You could also consult with your local chapter of the NCJW to see if they might have any resources. They'd probably be especially keen if you had an interest in the Women of the Wall or feminism in Israel or the work of the Hand in Hand school.
Posts made by hedgehog
RE: Cupcake Dream Project - Feedback Wanted.
RE: Cupcake Dream Project - Feedback Wanted.
Staying at kibbutz guesthouses is also an option, though they're generally separate from the communal living spaces, and not necessarily as 'authentic' an experience:
RE: Silly things you'd been tempted to do on/for a MU*
Back in the day, my PC's Pooka boyfriend and he went around handing out shiny new dictionaries to people on Yule. It was meant to be commentary, but I reckon they took it as a prank.
RE: Comfort Food...
Panang curry, hot.
Chicken tikka masala, also hot.
Chicken samosas.
Mulligatawny soup.
Mashed potatoes.
Weiner schnitzel
RE: World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings
I'm pretty sure Richard Peck's 'The Secrets of the Shopping Mall' is where White Wolf ripped off their writeup of Mannikin Inanimae from. Your idea fits that story well.
RE: PBs You Haven't Had a Chance to Use
If I ever played a Sidhe wilder with Faerie Eternity (it's a young Rhys Fulber from Frontline Assembly):
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
And let's not overlook the fact that he basically started it with Jack Parson's money, and also stole his wife.
RE: Character Information: Wiki or Mu*?
Chiming in late to the conversation, but I am that person who has a wiki, +finger set, +info set and a shortdesc.
I figure information overload is better than a blank slate and nothing to go off of or create interest.
RE: Meanest (But Funniest) Thing You've Done in a Game
As a chaotic good elven cleric, I would require members of the party donate to my goddess' temple before healing them.
It was slightly less cruel than the fact that she considered herself more of a psychopomp than a healer and would roll for the critically wounded to see if it was their time to die or not.
Point being? Don't take the cleric for granted, assholes.
RE: Forum Factions
25 years if we're counting NannyMUD, 23 for The Dreaming 1.0.
RE: Date Thenomain
May this apparently less-hideous Giant Butter Jesus also get struck by lightning. I mean, if that church didn't take the first time as a message that perhaps a quarter of a million dollars was perhaps better spent on actual good deeds, maybe second time will be the charm?
For those of you who have not witnessed this atrocity:
RE: Date Thenomain
I knew that. I figure every Ohioan has passed it at some point in their lives and has an opinion on it. I have seen it but twice (going to and from Jungle Jim's from Dayton) and the impression it left on me is undeniable. Mostly because of the hubris of the assholes that made not one, but two Giant Butter Jesuses.
RE: Date Thenomain
I am married, but I feel compelled to ask what your opinion is on the Giant Butter Jesus (2.0)?
RE: Date Thenomain
If people flee Ohio they will be abandoning Bill's Donuts. However, depending on which direction they head on the highway, there's always Warm Glow Candle Shoppe.
RE: Date Thenomain
I will always confuse this with 'Blue Jacket', which is currently pining for the fjords. No more cloppety coconut shells.
RE: Magicians Game
I tend to agree that since Grossman himself doesn't provide a map of the layout of the school, there's no canonical way in which it is actually laid out. Especially since there's also Brakebills South to consider. And if people bitch at you, 'fuck you, it's a goddamn College of Magical Pegagogy' should suffice for explanation. Not to mention that it doesn't actually appear on any map anywhere.
And, hey, at least there's a map of Fillory.
RE: Magicians Game
Wasn't Brakebills supposed to be in kind of generic upstate New York? So maybe setting it outside of Albany or Rochester or something would work? At least that way you would have a real world map to work with?
RE: Good writin'.
Based on my most recent scene, with someone who has apparently been on the game for years, but this was my first time RPing with them:
Read the desc of the room. Read the pose I have written. Respond appropriately to those things, rather than just shotgun your way through a staccato series of:
'Amadeus nods.
Amadeus lets it go.**
Amadeus asks, 'How did you do that?' ***poses that give me absolutely zero information or hooks to respond to.
Don't RP from your phone without informing me that you are planning on doing so. Don't expect me to carry the whole scene for you, providing a paragraph (or so; my pose length can vary) of text for every single bland sentence you give in return. Give me a chance to pose before you shotgun - since I am actually writing, it takes me more than fifteen seconds. Don't cheat on rolls unless pre-determined (by asking) if it's okay that rolling dice is unnecessary for the scene.
** Actual response composed in reaction to seeing a ten dollar bill spontaneously combust on a service counter.
*** Eventually said after said combustion, with no Awareness roll made to determine that my PC had actually used Pyrokinesis.