I'll start messaging you privately once I get my laptop, but:
What you have with your theme is something akin to Dark Metal, but, with this particular theme, and a different system, you have the ability to play Vampire just as you would in a Dark Ages theme. How is that?
Knights aren't a one-man army. A Knight has weapons, armors, beasts and things that need tending by multiple people.
A Vampire is no different, really, if you strip away the awesome that is Bloodlines and look at the Clans, each Clan uses the world in a different way, and offers the world a unique face. Gangrel can be as bestial as Beast from Grimm Fairy Tales...or can be as intelligent and terrible as Khan, from Star Trek. Nosferatu. Lords of Terror, who project that terror outwards -- or let their lands degenerate into properties of paranoia. Ventrue manipulate the world as if it was machinery, and they have a whole shop to fix things how they need. Daeva, who could easily use passions such as Faith, Charity or even Greed and Gluttony to rule.
Vampires are Masters of their Domain. End of story. That is why politics is so important, because they are also solitary predators...unless, you have Bigger, Badder, Bullies present -- and you do. Draugr. Draugr are no joke. Some can be terrible monsters of terribleness, and some, you'd never know, until it was too late.
So, to my point, enforce a particular edge to both views: You want to be Cowboy Carl, or wish to emulate Candy Cane (American Vampire, guys. Look it up.) Go ahead -- but you have zero resources, because your ass has zero squire's, zero serfs, zero homesteads, zero, zero, zero.
...which sort of enforces your idea for cooperative roleplay. I am Billy Badass, and you are Duke Dollar. We work. Except all of our shit is useless, because we have no idea what this loot is useful for, without Smith Sanders.
Modern vampires are mostly parasitic. Dark Age vampires must be symbiotic, otherwise, how do you know your herd isn't also carrying Spanish Flu?