@Ganymede Congrats!!!!!
Also, if I were a Changeling that fed on sadness, this weekend would be like the Super Bowl. I have a feeling Game of Thrones and Avengers are gonna be tear jerkers.
@Ganymede Congrats!!!!!
Also, if I were a Changeling that fed on sadness, this weekend would be like the Super Bowl. I have a feeling Game of Thrones and Avengers are gonna be tear jerkers.
@Ganymede Hey, it's not my complaint. I get that hockey is mostly piss and vinegar and bad calls are a part of it. I don't have a dog in the playoffs right now. Yotes and Flyers aren't present.
I'm referring to This 5 minute major drama in which the Knights are saying handed game 7 to the Sharks
YouTube the Game 7 highlights between the Sharks and Knights. Coming back from a 0-3 trail on home ice? The way the crowd pops when each goal was scored (Sharks came back to win 5-4 in OT) is insane.
Also, the series is gonna go down in the books as a mess referee-wise. Lots of shit calls that it's making news and those officials have been removed from reffing round 2.
Dangling this carrot...
...a fun-filled 20 something with a love for dance music, beach volleyball, and per legend once soothed a bear into pacifism by singing "Sailing" by Christopher Cross.
PB: Mickey Rourke
New Game Idea:
(drum roll)
A game about the lives, trials, and tribulations of hardcore 1980's camp counselor tropes with all PBs in their 30s and 40s.
Will they discover the lost hermit rocker in the woods before the rich kids from across the lake unwittingly cause the destruction of the camp by nuclear fire?
Will a 20 year old Ted (PB: Clive Owen) succeed at saving the camp by keeping his crown as the camp's reigning fart fight champion?
Will the multiculturally cast group of high school gangbangers sent to camp to avoid probation (PBS: Tracy Morgan, Will Farrell, Betty White, Wes Studi, Ricky Martin, Mako) learn to work together before one of them stabs each other with the SWITCHBLADE HIDDEN IN THE BUNKHOUSE???
@ZombieGenesis said in Good TV:
if you hurt my friends
then you hurt my pride
I gotta be a man
I can't let it slide
@faraday said in SerenityMUSH - Discussion:
I'd love to see another Firefly game take off
Also: Faraday is right. One thing that can be learned by Serenity Mush's past is how the concept of insular crews can become a hotbed for clique behavior, competition, and locking other players out or plot content.
I think the Firefly universe has a future in mushing, but advise people to find new ways to try to avoid this before attempting.
One thing I think may help combat that is to make it less about stuff (credits, coded guns, etc), because on Serenity mush it was clear who had the starter popgun bullshit and who had the WTFBROKENCHEATCODES guns.
Oh, and one more thing about Alice
***=Alice Spoiler***
For the record, my issue with the trope is not quite the same one you're describing.
click to show
***=Spoilerificish Comment***
@TiredEwok Hah! Hat Trick!
Kitty using a taser to electrically subdue 3 people in a very tragic shower brawl (wet floors) is probably in my top 10 mushing moments ever.
I will say this.
There have been, what, maybe 8 different Battlestar games?
With a good enough system, a decent staff, and perhaps a reset to wash out some of that Mal and Inara corruption past, I think Firefly could go that route.
In fact, I'm kinda surprised we haven't seen more of it in the last 5 or so years. There were a few splinter games during SerenityMush's heyday, but IIRC those were run by people with only slightly better reputations than Mal/Inara.
I flip through Facebook and see "With the release of Avengers Endg-"
If you spoil it for me, I'll make a character on a game, find out who you're playing, and PK you.
Did this game ever reset?
Constructively, one of the reasons I left Serenity and never came back (note: Mal and Inara were ultimately reason #1) was that the game was basically seeded with these level 3000 dinosaurs who had all the cash, guns, ships, equipment, etc. I got the sense that a lot of those old guard characters were sticking around mostly because they took advantage of Mal/Inara/cheating/double XP/etc until this small number of players had enough skill and capital to do anything.
Back in the day there was definitely a sense of go along with Mal/Inara and you get everything, go against them and they'll fuck you, but in the aftermath of them leaving the balance of power on the game was so skewed.
So the same old 3million xp players with all the credits and all the ships seemed central to everything, but some of those people were also pretty entitled.
So, I guess I'm asking are a lot of those old guard vulture dinosaur 1%ers still there, has there been a reset and/or new direction of the game, or is this the same Serenity Mush that's been essentially kept on life support for the last 8 years?
I mean, shit, even TR and FC reset.
@Auspice I know this one so imma abstain.
Instead: The Great Gatsby Is One Of The Greatest Movies Of All Time, Coachella
ETA: I clicked the spoiler on your last one @Auspice. Dont judge.
@insomniac7809 FUCKIN SEE?!?! They laugh at me, but there's some fun in this.
“I am fascinated by air. If you remove the air from the sky, all the birds would fall to the ground. And all the planes, too.”