my game industry buddies out here (and a number of other) advocate for the use of X-Cards in both con games AND in-person coffee table RPG night games.
V5 also mentioned the x-card as an option, IIRC.
RE: X-Cards
I agree that mushing kind of has X-card policies written into it, which is probably for the better given that most of the time this stuff isn't actual tabletop gaming, but creative writing with strangers. Strangers can be weird; doubly so with the anonymity factor.
The x-card itself is more designed for in-person TT RPG/OTT games and convention games. It's been getting heavy use as a "fuck that" button in response to plenty of complaints of con GMs perving on female players or creeping on them through IC content.
RE: RL Anger
It's so stupid but I am near to tears; as it is I have trouble communicating and when I ask for clarification someone implying that I'm stupid or being sarcastic about it isn't helpful and makes me feel like shit.
No, being mocked for any miscommunication—misunderstanding, mishearing, misreading, misspeaking, etc.—never does. Sympathies.
Can we bronze/pin this response?
RE: X-Cards
I've gone back and forth with some of my game designer, con GM, and RPG friends on this. Got a lot of friends who are fans of it. Me? Eh.
I believe that the "X" card is in antithesis to good communication and the sort of cooperation gaming needs to inspire.
I can understand the concept of people not wanting to make a fuss about content that doesn't make them uncomfortable, but ultimately I view the use of the X-card as a "sign of the times" in terms of negative social control mechanisms.
Gaming groups should:
- Communicate beforehand which topics aren't welcome in the gaming group (as to know which subject matter shouldn't be in the module at all)
- Establish what kind of content the game is going to include, giving players who do not wish an opportunity to opt out prior to play (not every game is for you, and people are not REQUIRED to alter content preferred by the whole for a single player if they do not wish to.)
- Communicate with each other mid-flight about content that crosses lines (because a gaming group that works on communicating with each while they play is healthy and should be encouraged)
I think the 'X' card is more feasible for convention games (where your GM and fellow players are often strangers), but I've told my friends that I will never game with an 'X' card, even if it's a convention game that I'm running. It's not for any edgelord reason; there are a pretty reasonable number of topics that I simply won't touch in any of my games (at the very least I won't allow graphic depictions of, players to perform said actions of, or storylines focusing on them) and for good reason because those topics are just depressing.
So why no X card/aversion to it?
Because gaming is a social hobby, and when gaming becomes a hobby that one player can push a button and be socially entitled to wordlessly control the table, then the point of the hobby has been lost altogether.
I think the X card sets a bad precedent. I think in some cases it negatively impacts communication, creates an environment of walking on eggshells, and in the "pie in the sky" best case scenario people will be ready and eager to adhere to the X card rule (because they love their friend), it can also result in fostering resentment due to never really communicating but living by the whims of the card.
Human interaction isn't designed for an X-card, and I don't think gaming should ever be about GAME > COMMUNICATION.
There are some harsh truths about gaming:
- Not every group is a good fit for you. That isn't always their burden.
It's not something that I would ever do, but the reasonable part of me knows there's groups out there that wanna do the edgy stuff. In all fairness, I can't join in and hit the X card on content that's been their bread and butter up until I joined and deserve a course correction. Game is a bad fit. If by a chat they don't want to change course, then it's reasonable for me to opt out. Either way, hitting that X card is still going to result in a conversation about preferred content anyway.
- Open-Invite games SHOULD be upfront upon what content is allowed or present in the night of gaming, and regular groups should be establishing boundaries.
Good GMs and players should post what kind of content to expect. This gives gamers an opportunity to assess whether or not the game is a good fit for them before joining. If the game lists potential content that's unacceptable to you? Best you can do is ask for details or ask if they can alter. Every gaming group should (on session 0) discuss no-go points before the game begins, which would establish what gets put in a content post on a game invite. V5 has a great section on this.
Discussing these things builds comfort and communication.
I'll stop it at 2, but my angle is pretty clear. It's 2am and I'm probably doing the broken record thing. All in all I'm simply not comfortable with any social situation where everyone gets a random button that'll shock some figurative "invisible fence dog collar" around my neck to snap me into whatever their preferred form of propriety is. Wanna talk and communicate? Great. If you prefer not to communicate and just wanna go with the figurative "invisible fence dog collar" option? Then you're not a good fit at my table.
It's not a matter of triggering, but the expected social control mechanism that I dislike.
(Edit: Jesus wtf that longer than it felt like)
(Edit2: thatswhatshesaid) -
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Auspice Hahaha. I authorized the firing of one torpedo and the dude fired two. It turned into a scolding session that "we are on a FIVE YEAR JOURNEY and only have so many torpedos", and that he would be docked replicator rations until the value of the torpedo was repaid in full. Oh, and that if he went to Federation Human Resources over this as retaliation I'd have Operations airlock him.
Operations Guy: "FUCK YEA, BRO."
RE: General Video Game Thread
Man, I played Star Trek Bridge Crew once and loved it; probably a little too much. They let me have the "Captain" role. LOL that was such a bad call to give a RPer like me an authority role. It was like Archer meets full-blown employee review threats and inspirational corporate slogans. So much fun.
I might go the VR rig route but game development hasnt exactly caught up with VR yet, so I'm waiting a little longer to see how it pans out.
RE: RL things I love
@Alamias Exactly.
I suspect that my SO is a WTF-Grade speeder.
RE: RL things I love
@Auspice Fuckin weird.
I need no less than 1.5 hours to motivate.
RE: King of Sex Mountain
@surreality said in King of Sex Mountain:
Slow-mo nekkid sword fights
This perfectly sums up my career in information technology